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5.08% A Dragon Kissed by Sun / Chapter 3: A Wolf

Capítulo 3: A Wolf

Eddard Stark

He stood on his horse in front of the gates of Starfall, the sun shining above him; he felt his throat dry like he had eaten fire, his tongue felt like he had brick instead of it. Even if he tried to, he couldn't even spit. While not because he didn't have water to drink and cool his throat and body, they had plenty, but he was a northerner; his father once told him that Northerner meant the People of Snow.

Back then, Ned thought of it because they lived in the North, but now, he could barely endure the heat of the place, let alone when they reached Sun's Spear; he wondered how could people even live there without losing their minds from the heat or just walking around naked all the time. He didn't know how he would endure but decided to think later of it.

Ned had removed most of his clothes, his fully armoured outfit; right now, he wore a simple shirt beneath his skin, the shirt was slightly open around his neck, his sleeves rolled up, he still wore the symbol of House Stark with pride; A necklace that had the Direwolf of his house around his neck.

Ned Stark always told Ashara that he would eventually visit her home together, the way she described it. The castle was close to the mouth of a river he didn't recognise, the young lord was sure that Asha had mentioned the name, but Ned couldn't remember it right now.

Ignoring the heat, the view in front of them was breathtaking; the river almost looked to kiss the castle. The castle itself had high towers, and the highest one kissed the clouds. What Can someone see from the top of that tower? Ned asked himself. Star Fall had nine towers, all of them had yellow and red colours around the roofs; moving his eyes downwards, he saw the gates slowly opening.

Ser Arthur stood in front since his face and sword were recognisable; he had grown a small beard around his jawline and chin. Ned looked at the gates opening with anticipation, hoping to see Ashara waiting for them behind the gates.

When the gates opened, he saw a few men he didn't recognise, his eyes roamed around in desperation to see her, but his eyes didn't find her beautiful hair or her hunting violet eyes. Ser Arthur walked forward, his chest high and his face shining from the light of the sun.

Behind him were Ser Oswell and Ser Gerold, who kept their faces high, showing their armour and swords. Behind them was the woman Wylla, who held Prince Jaehaerys in her arms.

Ned barely had any interactions with the woman, usually asking if there was anything she needed or if Prince Jaehaerys needed help, or if he was unwell.

Behind Wylla was Ned Stark beside him was Howland, who kept a straight face, and to Ned's right were two of his banners.

"Is good to have you back, Lord Dayne; your sister has been worried sick for you", the guard stated, keeping his eyes down and holding a spear on his right hand that he had lowered.

"I believe everything is in order?" Ser Arthur asked with a firm tone; his voice sounded harsher and firm. Nothing like the tone he used with his brothers.

The guard bowed his head in respect before nodding his head; his eyes glanced at the man behind his lord but didn't question their purpose here. It wasn't his job to ask.

"Lady Ashara is better, my lord", the guard stated, and Ned felt his heart skip a bit, Asha? What does he mean? Was she sick? He wanted to ask immediately, and he put his hands on the horse's reins and wanted to walk forward, but Howland put a reassuring hand on his shoulder and looked at him.

Ned looked at him, and he was giving him a look that said, 'To stay put and ask later'. Ned sighed sadly but decided to wait, but he felt his heart beating on his throat; his legs were itching to walk inside the castle and see Asha himself.

Ser Arthur turned his head to his companions and gave them a sign with his head to follow him inside. Ned sighed in relief and soon followed, walking inside, he felt the gaze of many people staring at the Northerners.

Ned knew his long face and brown eyes probably weren't common in Dorne, and their body looked like a Northerner. Deciding to ignore it, he followed behind. The courtyard around the castle was covered in little stone blocks, probably decorated with hands and tools. The stones were in different colours from red, yellow, purple, green, and many colours.

He dismounted his horse first, and a boy not older than around ten name days walked close to him. Ned gave him the horse's reins, and the boy put the horse on the stables along with the other horses.

Ned saw the main door that leads inside the castle, and it was decorated with red and yellow colours. The handle looked to be made of gold, the symbol of House Dayne standing proudly in front of the door, three meters tall.

