Nights at the diner are always refreshing.
There was something new with every shift, and the livelihood relished on the outskirts of town. Some days were filled to the brim with hungry customers and happy drunks. Other days possessed the slow burn of boredom and low profits.
With Redwood in town, the business should swell like a sun-kissed carcass. Serene offered to handle lessons and the night shift back home so Akila and I could focus on running The Burrow. I didn't bother informing Serene or Akila about my interaction with Lucas. If I told Serene, the entire town would know before I clocked in. And if I told Akila, I probably wouldn't have air in my lungs.
I settle the baskets of apples in the kitchen. My thoughts run rampant at today's events. I glance over my shoulder and watch Akila through the tiled frame that connected the kitchen and bar. She's going to kill me when she finds out about my betrayal.
"Ay, Tiny," I shout over my shoulder, pouring scotch into a slender shot glass, "how much longer for that apple pie? Table 27 is getting antsy."
Tiny flicks her wrist with an aspirated tone, "five minutes. It just came out of hell."
I stifle a laugh as I serve a bourbon shot at the edge of the bar. The man simply nods in thanks before returning to his table. The diner has been busy with clusters of Silvercrest and Redwood members looking for a more delectable meal. It's no secret that our chefs in the pack house are outdated in their culinary skills or that Tiny has a natural gift for preparing feasts fit for the gods. Tiny may be oblivious to her talents, but she can't be ignorant of the praises and approval.
A table of teens erupts in laughter and glee. I spot Luca who's nestled between two girls I've never seen before. My eyes fall on Charles who sits at Luca's feet coloring on a glossy craft paper. Even though Luca is likely watching Charlie in an attempt to gain points with the ladies; I know one thing. He loves my little boy like his own brother.
There once was a time when I worried for Charlie. Considering he didn't have a father, I used to be scared he wouldn't have a positive male figure in his life. But, as fate intended, I've been blessed to be accepted into Silvercrest, and the pack never failed to love Charles as one of their own. All I need in life is my little boy.
Accepting a mate would make things complicated, and I'm tired of that.
"Have you tried this?"
"I wish we had a place like this back home," one girl coos, leaning into Luca.
I turn my attention to the tray of abandoned glasses while listening to the group of teenagers coo over their meals. Tiny may be oblivious to her talents, but she can't be ignorant of the praises and approval. That's what I tell myself anyways. A white lie.
If anyone would discredit themselves, it would be Tiny. She seems to have a knack for cutting herself to bits. It's annoying, but I can't say I don't understand why. Her voice breaks my attention as I exchange glares with her muddy brown eyes.
"Akila," Tiny hums, waving her spatula toward me, "another table."
Tiny's eyes never fall on mine. Anyone with our low status could never hold a gaze to a beta let alone an alpha. Except for Tiny. She always has a way of speaking with her eyes. That's another gift she's been bestowed with, but I don't think she realizes it.
She has her lips pulled into a tight smile, and my gut knots at the realization she knows something I don't. "What are you starting-"
The bell attached to the entrance chimed with a slow breeze of fall sweeping in under the evening rush. Several individuals walked in with cloaked figures and bickering words about the wind chill. Despite the fresh air, my skin burns in anticipation- as if there's something to yearn for just out of my reach.
The figure of a young woman emerges from the crowd with massive brown curls pulled to the top of her head and rolls of fabric pinched under her arms. The girl pushes her round bubble glasses up the bridge of her nose struggling to carry her assortments. A smile escapes me at the sight of Jasmine. Other than the girls back home, Jasmine is the only member of Silvercresr that I've made a connection with.
Excitement palpitates me as I wave her over in my direction, "about time!"
She shuffles her way over to me, resting her rolls of fabrics against the banister, "I'm sorry, I had to pick up Tiny's fabric and it was in the next town over. I have some sketches that..."
Jasmine trails off in my mind for a moment when I notice a distinctive glare. A part of me is unsettled, marveling at an unfamiliar desire and bitterness. I nod at Jasmine, not grasping her words or the reason she squealed in excitement, "Jasmine, would you humor me with assisting the new guests? You can have the tip."
She reaches across the counter snatching a notepad and pen. I expected her to recoil or even whine, but she surprises me with a slight shrug, "sure."
Watching Jasmine make her way around the tables, I almost didn't hear Tiny's voice. "You don't have a clue what she was asking you, do you?"
I look over my shoulder examining the one person who knows me the best. Tiny rests her elbow on the small splatter of tile with her head barely peeking out of the window. The sound of hot oil popping and sizzling steak almost consumes me, "what are you going on about?"
With a sly grin, Tiny whispers, "she asked if she could make your wedding dress. And you said yes."
"It's never happening anyways," I say sharply, "but I'm not going to crush her dreams."
Tiny laughs at my disapproval as Jasmine returns to the counter. She hands the parchments to me with her eyes focused on Tiny, "hi Tiny! I heard about the rogues today. You guys did a great job!"
"All praises should go to the girls," Tiny said, averting her eyes to what I assume is a platter in her hands, "I stabbed a Redwood warrior. I'm lucky to be alive."
Jasmine's gleeful expression softens, "I'm sure there are no hard feelings. The place is packed with them tonight." She glances over her shoulder and jabs my arm lightly towards a table in the back. I hand Tiny the orders, listening to Jasmine exert herself over her designs. Tiny mumbles something out of my reach and retreats behind the kitchen wall.
Knowing her, she'll sulk for the rest of the night about her mistake. Classic Callaway.
