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40.54% The Empire of Titans / Chapter 30: Levi's Titan

Capítulo 30: Levi's Titan

Hello Drinor Here, If you like to become a patron and get access to these chapters earlier, head on over to Patreon and search 'Drinor.'

The Following 15 chapters are available for Patrons.

Chapter 31 (An Ackerman Titan), Chapter 32 (Annie's Loyalty), Chapter 33 (Graduation), Chapter 34 (The Breach of Trost), Chapter 35 (The Counter Attack), Chapter 36 (The Battle of Trost), Chapter 37 (The Past, The Present, and The Future), Chapter 38 (A Purpose), Chapter 39 (No Time Left), Chapter 40 (A Soldier or A Warrior), Chapter 41 (A Signal in The Sky), Chapter 42 (The Traitors of Humanity), Chapter 43 (The Clash of Titans), Chapter 44 (A Dream of Joy), and Chapter 45 (His Name is Eren Yeager) are already available for Patrons.

One Week Later

She didn't even bother to knock and just walked in.

"Ever heard of knocking, four eyes?" Levi glared in her direction as she entered the room with a bright smile, completely ignoring his glare.

He was sitting at his desk, and he seemed to be reading forms as well. His body twisted to face Hange from his chair as she closed the door behind her.

Noticing she wasn't going to pay any attention to his question regarding her lack of manners, he sighed, "What do you want, shitty glasses?"

"Erwin wants you to sign this. We're preparing for the next expedition, and you know how this goes here." Hange said as she handed him the form.

Levi looked at the form for a couple of seconds and gave a small grunt before taking it from Hange's hand and then grabbing a pen to sign the form.

"I don't get why we have to prove to those money-grubbing pigs that we are, in fact, doing our job," Levi spoke as he signed it off before handing it back to Hange.

"Those money-grubbing pigs are what provide us with the resources we have and the tea you so love to drink," Hange smirked at Levi as he grumbled to himself at the mention of his lovely tea.

"Before you leave, how are the tests going?" Levi inquired, it had been three weeks, and Hange had spent the majority of her time working on the Serum, even staying awake until late at night, despite having the notes from Grisha Yeager, sadly the doctor had left little to no information on how he achieved to produce the four serums. The first time Hange had tried, the blood and spinal fluid had vaporized the moment they combined. Hange knew she should take it slow, but so far, no luck. All the tests resulted in the blood and spinal fluid vaporizing into steam.

"Same as the last week. I'm trying everything but so far, no luck. I'm sure I will be able to find a solution." Hange said with a confident smile, her positivity radiating like a warm light.

"Very well, but don't cry about it even if you fail to make a single one." Levi wasn't sure where that one came from. Usually, he didn't care and often would try to tell her that she should try even harder, not to fail, and remind her what was at stake if she failed, how much harder things would be if she failed, how many lives depended on her achieving to create a Semi-Titan Shifter serum, but with Hange...

Hange's eyes widened in surprise as she heard the softness in Levi's voice, causing her to almost gasp in amazement. She had never heard him speak so gently before, and the unexpectedness of it caught her off guard. It was as if she was hearing a different person entirely, not the stern and authoritative Captain she was accustomed to. The sound of his voice was gentle and soothing, like a cool breeze on a hot summer day. Usually, he was more aggressive or would act like he didn't give a single fuck about what she did with her experiments.

"Ahhh... I-I thank you, Levi." She couldn't help but stammer out her words, feeling her cheeks turn a shade of pink that she couldn't control. It was as if she were a young girl again, standing in front of her crush rather than a Squad Leader who was supposed to exude confidence and authority. However, she quickly regained her composure, reminding herself of her position and the responsibilities that came with it. With a deep breath, she cleared her throat and tried to focus.

"Well, I better get this to Erwin. I would love to chat more, but I promised him I would be quick. See you, shorty."

Hange turned towards the door, but then something popped up in her head, and then she turned back to Levi, who looked like he wanted to say something to her as well.

