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90.69% The Conqueror of The Shinobi World / Chapter 78: Destiny is Just a Word

Capítulo 78: Destiny is Just a Word

"The Gate of Opening: Open!" With a furious shout that echoed through the stadium, causing a surge of chakra to flow from his body like a blazing torrent of blue flames. As the intense energy engulfed him, the very air surrounding the arena seemed to simmer with an escalating heat, raising the temperature and electrifying the atmosphere.
"The Gate of Healing: Open!!" Not content with just one display of his formidable abilities, Lee continued his onslaught, his voice resolute and determined. Summoning yet another burst of chakra. This time, the towering wall standing fifty meters behind him quivered under the immense force, cracks spiderwebbing across its surface with a resounding boom. The fracture snaked its way upwards, reaching the pinnacle of the barrier as debris rained down in a chaotic symphony, punctuating the magnitude of Lee's power.
Not anymore, Neji thought as he mustered every ounce of determination and urgency, his mind racing as he desperately lunged toward Lee. His sole purpose was to halt Lee's rapid progress in opening the gates that could potentially unleash more immense power. However, to his astonishment, Lee's sharp perception allowed him to anticipate Neji's intentions effortlessly, and in an instant, he vanished from Neji's line of sight. It was as if Lee's lightning-fast movements blurred into the ether.
Neji's intuition warned him that the impending attack would come from his left, and his premonition proved correct. However, this time, he realized that his own speed was insufficient to defend against the impending strike. With lightning-like precision, a devastating punch connected with Neji's vulnerable cheek, sending shockwaves of excruciating pain through his face and fracturing his delicate nose in an agonizing shatter.
As Neji's body forcefully collided with the solid concrete wall, the impact caused a devastating effect - his delicate nasal capillaries ruptured, resulting in a crimson stream flowing down his upper lip. Simultaneously, an excruciating surge of agony surged through his entire being, originating from the point of impact and radiating outward. Neji displayed remarkable resilience, bravely clenching his teeth in an attempt to mask his suffering, for he understood all too well that his nasal bone had been fractured.
Refusing to succumb to pain, Neji tapped into his power, activating his Byakugan. Just as he activated his ability, another intense surge of pulsating chakra emanated from Lee's body, creating an aura of heightened energy in the vicinity.
"The Gate of Life: Open!!!"
As the fierce wind whipped through the stadium, Neji instinctively shielded his face with his arm, bracing himself against the gusts that emanated from Lee's powerful technique. The wind swept across the arena with such force that it resembled a tempestuous tornado, its invisible tendrils reaching every venue corner. Not even the unsuspecting audience members were spared from the wind's relentless grip, as their hats were swiftly snatched away and carried aloft, swirling in a chaotic dance with the wild currents. Desperate to anchor themselves against the onslaught, many spectators clung desperately to the sturdy railing, their fingers tightly gripping the metal in a valiant effort to resist being swept away by the unyielding power of the wind.
The Hokage, The Raikage, and The Kazekage watched in shock at the display of power from Lee. The one who was the most shocked was A. The Raikage knew how difficult it was for anyone to open even a single gate; that's why shinobis don't run around opening gates whenever they are cornered to save themselves. But to see such a young shinobi being able to open not one but three gates was outstanding.
Learning how to open one single gate was difficult, let alone open more than one, but the worst part was the price one had to pay every time they used the gates; while someone dies after opening all eight gates, opening the gates was dangerous for the health, and the worst part, every time someone opens the gate, their lifespan shortens.
A remembered one Sannin of Kumo who was a master of opening the gates, but due to relying so heavily on them, by the age of mid-twenties, his hair had turned white, losing its color; he had aged decades within a few years; the Sannin had looked like an old man by the time he reached his thirties, and died on the age of thirty-one.
A couldn't help but acknowledge the young genin; despite being from a different village and a potential enemy in the future, A still valued hard work, and he knew that Lee had reached this level through Hard Work. There was no shortage of learning how to open the Inner Gates, A hoped whoever had taught him how to open the gates had told him to know not to rely on them all the time. Relying on them could lead to a very short life.