Ned saw Ser Arthur talking to some man, and Ned walked closer, wanting to know when they could walk inside.

"My lord, follow me," a man said to Ser Arthur; the man had a mark across his cheek that reached his jawline. His right eye was covered by his long dark hair like a crow. His other eye looked yellow. Ned found the eye colour strange but was sure it was because of the light of the sun.

They soon walked inside, following the king's guards. Wylla was given a room, and they told her to rest. Ned couldn't wait any longer and decided to be blunt.

"Ser Arthur, where's Lady Ashara?" He asked, tired of waiting; the man said nothing but walked inside a room; following him, they reached a room that looked like a library; there were books everywhere and a desk standing in the centre of the room.

Ned figured this must be the solar of the lord of the castle.

"My sister is in the infirmary", he stated, and Ned felt his breath stuck in his throat. He walked forward and looked at the Knight straight in the eye.

"Show me to her," he said, no demanded. Ser Arthur called a guard, and Ned followed him behind to the infirmary. Soon he reached the rooms and looked shocked to see Asha lying on a bed, looking downwards at a small bundle in a small bed close to hers.

Ned felt his head fuzzy. There she was but the baby? Who's baby? Was it his? He shooked his head in denial but then looked again, and he felt his breath stuck in his throat like a blade. Oh No, No. NO.

Ashara looked at the man in front of her; she smiled and saw that he had lost all colour of his face. He looked as white as the snow of the North. His hands had started shaking, and she was sure she could hear his heartbeat around the room. Asha was sure Ned would fall to the floor.

"Is it good to see you, my lord?" she said, unsure of how Ned would feel to see her again and slowly getting up from the bed. Ned kept his gaze at the bundle before his eyes met hers. At that moment, he was back in the Tourney of Harrenhal again, their dance, her beautiful eyes hunting him like a wolf, and he was the prey.

He felt relieved and happy, a smile slowly spread across his cheek, he felt his eyes watering, without thinking he threw his arms around her and hugged her for dear life.

"Asha", he whispered, almost afraid that if she left his grasp, she would disappear. Asha slowly moved her head away and looked at his face.

"Is good to see you, Ned", she whispered and leaned forward to kiss his lips, but he pulled away, shaking his head and lowering his eyes in shame.

"I'm sorry, Asha, I-I Am Sorry. I have ruined everything. I betrayed you. I promised you that we would be together, but I betrayed you. I couldn't keep my promise. I Betrayed YOU," he said, keeping his gaze away from her and feeling that she would start yelling at him at any moment.

She slowly put her hand on his shoulder, and he turned to look at her face again.

"I'm not angry at you, Ned, and you had no choice in this matter. I understand," she said despite feeling that losing the rebellion would have probably been better for Ned. Elia and her children would be alive.

Ned felt lost in words; he didn't know what to say; he wanted to say something, anything. But all the words had died on his throat.

Finally finding his voice. "I . . . I'm sorry," he said again, but this time Asha hugged him close and caressed her cheek against his hair.

"Is not your fault", she whispered in his ear before silence took over the room. She wanted him to understand that he had little other choices in that matter; Ned sighed in relief and hugged her back, his eyes closed and enjoying her scent. His eyes were watering, and hot tears rolled down his cheek.

The silence was broken when he heard a slight movement in the room. His eyes opened, and he turned to look at the small bundle, moving her hands around. Her eyes were only half-open, but Ned could see her violet eyes like her mother.

He swallowed hard, his eyes looking at her tiny body, taking it all in. She wasn't even a month old, but Ned recognised the chin of the Stark in her face. His eyes watered slowly, and he smiled at the little girl who didn't look scared of him. She wasn't asking for her mother but just looking at the strange man looking down at her. Almost like she could recognise him.

A smile slowly spread in her tiny face and brightened up the whole room. Ned felt something he hadn't felt before. He felt his heart beating on his throat and his hands slowly shaking. He wanted to hold her in his arms and not let anything wrong ever happen to her.

"W-what's he-er Name?" He asked, not being able to look away from her. Her eyes were as beautiful as her mother's.

Ned felt a hand on his shoulder and a face smiling close to his. "Alysanna", she whispered kindly and softly to him. She kept the last name 'Sand' to herself for now.

