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97.05% Sasuke: Requiem / Chapter 33: Indra Otsutsuki

Capítulo 33: Indra Otsutsuki

While Naruto and Jiraiya were doing their thing, Sasuke was struggling to break from his 'dream'.

ʼHave you forgotten about me, Son?'

His mother's voice echoes inside his mind, gazing around, he saw once again his brethren being slaughtered.

He sighed.

A daily occurrence, his mind filled with blood and blood everyday. Forging a blade out of thin air, he detached his 'mother's' head.

'Do you hate me, Sasuke'

Mikoto's hands crawled on his body, he ripped those arms of his 'mother' apart.

"Indra, quit it with the tricks"


"Mikoto's" figure swirled and constituted that of a teen. Hair brown and eyes black, two long bangs in either sides and shades under his eyes.

The Son of the Sage of The Six Paths, also known as Indra Otsutsuki. His father, Haguromo Otsutsuki.

"Do you not like to see your mother? My dear Sasuke"

Indra circled the young Uchiha, the latter's eyes were getting darker each past second, he felt the urge to rip out the former's stomach apart.

"You can't resurrect the dead. Do not act like you can, what you created is a mere illusion, do you think I'd like you to mimic my mother?"

Nearing Sasuke, Indra lifted the Uchiha's chin to look right into his eyes.

"Then, would you like to see your real mother? I can't bring back the dead, I know of it... But... you can"

Slapping his hand away, Sasuke held his blade toward the 'enemy's' throat.

"What do you mean 'I can'...?"

Circling him once more, Indra looked like he was pondering. His face forming a wide grin.

"I can grant you the power, to revive your family whole. Not just Parents, but brethrens as well..."

Forging a chair, Indra sat and supported his chin with his hands, waiting for Sasuke's response.

'What's this guy upto... Reviving the dead? Is this some kind of joke?'

"Tch Tch Tch... I know what you are thinking my dear Incarnation of mine. Fortunately for you, it is not some joke! I can grant you the power... you have already felt it right? When you... activated the mark'

Sasuke scanned the diamond-shaped seal, remembering the surge of power he always got when he activated it.

"What of it? It can only do physical power and some light beam thing... you think I can bring back my family with this? Are you fucking with me!?"

"Oh my! Do you truly believe that's all it does?"

Sasuke raised a brow, what can this mark do more? He never felt like it was something OverPowered or anything, just served as a booster... What was he saying?

"How naive... Ignorance is truly a bliss"

Indra got up from his seat and showed the first time Sasuke connected their 'beings' with eachother, forming the diamond-shaped seal.

"What do you think you were before merging with my soul...?"

"I don't know what you're saying... I was Sasuke and always was"

Indra shook his head in disappointment, the moment when Sasuke discovered he was a quadra elemental played out before him, he grew confused... What now?

"Your mother had lightning and fire elements as her affinities, your father only had fire... Where do you think you got that Wind and Water from?"

Sasuke's pupils shrunk.

"You mea-"

"Yes! It was because of me! You got those affinities because you had merged and was able to grasp a tiny, itsy bit of my power... That took shape in the form of elements"

'What the fuck?'

"Where'd you think you got that IQ from? your ability to think and comprehend faster than an average person?... You know right, it was also because of me!"

Indra was grinning wildly as he fixated his gaze on Sasuke.

"What more? Where'd you think you got that 'talent' from? That was also from me! Hahahaha!!... Now, do you understand what I hold? You got so much just by scratching the bottom... Do you now understand the depth of my power?! I can revive the fallen without breaking a sweat, but not now"

Sasuke grew puzzled, lost and more importantly... Intrigued.

"What stops you now?"

"It seems you haven't still gotten that much of my abilities yet, to say in other words, still dumb"

Sasuke felt a bit irritated, but chose not to say anything.

"Forget that... You see, I am nothing but a stranded soul in your consciousness, you see that big fireball over there..."

Indra pointed his finger at the fireball that Sasuke connected to.

"Yeah, that is where my power lays... only I can draw out its full potential. For that you see, I, Indra... Need a physical shape and body"

'I don't like where this's going'

"And for that... I need your soul as an offering. If you give me your soul and body, I can unite you with your family once again, Isn't that wonderful!?"

The Otsutsuki was grinning like a wild man, his eyes of insanity locking with Sasuke's.

"I refuse"


"You see, I don't need your help, nor do o

I want you to resurrect my family. They are dead, and should always be"

Indra became enraged, why refuse!? Isn't that what he wanted!?

"Tch Tch Tch, I know what you're thinking dear Ancestor of mine, why refuse? Right. Well to begin, I don't plan on dying you see, and I have also left behind my family long ago, they're dead, the dead has no value... At least the majority"

Mocking with Indra's own words, Sasuke continued.

"And the fact you said 'yet', proves that I can also draw out more of your abilities, right? So what's the point of sacrificing my soul if I can get the power by myself"

Gritting his teeth, Indra started to show his brethrens dying once again. Unfortunately for him, Sasuke paid no attention to it.

"Try all you want, you can never win. And guess what, I'll also cease you of existence by absorbing every bit of your power, thank me later... bro. *Wink*.

"Do not mock me, child! You are nothing without me! You are nothing but just a mere vessel for my rebirth!! All your talent, all your power comes from me!! You hear me, you are just trash without me!!"

The holographic figure of Indra barked, Sasuke smirked before cutting his own throat, waking him up from the dream.

"Ouch, that hurt"

Rubbing his neck, he glanced around and sighed after seeing that it was the real world.

'This is concerning... I can feel this guy trying to take control of my body... What a hassle'

Sighing, Sasuke went to warm up before the quarters.

'If he does anything troublesome, I might have to leave Konoha... I should prepare for that'

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