The Kazekage couldn't help but lick his lips at the sight, his eyes glittering with glee. While Sasuke was still his main priority, Orochimaru couldn't help but smile In delight; this Genin was a potential test subject. Orochimaru always wanted to see how the Curse Mark worked on the eight gates. Unfortunately, the number of people using them was very limited, and this one seemed like the perfect test subject. Orochimaru had thought of trying to kidnap Guy, but he knew that option wasn't exactly the best for him, and it could easily result in death if he wasn't careful, but kidnapping the Genin should be much easier.
Hiruzen couldn't help but look concerned as he looked at Lee opening his third gate; while using the gates wasn't outside the rules, he knew how difficult it could be for someone to control themselves during the usage until they had fully mastered the inner gates. Hiruzen hoped the Genin wouldn't open more than three gates. Otherwise, Neji might not make it.
With a wide grin stretching across his face, Guy couldn't help but exclaim, "Well done, Lee!" As the young prodigy skillfully unlocked his third gate, the gusts of wind intensified, creating a tempestuous dance around them. Yet, Guy remained unfazed by the growing turbulence, for he was captivated by the sheer display of Lee's true strength. The joy that flooded Guy's heart surpassed anything he had ever experienced, leaving him unable to recall the last time he had felt such unadulterated happiness.
Do it for us, Lee, prove to the world what we can do, Guy though, knowing that Lee using three of his inner gates was more than enough to defeat Neji.
I want to show the world that Taijutsu is just as important as Ninjutsu and Genjutsu; that is my dream. Guy repeated the word of his father in his head, and now, Lee would prove to the whole world that Might Dai was right and that Taijutsu could defeat Ninjutsu and Genjutsu.
"Guy, did you teach the Inner Gates to your two other students? Neji seemed very surprised when Lee opened the first gate," Peering at Guy from behind with a subtle glimmer of suspicion in his tone, Kakashi's voice carried a lingering air of interrogation as he questioned. The piercing gaze of his Sharingan had granted him an unprecedented glimpse into the depths of Neji's astonishment when Lee unleashed the raw power of the first gate, leaving Kakashi awash with contemplation. Deep within the recesses of his thoughts, a profound curiosity lingered, prompting him to ponder if his best friend had perhaps shown favoritism towards one of his students.
Kakashi waited, but the only answer he got from Guy was silence as he watched the fight. Kakashi sighed wearily, placing his hands on the iron railing next to Guy. "Guy, I just hope you don't regret it."
Perched atop the iron railings, his arms leisurely relaxed, Omoi intently observed the ongoing battle in the arena below. The gusts of wind barely caressed his face and were nothing more than a gentle breeze, a mere whisper compared to the tempestuous gales that had once assailed him atop the towering peaks of the Twin Mountains in Kumo. Those winds possessed an unforgiving might, capable of toppling even the most skilled climbers into the abyss, forever sealing their fate. Amidst this serene scene, Omoi couldn't help but comment, "It seems Bushy Brows had a trump card up his sleeves this whole time,"
As Karui marveled at the sight before her, the words slipped out of her mouth in a mixture of surprise and curiosity, "Indeed, I never thought I would see someone else use the Inner Gates," Her mind wandered back to the countless times she had underestimated shinobi from foreign villages, always regarding her own village, Kumo, as the epitome of strength. However, a harsh lesson had been learned after her intense battle with Neji, causing her to reconsider her preconceived notions. The memory washed over her, causing her to wince slightly as the lingering pain in her body served as a constant reminder, even after a month had passed since the fight.
"Bushy brows will win this; the Hyuga stands no chance," Yugito cheered. She didn't like Neji because of what he did to Karui during the preliminary rounds. Yugito couldn't wait to see the ass-whooping Neji would have very soon, but her words weren't shared by Samui, who kept a stoic look, her blue eyes watching the fight closely.
"Maybe, but The Inner Gates are for a short period of time; Lee should not play around trying to show he's stronger like he did last time; if he goes for finishing blows right away and kills Neji, then he will win," With a voice as icy and calculating as a winter breeze, Samui offered her comment, causing Naruto to acknowledge her words with a solemn nod of agreement. However, as Samui's words settled into the air, they seemed to prick at Hinata's conscience like thorns on a rose, compelling her to interject in defense of Neji and Lee. Her voice, though gentle in nature, held a firmness that revealed her unwavering loyalty and concern for her comrades.