"What is it? Aren't you leaving?" Levi looked at her with an eyebrow raised. She just stood there with contemplation reading all over her face.

"Wait... never mind, well, hmmm, yeah, never mind, but...ugh..." Hange kept going back and forth with herself, not realizing she had started muttering her thoughts out loud.

"You look like you're holding a shit. Out with it, Hange." Levi called her out of her mind, and she froze for a second. She looked at Levi, looking at his eyes, he carried the same dead look expression he carried every day, but there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

"It's just out of curiosity, nothing more, but...have you ever contemplated a romantic relationship? Or had you ever fallen in love before?" Hange, looking straight at Levi, not missing a single detail of his reaction, felt her heart start to speed up.

Levi had frozen at her question, his eyes widening. They stayed quiet for what felt too long but was probably a minute. Hange didn't know why this reaction of him made her own feelings go into turmoil.

The idea of Levi loving someone should make her happy. He was her best why did it feel like such a possibility could feel gut retching.

Levi cleared his throat, breaking the silence that had enveloped them, and his expression turned that back of his usual expression, not giving away any particular hint of what he was feeling.

"Where did this question come from? And why are you interested in it anyways? As far as I know, the closest you have ever shown any sort of interest in love to anything has been your titan pets."

Hange let out a chuckle that sounded more nervous than anything. "Oh, you know, sometimes you hear things in the quarters from the other scouts as you pass by, and well, curiosity sort of just creeps up on you."

Levi looked at her intently before answering, "No. I have not. We don't have time for such trivial things. With the new information we received from Eren, we need to be prepared for what is to come. Despite our clear advantage, not all of us will make it through this."

Hange looked to the side, realizing what her question had just caused. "Yeah, you're right. We don't have time for that. We could all be dead in this next expedition, and here I'm letting my mind wander into trivial things. Thanks, Levi."

She turned her eyes to Levi for a second, noticing something in his eyes but, for some reason, couldn't define it. She turned towards the door. She reached for the handle to leave when Levi spoke.

"We don't have the privilege of it." Hange knew instantly what he meant. She turned her head towards him and gave him a small smile. And she then opened the door, closing the door behind her as she left.

On Levi's side, he couldn't help but have her question pondering his mind. "It's not like we could indulge in these feelings..."

His eyes were still on the door Hange had just left through, his eyes softening, remembering that smile she gave him before leaving. He sighed and then turned back to what he was working on before.


Levi lay in his bed, glaring at the ceiling, frustrated beyond all hell. Another sleepless night. He turned to look at the clock. 2 am. His eyes felt heavy in their sockets. He had been getting concerned looks all week from other Scouts. He must have looked as tired as he felt.

He closed his eyes once more, willing himself to sleep. He had already cleaned his room to an immaculate state. He was caught up on all his reports, and he even helped some of the other squad leaders with theirs. Maybe Four-Eyes is still up, he thought to himself. He tried to stay as still as possible, focussing on taking deep, even breaths. He focused on trying to relax the muscles in his back, his arms, then his legs. He looked at the clock again. 2:04 am. He made an audible tch and got out of bed.

He got dressed in the standard uniform. At this point, it's not likely he'll be able to sleep before reporting for duty. Might as well get started for the day.

He walked down the winding staircase to where Hange's lab was located. The last door on the left. He saw the light coming from beneath the door, but past experiences taught him not to assume she was still awake. Many times he would find her passed out, face down in a pile of papers, having worked herself until her body demanded rest.

This time, however, he could hear her through the door, muttering to herself and shuffling various objects around. She sounds frustrated at whatever she's doing. Good, Levi thought. She'd probably be up for a while still. He turned around and went to the kitchen to brew enough tea for two.

He returned with the teapot and two cups. He knocked on her door, but there was no answer. He could still hear her prattling on about whatever. She didn't hear him. He let himself in. She had her back turned to the entrance, her hands resting on her head, musing to herself.

