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97.87% Ghost Raider in DC universe / Chapter 92: Star crossed

Capítulo 92: Star crossed

After the incident with Grodd and the Sceret Society things have been very peaceful in the last month. Now however things were getting serious. Right now there was going to be a meeting of every country about the Legion.

So Sean along with the Original members of the Justice League had to keep watch from outside.

"The Delegates from Kasnia are just arriving. Any sign of Trouble?" Batman asked the group.

"Nothing here." Diana said from above.

"Nothing. Not even a sleazy politician. Are you sure we need to be here?" Flash asked.

"According to a friend of mine terrorists have targeted this meeting to pin the blame on the Legion. Thats something we can't allow. We've worked to hard in the last four years to have everything brought down." Sean said.

"What if these Terrorists are already inside?" J'onn asked.

"Clark is inside so no need to worry." Batman said.

Hawkgirl was flying by the south looking for trouble.

"Hello." Sean said flying right next to her making her smile.

"Hey yourself. Aren't you supposed to be patrolling the North End?" Hawkgirl asked.

"I saw trouble over here." Sean said before his mask vanished.

"What are you talking about? Theres no Trouble over here." Hawkgirl said before he flew under her.

"Sure, there is. And I'm looking right at her." Sean said before kissing her making her giggle.

"You are so helpless." Hawkgirl said making him chuckle.

"When it comes to Women perhaps." Sean said before flying away.

Meanwhile Talbot was in the command center before the room got an alert.

"What is it?" Talbot asked.

"We're tracking an unidentified bogey heading towards Washington. I've tried contacting it, but theres no response." A female technician said.

"I don't like it. Send in a group of fighters and shot it down." Talbot said.

"Yes sir." The Technician said.

The group was still at the meeting when they saw the fighters.

"Talbot you mind explaining what you're doing?" Sean asked.

"Theres something flying right at you but we can't see it." Talbot said on the comms before the fighters fired Rockets at whatever was there and hit something. Suddenly a large cruiser of unknown design appeared.

"Ok thats new." Sean said in surprise.

"It's a Gordanian class seven cruiser." Hawkgirl said.

"Gordanian? Starfire mentioned these guys when she and her sister woke up." Sean said.

"Look out!" Hawkgirl yelled as it fired on them and Sean created a shield to block the attack.

"We need the heavy weapons down here now!" Sean yelled on the comms.

"Roger that. Prepping the Infinity for action." Talbot said.

However suddenly a large beam attacked the Gordanian cruiser making it crash down. Above them was another cruiser along with a large number of fighters.

"Now what?" Sean asked.

"Wait." Hawkgirl said as a smaller fighter flew down to them and landed. And as the ramp opened up another Thanagarian appeared. A man with Armor on.

"Hawkgirl you mind explaining?" Sean asked.


The man revealed himself as Hro Talak a commander of the Thanagarian Empire. He had told the Earth and the Legion that they had sent Hawkgirl to investigate the planet wanting to know if they were strong enough to fight against the Gordanians.

"So why are you here?" Tom asked.

"Forgive me if this may sound offensive General but your world is not ready to face the Gordanians. You would have if your war against the Regime never occurred. Right now Earth's defenses are still vulnerable. We came to offer aid." Hro said.

"What kind of Aid exactly?" Briggs asked.

"A self sustaining Shield Generator. While Earth's Energon Grid is both impressive and remarkable it requires a constant supply of Energon. This device is self sustaining and will last more than long enough until the rest of the Legion arrives." Hro said making them look at one another.

"We need time to discuss this." Tom said.

"Very well but be quick. It will not take long before the Gordanians launch another attack.

Sean had also learned that Shayera and Hro were engaged to one another.

"You all right Kruger?" Reznov asked.

"I don't like being lied to. Even less by someone I thought had feelings for me." Sean said before he got a text.

'Something about this is not right. Get batman to do an autopsy on the dead aliens for more information.' The text said from a blocked number making him smirk.

Minutes later

"I don't know about this. Something about this seems wrong." Lane said rubbing his head.