"T-They are still comrades. They are both from the same team; they have fought together. How can you say that Lee should kill Neji? They are friends," Filled with genuine concern, Hinata's voice crescendoed in volume with each word she spoke, its cadence free from the usual stutter that often plagued her. Fixing her gaze directly upon Samui, her eyes held a flicker of determination as if issuing a challenge.
With an air of indifference, Samui didn't bother to spare a single glance in Hinata's direction, her words dripping with disdain as she spoke. "Ah, Hinata Hyuga," she drawled, her voice laced with a potent mix of mockery and curiosity, "from the way you fought during the Preliminary Round, I take it you have never killed anyone?" Her question, though posed with a hint of inquiry, held an undertone of condescension as if she were merely stating an undisputed truth, leaving no room for doubt.
Hinata's face turned as pale as freshly fallen snow, her widened eyes reflecting a mix of shock and disbelief. A sharp gasp escaped her trembling lips, rending the silence that hung heavy in the air.
With an intense gaze fixed upon Samui, her anger blazed like wildfire, fueled by a seething frustration. "Of course, I haven't," Hinata's voice pierced the stillness, her words laced with a vehement determination. "I'm not a Monster!" Her outburst echoed through the air.
However, her impassioned declaration did not garner the expected support or understanding. Instead, her words were met with glares and disapproving stares from those surrounding her, their eyes laden with judgment and disdain. The weight of their collective disapproval bore down upon her like an oppressive burden. Yet, amidst the sea of scornful gazes, there was one figure who stood apart. Shino.
"Monster!" with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, Samui let out a contagious giggle that echoed through the air. Her amusement was evident as she cast a playful glance at Hinata, who couldn't help but flinch and instinctively take a step back, overwhelmed by the sheer presence of the buxom Kumo Kunoichi.
Every inch of Samui exuded confidence, especially as she took a determined stride forward toward Hinata, making the young Hyuga feel even more intimidated. Samui couldn't resist the urge to taunt Hinata with a sly smile playing on her lips. Her mocking words dripped with disdain and challenged Hinata. "Tell me, Hyuga," she questioned, her voice laced with a taunting tone, "Why are you even a Kunoichi?" Samui's audacious remark pierced through the air, capturing the attention of every genin within earshot.
Hinata opened and closed her mouth several times, trying to find the right words. She looked at Naruto as if waiting for him to support her, but he simply stood there and did nothing.
"It's clear that you're afraid to harm anyone; during the Preliminary Round, you almost begged your enemy to surrender because you didn't want to kill him, you didn't want to get your hands dirty, that's admirable but foolish, how long before someone takes advantage of your softness and kills you?" Samui questioned with an air of taunting mockery underlying every word that escaped her lips, her tone dripping with a venomous blend of disdain and amusement as if relishing the thought of what she was about to say next, "Tell me, you entered this Exam knowing there's a chance that you will become Chunin, you know Chunins are often sent in Solo missions, without any backup?" The weight of Samui's cutting words hung heavily in the air, casting a shadow over Hinata's already pale complexion, causing her delicate frame to quiver ever so slightly with a mixture of fear and uncertainty.
"You said those that kill are monsters, but look around you," With an icy tone, Samui's words sliced through the air. As her accusatory finger extended toward the vast expanse of the stadium surrounding them, Hinata's spine tingled with a sudden chill. Obliging Samui's command, her gaze swept across the grandeur of the arena, taking in the myriad of Chunins, Jonins, and ANBU operatives who filled the stadium and the Kages sitting on the podium. Amidst the sea of powerful warriors, Hinata's eyes gravitated towards the figure of Kurenai engrossed in a fervent conversation with Asuma.
"All those people killed other people; it's part of who we are as Shinobi. If someone that kills is a monster, then we all are Monsters. But let me ask you something: how do you think all these was built, Konoha and all the other villages? How do you think the Senju Clan, Hyuga Clan, and all the other clans survived long enough not to die out like countless other Clans," Samui's words, like a chilling gust of wind on a frigid winter's day, swept over Hinata with an icy force that drained the warmth from her cheeks, leaving them as pale as freshly fallen snow. Her breath quickened, each inhalation a desperate gasp for composure, while her eyes mirrored the scarlet hues of a smoldering sunset rimmed with a delicate tint of crimson. As emotions surged like a turbulent sea, her eyes welled up with a shimmering cascade of tears.