The usual state of Hange's lab was infuriating to Levi, but tonight he did not have the energy to care. He haphazardly pushed a pile of papers out of the way and placed the tea set on the table. Her lab was filled with a kind of crazy stuff. Test tubes, Beakers, Magnifying glass, Volumetric flasks, Bunsen burners, Droppers, Microscope, Tongs, Brushes, Wash Bottles, Spatulas, Magnifying Glass, Thermometer, and many other crazy things.

She still didn't notice his presence until he started to pour.

She paused mid-sentence and sniffed the air. Then a knowing smile graced her lips.

"Ah, Levi! Thank you, just what I needed," she turned and took the cup from Levi's outstretched arm, bringing it to her face.

She inhaled the scent once more before taking a sip. "Ahh," she sighed, "No one makes it like you do." Levi made a non-committal sound and sipped his own tea.

"Yikes," Hange said when she finally got a good look at him.

"Shut up," Levi muttered into his cup and took another sip. "I haven't been sleeping," he sheepishly admitted. Had he napped at all in the past three days? He couldn't remember. Probably not. He rested his elbow on the table, gently rubbing his eyes. They were sore and stinging and watering up against his will.

"You often don't sleep well... but... I'm guessing this is worse than usual?"

Levi nodded his head and rested his face in his palm, his fingers gripping his hair.

"I can tell because you missed the perfect opportunity to say something like, 'I still look better than you on a good stay, Shitty Glasses.'" Levi huffed a short laugh out of his nose at her impression. It was pretty good.

Hange's face fell at the half-hearted reaction. "I wish I could help in some way,"

Levi looked up at her, touched by her concern. "It's fine. I came here so you could bore me to sleep with your digressive rambling, so," He leaned back in his chair, crossed his arms, and threw his feet up on the table, knowing she wouldn't object. "Continue," he said, closing his eyes.

"I wish I could, Levi, but it's just not working." Hange's frustration was palpable as she let out a deep sigh, her hand moving restlessly through her hair. The knots in her hair only added to her irritation as she struggled to find a solution to her problem. She felt like punching something, anything to release the pent-up anger coursing through her veins. The weight of responsibility was heavy on her shoulders, and the feeling of being stuck in a rut was suffocating.

Levi looked at the many lab tests, test tubes filled with either spinal fluid or blood from Historia's Titan. There were several test tubes filled with nothing but steam. He figured those were the failed experiments to mix the two.

"What have you tried so far?" Levi asked nonchalantly, his piercing gaze scanning the room as he leaned back in his chair. Despite his seemingly apathetic tone, his mind was already racing with possible solutions to the problem. He couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility towards Hange, and as he waited for a response, he drummed his fingers against the table, his mind already formulating a plan.

Hange let out a deep sigh as she slumped down heavily onto her chair, feeling defeated and exhausted after a long day of failed experiments in the lab. Her head hung low, weighed down by the burden of her thoughts, as she clasped her hands tightly in front of her face, trying to compose herself. After a few moments of silence, she finally lifted her gaze and met the intense gray eyes of Levi.

"I tried mixing them, but they vaporized. I tried on small samples same results. I tried heating them up, but I got the same result. Cooling down, mixing them in different amounts. All failed." Hange said with a tired voice, her head hanging down again once again, her hands cupping her face, her index finger tapping the top of her forehead. She did that whenever she felt nervous or helpless.

Levi brought the delicate porcelain teacup to his lips and savored the warm, fragrant liquid as it flowed into his mouth. The smooth, velvety texture of the tea, mixed with the subtle sweetness of honey and the tanginess of lemon, creating a symphony of flavors that danced on his taste buds. With each sip, Levi felt his muscles loosen and his mind ease, as if the day's worries were melting away like snow in the sun.

Levi looked at Hange with concern. He didn't know why, but he instinctively placed his hand on her shoulder in a gesture of concern, hoping to provide her with some solace. Initially, her body was rigid and taut under his touch, indicative of the tension that had gripped her. But over time, he could feel her muscles gradually loosening as the soothing pressure of his palm seemed to infuse her with a sense of calm.