"We have no reason to believe they pose a threat to us. They did after all help us." Sean said.

"Thats another thing. These Gordanians show up and out of nowhere so do they? I don't like it." Lane said.

"We need all the help we can get. Our fleet right now is still vulnerable since we're behind schedule after our war with the Regime." Richland said.

"The Legion does accept anyone into the alliance provided they can be trusted." Blake said.

"Thats the thing though we know nothing about them. And Hawkgirl has been spying on us for the past 6 years since she arrived." Ross said.

"Look we're going around in circles. Either we make a decision or not." Sean said.

"I say we give them the benefit of the doubt and accept their help." Tom said.


After Earth accepted the help of Hro they immediately began construction of the Shield Generator in the Egyptian Desert.

Sean right now was using his enhanced strength to move a few pieces when Hawkgirl flew to him.

"Sean we need to talk." Hawkgirl said.

"Nothing to talk about." Sean said avoiding eye contact.

"But I wanted to explain about Hro and me." Hawkgirl said.

"I'm in no mood to talk with someone who used me as a substitute for her future husband. Even less so to someone who lied to me for four years." Sean said flying away making her sigh.


Batman was in the Legion morgue where the Dead Goranians were being kept.

"What exactly are you trying to prove?" Talbot asked Batman.

"Think about it. A single ship attacks a major city. Then the Thanagarian armada coincidentally shows up to save us. I don't believe in coincidence especially when it comes to things like this." Batman said taking something out of the body to inspect.

"Ok granted on that. But you don't know anything about this things Biology." Talbot said.

"Maybe. But I know a frozen Liver when I see one." Batman said making his eyes widen.

"Come again?" Talbot said in surprise.

"The crew of this ship was dead before the Thanagarians shot them down. I think we've been set up." Batman said.


"Does something fell off about this thing?" Flash asked as they set up the generator.

"No why?" Sean asked.

"I don't know something just seems off." Flash said before Wonder Woman came on the comms.

"Sean The Thanagarians are lying! Batman's been captured aboard their Command ship...AHHHHH!" Wonder Woman yelled as she was attacked from behind.

"DAMNIT!" Sean yelled before the Thanagarians started attacking them.

"I told you something was off." Flash said as they went on the attack but since Sheyara told them all their weaknesses it was an easy fight for them. Sean however was holding his own agains them before Hawkgirl flew down to them.

"Don't fight us we're trying to help you." Hawkgirl said.

"Do you ever stop lying?" Sean asked glaring at her from behind his mask.

"It was for your own good. You've got to trust me." Hawkgirl said.

"Why? Whose side are you really on?" Sean asked aiming his weaponized arm at her.

"Don't you know?" Hawkgirl asked making his eyes soften and lowered his guard. That was a mistake since the next second she slammed her mace on him making him fall down. "I'm sorry, Sean." Hawkgirl said regretful as Hro flew down to them.

"Nothing personal Commander. But I won't have you get in the way of our mission." Hro said making him scoff.

"You think you've captured all of us?" Sean asked making them look at him in confusion.

"Shayera has told us everyone in the Legion." Hro said making him snort.

"Wrong. I've got one more team left. And you'll regret pissing them off." Sean said pulling out a device and pressed a red button before it started beeping before Hro smashed it.

"Whatever this team is they'll be no match for us." Hro said.

Across the United states six individuals received the signal and frowned.

"And so it begins." A rather blank male voice said.


(Insert Rubber band man by The Spinners)

Sean and the Original members of the League were held captive on a prison ship. Each one of them was in a cell that could contain them.

"I can't believe this. Taken out by a bunch of flying assholes because of a snitch." Sean said annoyed.

"Not like any of us saw it coming." Stewart said without his ring.

Superman was held in a cell that was creating artificial red Sun.

Wonder Woman was tied up by her own Lasso.

Flash was held down by gravity.

Batman had his hands cuffed by some sort of device.

And Sean had Liquid Nitrogen being pumped into his blood since that was his one Weakness as a Ghost Rider.

However suddenly there was a bright blue flash.