"How do you think Konoha and other Villages were able to put themselves as the ones in charge of their respective territories, as the main military structure, because they slaughtered the other smaller villages that had smaller armies, like the Village of the River, the clans making that village refused to join Konoha. What happened next was the Second Hokage sent an army of one thousand to make them join forcefully. Those that refused were all slaughtered like sheep," Samui said with no emotions on her face; Hinata was trembling as she gasped in shock.
Hinata didn't want to believe Samui's words; they had to be lies. She knew what the job of a Shinobi was; she knew it was brutal, but she didn't want to believe that the history of Konoha was just a river of blood, that the Second Hokage had done such horrendous things to ensure Konoha was the only Military Structure in the Land of Fire.
Naruto understood the reason behind The Second Hokage's decision: having too many military structures in the Land of Fire could cause problems in the future, and the most important was the income; Konoha would have wanted to be the only military village in the Land of Fire to ensure all the missions would go to them, to increase the money and the funding, and third reason, whatever bloodline that the clans from the Village of the River had would belong to Konoha if they joined.
"This world is built by killers, so you better get used to them. There's nothing wrong with not wanting to kill people; some might even call it admirable, but you can't become a Shinobi and expect all to be sunshine and rainbows. So the next time you fight, remember that hesitation is Death in our world. If you don't fight, you will Die." Samui finished her speech, looking away and focusing on the arena below; silence fell over the Genin Podium, and no one said anything. Shikamaru looked to be in agreement with Samui's words to a degree, while Naruto nodded in full agreement.
As Hinata's eyes welled up with an overwhelming wave of emotions, a searing sensation surged within her, causing her vision to blur and her cheeks to be drenched in a cascade of tears. She couldn't contain her sadness any longer, and as her sobs echoed through the air, a comforting touch gently landed on her trembling shoulder. Desperate for solace, she glanced upward, yearning to find Naruto standing steadfastly by her side, ready to offer his unwavering support.
Yet, to her disappointment, it was not Naruto who met her gaze, but rather Shino, his presence unexpected yet strangely comforting.
"I still think you're an incredible kunoichi," his words resonated within her.
With a gesture of gratitude, Hinata nodded, a faint smile curving her lips as she whispered her heartfelt appreciation to Shino. "Thank you, Shino," she murmured.
Neji observed the moment when Lee unleashed the full might of his potential by opening the third gate. The once familiar hue of Lee's skin had deepened, now exuding a captivating darkness that seemed to absorb the surrounding light. His pupils had vanished, replaced by eyes as pure and pristine as freshly fallen snow. But it was the ethereal green halo enveloping Lee's entire body that truly captivated everyone. It shimmered with an otherworldly brilliance, pulsating with an energy that seemed to surge from the depths of his core. Veins, once concealed beneath the surface, now coursed with vibrant vitality, their prominence accentuated by the sheer intensity of his newfound power.
With a triumphant cry of "First Strike!" echoing through the air, Lee's voice reverberated as he vanished from sight, leaving Neji in a state of bewilderment. The sudden disappearance of his opponent only intensified the already heightened tension in the arena. Like a phantom, Lee materialized in different locations, his lightning-fast speed rendering him virtually indiscernible to Neji's eyes. The Hyuga prodigy desperately scanned his surroundings, his neck twisting in every direction, but before he could react, Lee materialized on Neji's right side with a burst of energy. With an unyielding determination, Lee unleashed a devastating punch that landed square on Neji's cheek, the sheer impact shattering his nose. The force of the blow sent Neji hurtling through the air, his body twisting and contorting in a chaotic dance.
With astonishing agility, Lee propelled himself into the air. As his body soared through the atmosphere, a cascade of gasps and whispers rippled through the stadium. To the mesmerized spectators, Lee's figure became an indistinguishable blur. Suddenly, he materialized directly in front of Neji, suspended in mid-air. Neji's eyes widened in astonishment, barely able to react in time as he instinctively swung a retaliatory blow. But before his strike could land, Lee vanished into thin air, leaving Neji bewildered and vulnerable, only to reappear seamlessly beneath him, poised for his next move.