"Hange, you might be insane the majority of the time, and some might even call you mad." His words earned a chuckle from Hange, who was still looking down, her eyes looking at the wooden floor.

"But I know you, sooner or later, an idea will pop up like lightning in a rainstorm," Levi said, tapping her shoulder. Suddenly she lifted her face to look up at him before her face changed from a helpless expression to a happy one.

"Levi, my favorite shorty. You're a genius." She shouted. Levi felt like closing his ears from the loudness of her voice when she kissed his cheek, leaving him in shock. By the time he regained his composure, Hange had left and had taken two test tubes filled with spinal fluid and two with Historia's blood.

Levi touched the place on his cheek where she had kissed him. His fingers involuntarily moved to the spot where she had kissed him, tracing the outline of her touch. He couldn't deny the thrill that ran through his body, but at the same time, he felt a flash of anger, wanting to kick her ass for making him feel so vulnerable... Shitty glasses, he thought in annoyance before resting his head against the wooden desk.

The bell rang all too soon, signaling it was time for the Scouts to assemble. He had definitely slept at some point, and he noticed that a sheet was put on top of him during the night to keep him warm. Hange was already gone.

Levi went about his day as usual. Morning drills, breakfast, meeting with the squad, then meeting with the other captains. There were no upcoming missions to prepare for, so it was all fairly mundane. At lunchtime, he sat with his squad: Petra, Eld, Oluo, and Gunther. They graciously didn't say anything out loud, though Levi was aware of the looks they were sharing between themselves.

Finally, Petra was the one to ask what everyone was thinking, "Captain, is everything alright?"

He answered without looking up from his plate, "I'm fine. Just having trouble sleeping."

The rest of the squad shared looks of concern but said nothing.

"Ugh, she's more excited than usual," Levi mused.

They all looked at each other, questioningly and confused but afraid to ask. What was he talking about? Did he even mean to say that out loud?

Then, Hange burst through the door, "IS LEVI HERE?!" She scanned the crowd and started towards their table.

Why me? Levi asked himself before a wide, grinning face showed up in front of his face. The grinning stupid face belonged to shitty glasses.

"What is it?" His tone was curt, and he made no effort to hide his irritation. The exasperation in his voice was evident as his brows furrowed and his arms crossed tightly over his chest.

"Come with me, Levi. I have something spectacular to show you." Hange squealed, Levi was ready to refuse her when she grabbed his hand, almost dragging him away, but Levi stopped her before she could cause a scene in front of everyone.

"I will come, but calm down, shitty glasses," Levi grumbled, glaring at everyone who dared to laugh at them. They knew better than to be on Levi's shit list before following the crazy science.


"Well?" Levi asked as she led him to her lab. When she opened the door for him to walk inside, his eyes flickered at her, but she simply pointed towards the open door. The moment he stepped inside, he noticed it.

On her desk was a test tube filled to the brim with what he knew was the Semi-Titan Shifter Serum.

"How?" Levi asked with a hushed tone, almost a whisper, as she closed the door behind them. She wore a proud smile on her face. Walking up to her desk, she moved her head forward as she slowly grabbed the test tube containing the serum. As the sun's rays pierced through the window, casting a warm glow across the laboratory, the translucent yellow-red liquid in the test tube seemed to sparkle like a precious gem, radiating a brilliance that caught the eye and mesmerized Hange.

"Last night. After I left, I used Iceburst stone in gas form. Unlike oil, whose temperature can go to 300 C, iceburst gas can go up to 1000 C. I used it to heat the blood and the spinal fluid and combine them, it didn't work at first, but I combined them with a small sample of Semi-Titan Shifter serum, and it Worked." Hange, with her heart brimming with joy and excitement, let out a triumphant shout that echoed through the air as she punched the sky with her fists, relishing in the moment of pure, unadulterated happiness that surged through her veins, filling her with a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment that words could not do justice.

Levi formed a small smile, happy to see shitty glasses in a good mood, the hopeless mood didn't suit her, but then he remembered something.