Jasmine and I busy ourselves with refreshments as Tiny finished the remaining orders. Once she rings the small bell on the counter, Jasmine assists me with delivering an assortment of trays. Each dish is carefully prepared with a variety of steak, burgers, steaming greens, and even crispy golden apple pie. If we keep this up, The Burrow will surpass its monthly sales in one day. The door's hinges are practically bulging with unfamiliar faces and famished customers. Even Redwood could agree that the pack house's chief is lousy.
Luca's table shouts with excitement when their pie is delivered. Charlie climbs up to join Luca and the girls to indulge in the savory treat. I chew the urge to check in on the boys. Luca would whine for hours at home if I did anyways. The two seem to be enjoying themselves so I return my focus on delivering the last tray.
Jasmine turns to me and waves slightly. Her color drains from her face leaving her looking pale and sickly. Something is not right. I can feel it with my heart beating a mile per minute. The air is overwhelmingly thick with third-degree burns as I make my way to Jasmine's table. There, I realize why the atmosphere rose. Or the reason my stomach knotted and a lump formed in my throat.
Alpha Kobay sat before us with a hunger in his eyes that could devour a fleet of men. His dark eyes possessed the tray as I laid out each plate to its rightful owner. The crazed look has Jasmine backing away until she grips my arm. The last plate was delivered and I found myself staring at the man who held his gaze with my own.
Sitting beside Kobay is the most gorgeous man I've ever seen. His skin was an ochre color, much like the mellow-brown light that bathed the forest. His eyes were a russet brown that reminded me of western coneflowers. At least that's what Tiny would refer them to, and I find myself smiling like an idiot at this stranger. Reality snaps back into place when he smiles back at me. Revealing an unsettling bronze glow in his cheeks that I realize Jasmine is dragging me back to the registry.
I join her pace dazed, not hearing her whispers or understanding why Tiny gave a thumbs-up from the window. I tell myself to be cold, maybe even distant. But all I feel is warmth. A rather unsettling sensation, yet I don't wish for it to go away. Not even in the slightest.
"My God," Jasmine whispers in my ear, "that alpha is terrifying when he's hungry! I could've sworn he was going to rip the table into shreds if you hadn't brought his dish sooner... Akila? Are you even listening?"
I don't want to complicate life more than it is already. But the bond that's conjured is consuming and- inviting. I need to know his name, at least. That will settle the burn growing inside. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Tiny's head peeks above the window as she ushers Jasmine to come closer. "She's not listening to you."
"What? That's not... Why?"
"Because that's Kobay's, righthand man. Her mate."
Jasmine shrills, nudging into my side, "so that's him! I'm so happy for you-"
"Don't get too excited yet," Tiny said, "she's bound to live a withering life with me. Serving Bourbon and yelling at Serene's kids to get off the lawn. "
I could protest, but my thoughts have turned muddy. I almost didn't register Charlie's voice as he runs to my legs. His backpack drags to his ankles. The clueless boy bounces with joy, high on sugar and affection from Luca's dates.
" We're leaving, " Charlie said, squeezing my waist in the tightest grip he can manage," Luca's going to lookout point! "
A grin slithers across my face as I watch Luca approach us with a stride of unmatched confidence. "Oh is he?"
"He said not to tell you!"
My son's face lights up with a precious grin that melts my heart. I pat Charlie's head and run my fingers through his golden curls, "thank you, sweetheart."
"Ready to go home, champ?" Luca said, scooping Charlie from the ground and setting the boy on his shoulders.
"Before you kids go," I said, holding my palm out, "give me the flask."
Luca flings his hand to his chest with a bewildered look, "come on, sis. I would never-"
I don't bother fighting him, and extend my hand out more. He turns to the window for help but sighs defeated when no one interjects. He pulls a dark flask from his pockets, placing the liquor in my hand.
"And Charlie's backpack."
To my surprise, one of the girls gently removes the bag from the boy. Her emerald eyes hold fear in them as she hands it over. I can see why Luca would be trying to impress the girls. They're stunning with honey-colored hair and matching button noses. Probably sisters.
Inside the tethered bag is the long neck of vodka. Why Luca thought he could manage to slip this past me is beyond my understanding. Honestly, I would laugh if the girls didn't have tears brimming their lashes. "Take Charlie home, and have a good time- sober. If you come home with a drop in your system," I say, restoring the bottle on its shelf, "You'll train with me for a week."
His grin falters and he clears his throat. That catches his attention. Luca nods before heading to the door with the girls sticking to his back.
"Bye, mama!" Charlie hollers, sticking his hand out to wave feverishly.
"Love you!" I say, returning his wave.
"Hey Luca," Tiny says, joining my side removing her apron, "don't forget what we talked about."
I glance at her in confusion. But Luca looks over his shoulder with a tinge of pink dusted on his cheeks I've never seen. With that, the group departed rather quickly.
"What did you talk about?" Jasmine asks, sipping hot cider.
There's never a dull moment with our family, but I didn't expect the words to come from Tiny. Out of all people. And I can tell Jasmine didn't either when she chokes on her beverage.
"Told him to wrap it."
She pulls her gloves off, tossing it in the bin. When she sees our disbelief, she shrugs it off continuing. "What? We talked about it this morning. I remember him in pull-ups. I'm not changing his kid's diapers until he's moved out or married."
"I just never thought-"
Our attention turns to a deep voice that silences the entire restaurant. Across the room, Kobay's table consumes everyone's attention. Jasmine grips my arm again. Her eyes practically bulging in fear. Meanwhile, Tiny frees her hair from it's net. Letting those infamous black locks fall down from their restraints.
Redwood's alpha has summoned one of us by name.
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