With unwavering determination and a fierce battle cry that echoed through the arena, Lee unleashed his devastating "Second Strike!!" A symphony of swift movements and calculated precision ensued as his feet connected with Neji's stomach, causing a resounding impact reverberating through the air. Neji let out a guttural scream of agony.
Yet, Lee's assault did not cease there; like a relentless hurricane, he unleashed three more thunderous strikes upon Neji's chest, each blow punctuating the intensity of their clash. Lee materialized before his disoriented opponent, his fist arcing through the air with blistering speed, finding its mark with unerring accuracy. Neji's face absorbed the brunt of the blow, a crimson spray of blood accompanying his descent to the earth below.
Lee landed on the ground as he started rushing toward Neji, who, despite the searing agony that coursed through every fiber of his being, resolutely rose to his feet, his steely resolve eclipsing the physical torment. As blood trickled from his nose, ears, and mouth, Neji's unwavering focus remained fixed on the imminent onslaught from Lee. Fully aware of the impending clash, Neji ignored the pain, knowing Lee would soon attack him.
The last attack of his combo was slower than the other ones. If I can get one good hit on his chest, I should be able to block the flow of chakra from his inner gates completely, Neji thought, as Neji's teeth clenched tightly, his eyes fixed on the incoming attack that came from his right side. With lightning speed, a powerful punch struck Neji's chest, causing a surge of pain to surge through his body. However, the relentless onslaught from Lee didn't cease, as he continued to launch attacks from every conceivable direction, each blow inflicting more agony upon Neji. Despite the mounting pain, Neji gritted his teeth and summoned his determination, refusing to be defeated. With a swift and forceful kick, Neji was forced to meet the ground, but his indomitable spirit propelled him to his feet in an instant. Unyielding, he braced himself as Lee charged toward him, eager to conclude his devastating combo.
Neji's eyes widened, seeing Lee's speed had slowed down a tiny bit, and much to the surprise of everyone in the stadium, Neji rushed forward with his palm forward, straight to Lee's chest where his first inner gate was located, which would automatically block all the others, since they were all connected.
With bated breath, Neji's gaze remained fixed upon his outstretched palm, inching closer and closer towards Lee's chest. I win, Neji thought. However, just as triumph was within his grasp... Lee's hand clasped firmly around Neji's wrist, halting the motion of his palm in its tracks. At that moment, a deafening hush descended upon the vast stadium. Neji's eyes widened in astonishment, fixating with unwavering intensity upon Lee's resolute gaze.
With a fiery glare burning in his eyes, Lee's voice erupted like a volcano, filled with a mixture of fury and determination, as he boldly declared, "You're not the only one capable of deceiving another, Neji!" In an instant, his hands clenched around Neji's wrist like a vice, eliciting a sharp intake of breath and a wince of pain from Neji. With an unstoppable force, Lee propelled Neji forward. And then, like a lightning bolt of raw power, Lee's leg surged forward, delivering a formidable kick that struck Neji directly in the arm, sending a reverberating shockwave of pain near his shoulder.
Neji's eyes widened in sheer disbelief and agonizing torment as a surge of immense pain coursed through his body. Staggering backward, his footsteps faltered in a feeble attempt to distance himself from Lee's vicinity, only to succumb to the overwhelming agony that ravaged his being. Collapsing onto his knees, his posture crumbling beneath the weight of his suffering, Neji's right arm dangled lifelessly, devoid of any voluntary movement. A gut-wrenching cry escaped his lips, echoing through the air, as he clutched his shattered arm with his trembling left hand, the torment etched upon his anguished face.
Just as the referee thought the fight had ended, but to everyone's astonishment, with a burst of adrenaline coursing through his veins, Lee used strength and propelled Neji into the air with a fierce kick. As the crowd held their breath in anticipation, Lee swiftly followed up with a devastating punch, sending Neji hurtling towards the ground below.
The impact was bone-shattering, causing Neji to crash down violently, his body wracked with agony. No longer able to stand, Neji lay sprawled on the ground, a broken and battered figure. Yet, Lee showed no mercy as he descended upon his fallen opponent with lightning speed, delivering a punishing blow to Neji's already mangled left arm. The piercing cry of anguish that escaped Neji's lips echoed throughout the arena, drowned out only by the vivid crimson streams of blood that flowed from his shattered limbs.