"If you needed a small sample of the serum to complete the process, then how did Grisha Yeager make four syringes without samples." Levi pointed out, Hange stopped celebrating. She herself had thought of it and couldn't come up with an idea.

"I don't really know. Either he had samples, or there's a way to create the serum without needing samples." Hange answered, looking at the test tube from up close.

Levi doubted the brat knew the answer to this one but soon concluded that it didn't matter how Grisha was able to create the serum without samples. Walking up to her, he didn't feel as exhausted as before.

"Congratulations, Shitty Glasses. It seems your craziness finally did something good." Levi praised her with a soft smile. He saw her face going red before she quickly looked away from him.

What is her problem? Levi wondered, she always liked to face people whenever she talked, and she definitely wasn't a shy person; eventually, Hange turned to look at him again.

"Is that a compliment I'm hearing? Captain Levi. I might be the first person you ever gave honest compliments to." Hange said with a cheeky grin, leaning closer to his face.

"You're the third," Levi said without thinking, his eyes widening slightly. A flash of a red-haired girl smiling at him passed through his eyes, bringing back a flood of memories. She would call him "Levi-bro" He remembered the day she had prepared tea for him for the first time, the best tea he had ever tasted. Levi's breathing rapid, his hand holding the corner of the desk, causing it to creak; Levi remembered Isabel's severed head lying in the mud, rain cascading down upon her lifeless form. The intense downpour only added to the macabre scene, the droplets drumming against her skin, her hair matted and tangled. Even in death, her face was etched with a look of pure terror, as if the last moments of her life had been spent in unspeakable horror.

"Levi." He escaped his dark thoughts, feeling her hand on his shoulder, nudging him softer.

"Levi?" As Hange shook Levi's shoulder for the second time, her brows furrowed with concern, and her voice quivered with worry. Despite her concern, Levi appeared unfazed as he met her gaze with an icy stare, his tone flat and unemotional as he asked the question, "What?" The air between them was tense, as if a thick layer of apprehension had settled between them, and Hange couldn't help but wonder what was going on in Levi's head. It was as if something had changed in him, something that she couldn't quite put her finger on, and it made her feel uneasy. But Levi gave nothing away, his face as stoic as ever, leaving Hange to wonder what was happening beneath the surface of his seemingly emotionless exterior.

Hange wanted to ask why he had suddenly gone silent, why his face had turned pale for a whole minute, but instead, she decided to wait when he was in a better mood.

"Nothing, but we need to let Erwin know that one serum is ready and that soon, we will need more blood and spinal fluid," Hange said sheepishly, rubbing the top of her head in embarrassment. Levi furrowed a brow.

"How come? We filled ten injections with blood and spinal fluid. Did you already run out of it?" Levi asked with anger seeping into his voice, crossing his arms in front of his chest, wearing an unimpressed face.

He hoped the amount they had taken would last longer. Whatever had happened to Historia when they had injected blood wasn't normal, and Eren had warned them to wait a couple of months before she was ready again.

"Well. I lost six of each from the failed experiments, and to create that one, you see. I needed to use two syringes with blood and two syringes with spinal fluid to create a single syringe. I only have enough to create one more." Hange explained she didn't like the fact that she needed to extract more blood from Historia. But it needed to be done.

Too bad we don't have a second person with royal blood and that it's a Titan, or Titan Shifter, Hange thought, with a finger under her chin.

Levi sighed wearily. He decided to tell Erwin that the experiment was a success and ask what to do about injecting more blood from Historia.


Erwin sat at his desk, surrounded by a stack of papers and documents that required his attention. As he worked through each one, he hummed a tune under his breath, his voice filling the otherwise silent room. Suddenly, he heard a sharp knock on the door, interrupting his work and causing him to look up in surprise. "Well. Come in." Erwin called out.