"Huh?" Superman said.

"Oh finally." Sean said.

Outside was a man in armor with A shot gun in hand with a yellow smily face pin on the front.

"Excuse me." The man asked gaining the Guards attention who were surprised to see a Human here. "Uh I'm looking for the universes smartest Dumbass which cell is he in?" The man asked.

"Dumbass? I make one lousy mistake compared to millions you've made asshole!" Sean yelled making him laugh.

"Oh lighten up buddy I'm just messing with you." The Man said before the guards neared him only to be taken out by a man in what looked like An Owl Costume dropped down and kicked them away.

"Nite Owl." Sean said before a man in a brown coat appeared from the shadows and pulled one of the guards into a headlock before breaking it. He also had a brown had and a white mask with moving black ink. "Rorschach." Sean said.

"I told you something was wrong kid." Rorschach said before opening his cell and pulled the tubes out making Sean sigh in relief. "Damn. This is a highly concentrated dose. You won't be up to speed for a few hours." Rorschach said.

"Yeah no shit." Sean said before a man in an Egyptian like Costume appeared and punched some of the guards away. "Ozymandias" Sean said.

"I have to agree with Rorschach this time. There was to many unknowns in this." Ozymandias said.

"Lecture me later." Sean said before a woman in a black and yellow outfit jumped down and kicked back the guards before unlocking Wonder Woman's cell. "Silk Specter." Sean said.

"Hey Sean. Long time no see." Silk said.

"Comedian." Sean said getting the armored man known as Comedian to walk forward and unlocked the rest of the cells before Unlocking Batman's cuffs.

"Welcome to the Watchmen Bats." Comedian said.

"Watchmen?" Superman asked.

"I'll explain that later." Sean said before a Bright blue man appeared in black underwear. "Doctor Manhattan." Sean said.

"Been a long time." Manhattan said.

"Lets get out of here." Sean said.

"Where to?" Nite Owl asked.

"To my place now." Batman said.

"Very well." Manhattan said before they disappeared.

(End Song here)


Soon Everyone in the League and the Watchmen were in the Batcave.

"Been a while since I was here." Rorschach said.

"You've been here before?" Comedian asked smoking a Cigar.

"Long story for another time." Batman said.

"Ok lets go over what we know so far. The Gordanians are nowhere near Earth. We have to assume they're afraid of the Legion since we took down the Regime." Sean said.

"If they are nowhere near Earth why are they here? What are they really building?" Nite Owl asked.

"Perhaps they are making way for an invasion fleet. Whoever controls Earth controls the universe. It's a simple concept these days." Ozymandias said.

"No even they don't have enough forces to take on the whole Legion. We have billions of soldiers. They're planning something else." Rorschach said.

"Yeah but what?" Silk asked.

"I can tell you." Hawkgirl said making them widen their eyes as she appeared from the Shadows.

"You've got some nerve." Superman said.

"We should thank you. Saves us trouble from tracking you down and kicking your ass." Comedian said as they neared her.

"I didn't come to fight. Hro lied to me about why he's really here." Hawkgirl said.

"Gee what a fucking surprise." Silk said.

"Enough. Why is he really here?" Sean asked.

"He's building a Hyperspace bypass." Hawkgirl said making Sean, Manhattan, Ozymandias, Nite Owl and Batman widen their eyes.

"What the hell is that?" Rorschach asked.

"Its like a slingshot that lets you pass through certain areas in a second from certain points to the end. But the problem is those thing destroy planets." Sean said.

"Oh shit." Silk said in surprise.

"He's using to both destroy the Earth and get behind Gordanian lines to wipe them out." Hawkgirl said.

"So he wants to destroy Earth as well on purpose?" Manhattan asked.

"Yes. He believes the Legion is a threat to the Thanagarian Empire. Back then he didn't realize how much potential Earth has. He's even more afraid knowing the entire planet is one planet sized Transformer that created life." Hawkgirl said.

"Fucking figures." Comedian said in annoyance.

"How much time we have before he activates it?" Nite Owl asked.