"Such a Beautiful Name for a beautiful girl", he whispered, wanting to hold her in his hands but afraid that he would drop her. Instead, he just kept looking at her, almost hypnotised.

Asha seemed to understand his hesitation; she took a step closer and grabbed her, and put her in her arms. Aly moved her baby hands to her chest and opened her mouth with no teeth. She slowly sat at the edge of the bed; she moved away from her upper clothes and fed her daughter.

Ned looked away and decided to give her some privacy. "She's adorable," he said and turned to leave.

"Stay, Ned. I'm sure Aly would want to get to know her father," she said, hoping that Ned would stay with her. Ned stopped in front of the door, and he glanced behind his shoulder. He sighed and turned to Asha. He smiled, looking at her; right now, only Jaehaerys, Alysanna and Ashara could make him smile.

He walked and sat close to her, his head resting on her shoulder and looking at their daughter, thinking of what the future would bring for his daughter. Would she be safe here? Would she be happy? What about when she thinks of marrying?

"Asha I . . . What do you want me to do? Tell me Can I do something for You? I Will Do Everything," he whispered seriously. Asha listened to him and shooked her head in denial.

She knew what Aly needed, and what she needed was both of her parents with her. A child needs both parents, not just the mother or just the father. She wanted to say that the only thing he needed to do was to stay here and raise their daughter together and be happy together, but she knew Ned had already married and consumed his marriage with Catelyn Tully. His place was in Winterfell.

"You can't do anything, just stay here for a little bit", she whispered, holding her . . . their daughter with love, her fingers caressing her fat baby cheek. Her violet eyes looked so beautiful.

Ned said nothing but kept his gaze at their daughter and just wanted to enjoy this moment.

Arthur Dayne

He saw Ned Stark leaving the solar. He turned to look at his commander, finally having privacy to talk about the future of the King.

"Ser Gerold, what are our plans?" Arthur asked, knowing they planned to reach Sun's Spear and talk with Prince Doran and Prince Oberyn, and he wasn't very looking forward to it. He knew Elia's letter must have arrived by now, but he would protect his king if Prince Oberyn would try anything against them. He knew the man was against harming children, but he didn't know how far could he go in the heat of the moment.

His commander turned to Oswell, resting his sword on his left knee and cleaning it with a wet cloth.

"We bring the king to Sun's Spear and raise him there. We will stay there to ensure his safety," Ser Gerold stated quietly, not wanting anyone outside the room to hear. After all, walls had ears.

Ser Arthur sighed quietly. "I understand, but we will need an army and as much as I hate to admit to, but Dornish army won't be enough and even with the help of the North won't be enough", he started, thinking that the support of The North would be good to have, that brought a few problems. River lands had betrayed The Targaryens, and there was no way Hoster Tully would support Prince Jaehaerys. For all, he knew the king would most likely marry his firstborn son with any daughter Lord Stark might have to join their families. That left only The Reach that had barely fought in the rebellion.

Arthur didn't trust them; House Tyrell is House Lannister but with flowers. Arthur knew his king would probably need help from Essos, perhaps the Golden Company, but they only supported the Blackfyres, but they have perished since Ser Barristan killed the last one. Would they be willing to support Prince Jaehaerys for a reasonable price? Arthur didn't know.

"Very well, Commander, we will stay here only for a few days before making our way to Sun's Spear", Ser Arthur replied and got a nod from both of his brothers.

"Is what Prince Rhaegar left for Jaehaerys secured?" Arthur asked seriously.

"Yes, but I still they're just lifeless stones, beautiful stones, but that's all they are."

Doran Martell

After his brother destroyed yet another excellent bottle of wine, Doran decided that he had had enough. It had been two weeks since the news of King's Landing had arrived at Sunspear, and it was chaos everywhere. The Prince of Dorne supposed it was chaos everywhere, though. He waved his hand, and Areo Hotah stepped forward, locking gazes with his younger fiery brother. In a low voice, Doran said,

"Enough, Oberyn, I have already told you that I was aware of Rhaegar and Lyanna and that our sister was part of their plans."

"How! How could she have agreed to such a thing! How Could You!"

