Beyond the longing, the pain, the sadness, the despair, and the sorrow, what the boy and the white-scaled Monster found was...
"Look! He's running again! How long before he passes out do you think?"
"Pfhahahha! Stop! I can't! It's too funny!"
Laughter that wouldn't stop.
"How foolish! And stupid!"
"Sooo stupid!"
The scenery changed and the two watched.
Mark's fight against the pain, his fight against the despair that was slowly swallowing him up, his fight against his own heart, his fight against his own self.
Knowing how it all ended, knowing that the struggle proved pointless and meaningless, knowing that Mark would only make things worse...
Foolish. Useless. Absurd.
"Hey, hey!" The child shouted. "You're not getting anywhere like that! You might as well stop!"
"You're only going to make it worse fool! Just give up on this and do something else!"
Something resembling a bear approached in the distance.
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