With astonishing speed and agility, Lee's hand shot out, snatching hold of Neji's tunic and effortlessly hoisting him off the ground. Lee hurled his opponent skyward. As Neji soared through the air, his eyes widened in surprise when Lee, like a comet streaking across the heavens, leaped before him with unwavering determination. The impact of Lee's fist against Neji's chest reverberated through the arena, shattering the silence with a bone-cracking thud. As Neji's rib cracked under the force, a crimson cascade of blood escaped his lips as Lee kept attacking.
"Since the moment I have met you, you always told me how I was always destined to lose!!" Lee shouted as he kept punching Neji all over his body and not stopping.
"How you were destined to win, that fate has already decided you as the winner!!!" Lee shouted with an even higher voice as he kept punching Neji all over his chest and face.
"Where Is Your Fate Now, Neji," Lee shouted with rage as he kept punching Neji's body.
"Tell Me. TELL Me! TELL MEE!" With a thunderous force, he unleashed a swift and bone-shattering kick, propelling Neji into a devastating descent towards the earth below. The impact was so powerful that Neji's body collided with the ground, carving out a small crater. As the dust settled and the haze dispersed, Neji now lay broken and mangled, his shattered limbs grotesquely protruding through torn flesh, while a chilling pool of his own blood seeped into the surrounding earth, transforming it into a haunting tableau of crimson and despair.
Lee landed on the side of the Wall before jumping downwards toward Neji's body with his leg, like a lightning bolt, surged downward with unwavering determination, its destination fixed upon Neji's defenseless chest. "I Win!!" A triumphant roar escaped Lee's lips, reverberating through the air as his feet collided, unleashing a cataclysmic explosion that shattered the tranquility of the stadium. In an instant, a whirlwind of smoke and debris engulfed the surroundings as if a meteor crashed into the heart of the arena.
From the stadium, Hinata's voice reverberated with a mixture of fear and shock, slicing through the air like a sharp blade. Tears cascaded down her anguished face, glistening in the fading light, as Shino valiantly held her back, his firm grip a futile attempt to restrain her desperate longing to reach Neji. Meanwhile, amidst the chaos and heart-wrenching cries, Hizashi's voice thundered with a potent cocktail of shock, sorrow, and guilt, his anguished plea echoing through the vast expanse. TenTen's trembling hands instinctively flew to her mouth, desperately trying to suppress her own heart-rending cries as she repeated Neji's name in a sorrowful chorus. In stark contrast, Naruto stood motionless, his unwavering gaze fixed on the swirling dust that gradually settled.
Lee gasped to see Guy's hand had blocked his feet from hitting Neji's chest. Lee felt the chakra of his inner gate slowly fading away, and the green aura around Lee faded away as Lee looked at his sensei with complete confusion.
With an innocent tone laced in his voice, Lee called out, "Guy-sensei!" Yet, his plea fell on deaf ears as Guy stubbornly averted his gaze, deliberately ignoring his dedicated student. Guy abruptly released his firm grip on Lee's leg, causing him to land on the ground. Bewilderment clouded Lee's face, leaving him standing on shaky legs, his entire being consumed by utter confusion. The relentless toll of the arduous battle had taken its toll as his trembling limbs struggled to support his exhausted frame.
Lee's eyes went to Neji, who stood immobile on the ground, his chest barely rising, but his entire body was broken. Time seemed to slow as Medical Shinobi sprinted towards Neji's dire location, their nimble hands poised to weave intricate healing jutsus. In that heart-stopping moment, Lee's eyes widened, mirroring the shock that gripped his very being. They fixated on the crimson river that flowed relentlessly from Neji's broken form.
Lee's body instinctively recoiled, his gasp echoing through the arena as he stumbled back, his gaze fixated on Neji. As the weight of the referee's declaration settled upon the crowd, Lee's eyes became pools of emotion, shimmering with unshed tears that threatened to spill over. The moment's intensity was palpable as the words hung in the air, resounding through the stadium: "The Winner of the First Match: Rock Lee."
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