"Because I had Rhaegar Targaryen and Elia both approving to me, she even threatened me, and you know how our sister was too threatening."

"And you still allowed this?"

"He was the Crown Prince of Westeros, all of Westeros. Besides, I could see it in his eyes and Elia's that they were going to marry the Stark girl regardless. At least this way, we could get something out of it."

"What could he possibly give to you that would make it all worth it?"

Oberyn had stopped pacing by that time, and Doran relaxed a tiny bit. He was still a viper, though, so he continued to speak softly.

"I had his word and signature that Aegon and Rhaenys would be well before any children of him and Lyanna in terms of succession. No matter what, Dornish blood would have reigned upon the Iron Throne. And Elia would still be his Queen, Rhaegar would have two Queens."

"But the shame, the dishonour."

"To some, perhaps there would be. But look me in the eyes and tell me our sister would have been one of those people shaming the boy. Tell me she would have hated him, would have scorned him for who he was. Go on, tell me that is what our sister would have done with the boy."

Oberyn glared at him, his hands in his hair before he let out a long sigh and slapped them against the table. His voice was low and defeated, and Doran finally relaxed.

"She would have loved him like she would one of her own. Our sister always loved more with her heart than she ever thought with her mind."

"I agree. Now we must speak of our plans regarding the prince."

"When will they arrive?" Oberyn asked and grabbing a bottle of wine, and started drinking it like water.

Doran shrugged his shoulders, not knowing the exact day, but the letter informed them that they would stop by Star Fall before making their way to Sun's Spear.

"I'm not quite sure if they took a boat, they would be here within two weeks, but if they arrive on a horse, it will take almost a month", he replied, scratching his head.

Oberyn had relaxed and put the empty bottle on the table before whipping away the wine left on his mouth with his sleeve. He sighed.

"If that's so. That means you want to support him on the Iron Throne and not Viserys Targaryen," his brother asked, but more like a statement. Doran smirked; despite being known as a hothead, Oberyn was bright too.

"That's true, I still don't know where the Targaryen children are, and even If I did, Viserys is not the rightful heir, and we both know our sister had already accepted this boy as her son, we supporting someone else would be like pissing on her grave and memory" Doran stated thoughtfully with a hint of coldness on his tone.

Oberyn nodded his head in agreement. "If that's the case, he will need to be a good warrior, and I think I can help with an army from Essos if needed" he started thinking of this 'boy'.

Doran nodded his head in agreement. "Yes, that's true, the letter mentioned that they have already planned to raise him here, with us; he will be a dornish through and through", Doran suggested.

Oberyn pressed his lips into a thin line, and after a few minutes, he nodded his head.

"You're right for that," he said, and the red viper stood up on his legs.

"I will go to relax", he stated before walking away, leaving a smirking Doran. He turned his head to his loyal guard and gave him a sign with his head.

"Bring my daughter here."

Ashara Dayne

Ned had fallen asleep on her bed in the infirmary, Aly was sleeping quietly, Asha felt happy that her daughter was a quiet child, only cried when she was alone or surrounded by people she didn't recognise.

Ashara was walking through the palace; she wanted to see her brother again and see the third child of Prince Rhaegar.

She felt a hint of anger when she thought of Rhaegar's third child; Asha had nothing against prince Jaehaerys but more against his father, she knew Elia had agreed for Lyanna to be his second wife, but Ashara couldn't help but think that if Rhaegar hadn't met Lyanna, the war wouldn't have happened. Elia and her children would still be amongst them.

She remembered Princess Rhaenys and Prince Aegon; she had been there when Elia had given birth to Aegon, she remembered the smile on her face when she saw him, and all that was gone.

Elia was gone and brutally slaughtered like a pig; Ashara stopped her thoughts; she didn't want to think of how could have been the last moments of Elia in this world. She felt a tear on her eye and used her sleeve to wipe it away.

She soon reached the door of Prince Jaehaerys; Ashara was sure that his brother would be here protecting him; opening the door and walking inside, she saw the woman who was taking care of the prince. Ned told her that her name was 'Wylla'. Her eyes immediately noticed her brother standing close to a small bed.