"Not much. A few hours at best." Hawkgirl said before handing Batman a flash drive. "This contains all the information you'll need. Believe if I knew what he was planning I never would have told him everything I knew." Hawkgirl said as he frowned at her.

"We'll check it out. Theres the door." Batman said as he and the others walked past her. Except one.

"Aren't you going to turn your back on me?" Hawkgirl asked facing Sean who didn't move.

"The last time I lowered my guard around you, you sucker punched me." Sean said narrowing his eyes at her.

"Believe me it was nothing personal. I thought what I was doing was right. Just like I'm doing now." Hawkgirl said handing him the General's necklace that gave him his armor and Stewart's ring making his frown lessen before she left.

"Think we can still trust her kid?" Rorschach asked.

"I don't any sense lies from her this time." Sean said putting the Necklace on before his armor appeared. "Besides if she's right we can't afford to argue about it." Sean said.

Using the data Hawkgirl gave them they saw a simulation of what would happen.

"Ingenious." Batman said.

"Ok I'm impressed. Now lets go blow that shit up." Comedian said smoking his cigar.

"How? The damn thing is surrounded by a force field." Silk said.

"A force field controlled from the command ship." Batman said showing the location. "Shut that down and then we can take care of the generator." Batman said.

"That fucking thing is the size of a city." Sean said.

"What are you going to do? Throw one of your toys at it?" Comedian asked.

"Something like that." Batman said before suddenly A small squad of Thanagarian's rushed in.

"Surrender now." Kragger said.

"Jon." Sean said to Manhattan.

"Forgive the mess." Manhattan said before all but Kragger exploded with their blood splattering everywhere.

"WHAT!" Kragger yelled in shock before Rorschach grabbed him before slammed his head into a wall knocking him out.

"That was...New." Batman said a little disturbed by that display.

"Now you see why this team is the best." Sean said.


Using Kraggar's ship after J'onn forcibly extracted information from Kragger which made him brain damaged the Ship approached the Watchtower.

Soon they landed and J'onn disguised as Kraggar approached a few guards.

"We weren't expecting you sir." One of the guards said.

"There been a change in plans." J'onn said before Batman, Comedian, Rorschach, Silk, Flash and Ozymandias rushed in and took out the guards.

"Ok we got the tower back now what?" Silk asked.

"Yeah where's this weapon you need?" Comedian asked.

"You're standing on it." Batman said making them widen their eyes.

"Wait are you gonna?" Flash asked.

"Take the Watchtower out of Orbit and drop it right on top of their little science project." Batman said.

"What if it misses though? It might accidentally hit a highly populated area." Rorschach said.

"It won't. Help me get them to the escape pod." Batman said.

Soon they gathered everyone on the pod.

"That all of them?" Batman asked outside the pod.

"Yup. Every last bird fuck is here." Comedian said.

"Good." Batman said before closing the door and launched the pod much to their shock.

"The hell are you doing?" Silk yelled.

"I can't risk having the Watchtower burn up on reentry. I'll have to guid it in manually. Gentlemen, it's been an honor." Batman said.

"Son of a bitch!" Rorschach said before getting to the communication consul.

"What are you doing?" Flash asked.

"Seeing if I can't contact the others and warn them." Rorschach said.


Sean, Superman, Wonder Woman, Nite Owl in his aircraft and Doctor Manhattan approached the command ship as hundreds of fighters approached them.

"Pretty bad odds." Wonder Woman said.

"Oh yes...For them." Sean said with a grin before the attack began and with Manhattan's powers the battle was in their favor before Sean blasted a hole into the ship.

Once inside he made it to the control room for the shield generator.

"The Force-Field control is over here." Talak said flying down. "That is why you came Correct? You want it? All you have to do is get by me." Hro said.

"Oh please." Sean said blasting him but he deflected it.

"This won't be like the last time you stole something that belonged to me." Hro said making Sean frown behind his mask.