Her eyes saw the bundle in the small bed and Prince Jaehaerys quietly sleeping; his small face brought a small smile on her face, he had no hair in his head right now, but she was sure he would have his mother's dark hair like a crow.

His eyes closed, and his cheeks looked fat and a hint of red around his face, his mouth only slightly open.

She soon felt hands embracing her and saw his brother close to her. Ashara returned the hug, but her eyes kept focusing on prince Jaehaerys.

"It's good to see you, Asha," Arthur said happily and smiled at her. Arthur pulled away and slowly led her closer to the prince of Westeros.

"He looks beautiful", Asha whispered and kneeled and softly touched his cheek; Jaehaerys reacted by a small smile spreading on his little face, making a laugh sound coming from his mouth.

Ashara giggled at his reaction and fought the urge to put him in her arms and see him from closer. Ashara sat close to her brother, who looked to be in a world of his own.

Taking a deep breath, Arthur turned his head to her, "How's my niece?" He asked, not exactly knowing if it was a boy or a girl, but Asha had told him that she had a feeling that she would be a girl.

Ashara smiled at her brother, "She's fine; Ned is sleeping close to her. She's healthy, violet eyes and dark hair. Her name is Alysanna," she replied, a smile not leaving her face.

Arthur felt relieved that his niece was healthy; she had a beautiful name, he decided to see her soon, right after Ser Oswell or the commander woke up and could guard the king.

"That's good to hear, but I want to talk about Lord Stark, he promised you. . . " he was interrupted by his sister.

Ashara put her hand on his shoulder. "Ned is not guilty, Lord Tywin and his dogs killed Elia and her children, Robert killed Prince Rhaegar, it was up to Ned, he would never harm Elia", she interjected. She fully believed that Ned would never harm them; she was sure that he would try to help them.

Arthur sighed but not wanting to argue with her. Ashara could tell her brother wanted to say something but instead kept quiet.

"What about your daughter Ashara? What will be her future?" Arthur asked, concerned about the future of Alysanna.

"She will be raised here, and once she's old enough, she will have her future. I'm sure we can give her a keep somewhere to live happily with whoever she marries with," she replied, thinking that if Prince Jaehaerys could become king, he could legitimate her daughter and make her a Dayne or a Stark if Ned approved of it.

"I understand; Aly can sometimes come in SunSpear if you want" Arthur suggested a way for Aly to befriend Prince Jaehaerys. He would need friends there, and Aly could be a good friend.

Ashara nodded in agreement liking the idea; Aly would need people of her age to be friends with. There weren't any around Star Fall, so visiting SunSpear would be an excellent opportunity to have friends.

"Arthur, what is your plan after you reach Sun's Spear?" Ashara asked quietly; her eyes focused on the small bundle moving his arms around and making small noises.

She glanced at the wet nurse that had fallen asleep.

"If prince Doran agrees to keep Jaehaerys in Sun's Spear, then I will stay by my king to protect him. I will make sure he becomes the king and earn his rightful place as King of Westeros" Arthur spoke with passion, a passion Ashara had heard in his voice only when he talked about Rhaegar.

She managed a small smile on her face; she would want her brother to stay here with his family, but she knew it would be a waste of breath to try and convince him otherwise.

"I understand Arthur, and I'm sure with you by his side, he will become a good king like his namesake", Ashara replied, smiling at the passion of her brother.

They heard a slight sound and turned to see Jaehaerys moving his arms around and making small cry noises; Arthur was about to go and wake the wet nurse when Ashara stood up and grabbed him in her arms.

Asha looked down at him, his eyes open and looking at her curiously, almost like she was an exciting piece of the puzzle; his eyes reminded her so much of Rhaegar. It was his eyes. Jae stared at her before a small smile spread in his little mouth and moved his baby hands towards her face.

She giggled at his cute behaviour and put her finger on his little hands; he tried to grab it and put it in his mouth. He left out a laughing noise.

Arthur smiled at the interaction between his sister and Prince Jaehaerys. He stood up and left the room, leaving his sister to take care of the prince.

Asha saw him leaving and started feeding the tiny prince, who looked hungry. She softly touched his little head.

"You're Beautiful, Jae", she whispered, smiling.

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