"Shayera is not a thing. She has a right to decide what she wants. I especially don't think she likes the idea of being with someone who wants to kill billions out of some misplaced fear." Sean said making him roar and charged at him but Sean just grabbed him by the neck and slammed him down hard. "Not even worth the effort." Sean said heading for the controls and started blasting it.

"Mistake." Hro said before slamming his axe in his back making Sean cry out in pain before Hro kicked him down and pulled his Axe out. Hro was about to slam his Axe for the kill when Shayere bursted in.

"HRO! Enough! You're a solider not a murderer." Sheyara said before he attacked her.

"I'm a fool! For ever loving you!" Hro yelled.

Sean slowly got up just as he saw Hro slamming Sheyara down hard making her cough up blood which made his blood boil before charging at Hro who was caught by surprise and rammed him into the shield protecting the controls making Hro cry out in pain before the shield exploded and badly hurt Hro. Sean sighed before walking to the controls and tried to shut them down but he was a little weak till Sheyara placed her hand on his and both shut down the shield generator.

Above the planet Batman passed out from the heat from Reentry but Superman flew in just in time to pull him out.

However something unexpected happened as the Watchtower crashed into the bypass.

"ARGHHHHHHHHHH!" The Roar of Unicron was heard from every corner of the universe before a large blue wave hit every corner of the universe.

"What the?" Wonder Woman said before she started falling had Nite Owl not caught her in his aircraft while Manhattan seemed to shrink.

"Odd." Manhattan said.

"The hell just happened?" Sean asked on the comms.

"You're asking us?" Nite Owl asked.

"Everyone's powers in the universe are shutting down!" Talbot yelled on the comms getting reports like this from everywhere.


Unicron had explained that with both the Watchtower destroying the bypass along with him using his own power to destroy it and the bypass in near completion it had sent a wave that temporarily deactivated every superpower in the universe good and evil for at least two years.

"Wow. Of all things I was expecting." Comedian said.

"Now what do we do about Hawkgirl?" Superman asked.

"It's simple we kick her out of the Legion." Silk said.

"Just like that?" Wonder Woman asked.

"She did betray us all." Manhattan said.

"Yes but she did tell us what they were doing. And she was lied to about their mission. The Legion has always been about giving people a second chance." Nite Owl said.

"For criminals yes. But from one of our own who told the enemy everything about us?" Rorschach said.

"I say we put it to a vote." Flash said.

"Oh come on." Comedian said.

"We'll be arguing all day if we don't." Sean said making him sigh.

Soon the group came to a vote but Sheyara decided not to rejoin the Legion and instead would go out on her own.

"So now what? We'll be without powers for at least two years." Lantern said.

"That doesn't mean we can't still do our job. People need us still. Superpowers or not." Rorschach said.

"He's right. The universe will needs us." Batman said.

Sheyara was outside looking at the ocean with a device capable of opening a portal for her in her hands.

"You never asked about the outcome of our decision." Sean said behind her.

"It doesn't matter." Sheyara said.

"So where are you gonna go?" Sean asked.

"I don't know. Someplace where the fate of the universe isn't in my hands." Sheyara said.

"Was it all a lie?" Sean asked before she faced him before pulling him into a kiss.

"No Sean I love you. I never once lied about that. Goodbye." Sheyara said before she activated the device and vanished.

"I love you too." Sean said.


Starefire was screaming in pain. It was time for her to give Birth. Now the reason she was giving Birth right now was because her people had a really short pregnancy cycle unlike Humans plus with the pill Sally and Yukari took it was even faster.

"Easy honey. Your almost there." Sean said wiping off the sweat from her forehead before She screamed louder than before and when she was done a soft crying sound was heard.

"Here we go. It's a girl." Ann Possible said handing the girl in a pink blanket.

"My baby. So beautiful." Starfire said with tears in her eyes.

Sean smiled at his newest Daughter who had her mother's green eyes and surprisingly she had black hair from his father's side of the family and a lighter orange skin.

"She's beautiful just like her mother." Sean said making Starfire laugh. "Got a name picked out?" Sean asked making her smile.

"Mari Ashburn Kruger." Starfire said getting the now named Mari to laugh at her parents making them smile.

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