Mike stood casually in the office, his back pressed against the cool, smooth surface of the wall, his eyes fixed on the bustling courtyard of the Survey Corps Headquarters just beyond the open window. He could see the soldiers in their uniforms, their faces determined as they trained and honed their skills on the ODM Gear, deftly maneuvering through the air with the grace of seasoned acrobats. Amidst the flurry of activity, Nanaba stood watchful and vigilant, her sharp gaze surveying every move, her voice ringing out with encouragement and guidance for anyone who needed it. Mike couldn't help but feel proud and inspired as he watched the soldiers strive to become better, knowing that each one of them was a vital member of the Corps.

As the heavy wooden door creaked open, the trio of Levi, Hange, and Moblit stepped inside the office of Erwin Smith. Hange held a test tube rack in her delicate hands, her fingers wrapped tightly around the glass handles as she made her way toward the lone table in the center of the room. Within the rack, nestled between rows of empty test tubes, were two that contained a curious liquid of a deep yellow-red hue, their contents swirling and sloshing with each step Hange took. Upon reaching the table, Hange placed the rack down with great care, her eyes fixed on the test tubes as if they were the most valuable treasures in the world. Her hands shook slightly as she set them down, her fear of breaking them all too evident in her tense posture. Nonetheless, she breathed a sigh of relief as she successfully laid the rack down without incident, turning to face her comrades with a grin

This got the attention of Mike. He straightened up and stepped away from the wall before walking up to the desk, placing his hand on the desk as he reached them.

"I take it the experiment was a success," Erwin said with an emotionless voice, but the glint in his blue eyes showed that he was impressed.

"Yes. Here are two Titan serums. I analyzed the sample we got from Eren's serum and the serum I created in a microscope. They're the same." Hange confirmed with a proud look on her face, puffing as she finished the explanation.

Erwin nodded before reaching out and grabbing one test tube, looking at it from up close before putting it back. But the way Hange's smile wavered, Erwin knew there was some bad news.

"Sadly, I ran out of Spinal Fluid and Royal Blood. We need more blood from Historia if we are going to make more syringes." Hange said with a downcast look, knowing the last time they did, Historia had gone extremely pale.

"Not right now. While they trust us, we shouldn't push them away and force them into doing things they won't like. Historia is important for the future, and the last thing we need is something unpredictable happening that we didn't know. I talked with Former Commander Shadis. Their next free days will be three months later. Until then, Hange, keep those in a safe place." Erwin commanded the others, who seemed to agree. Levi wanted to say that Eren and the others were soldiers and would listen to orders but held his tongue for now until Mike cleared his throat.

"Who will have the two syringes, Commander? I think you and Levi should have one of them." Mike suggested with a tone as if it was an obvious thing to happen. Mike earned a murderous look from Hange. The latter turned to face Erwin with a pleading look.

"Can I Please Have The First ONE? I REALLY WANT TO HAVE THE ABILI-" Levi closed her mouth with his hand, not wanting her voice to be heard outside since they were discussing important details, but she kept talking, but her voice was muffled by Levi's hand, much to his disgust.

"Hange. Levi is the best of us, and Erwin is the commander. I'm sure you can wait until we create more." Moblit reasoned with a smile towards Hange, who stopped talking before she slumped down against her chair in pure despair, looking like a child who was just denied her favorite toy.

Erwin tilted his head slightly and let out a soft chuckle, a glimmer of amusement dancing in his eyes before he shifted his attention to face Levi. Levi was engrossed in cleaning his hand that was covered in Hange's saliva after having closed her mouth just a moment ago.

"Levi, will you accept to become a Semi-Titan Shifter?" Erwin asked seriously, sounding more like a friend asking another friend instead of a commander ordering his soldier to do something.

Levi went silent as he cleaned his hand with a wet napkin before looking up at Erwin before letting out a weary sigh. "I accept. For the future of humanity." and my friends, Levi thought but kept that one to himself. He didn't want Hange calling him a softy. Erwin smiled sincerely, as did Mike.

"Levi, Thank You."

Three Months Later

Another three free days, another trip to the castle. After they arrived back at the training corps three months ago, almost everyone had noticed how tired in general Historia was all the time, the first month. She could barely complete the training without losing consciousness from exhaustion. Reiner had been amongst the most concerned, quite often trying to help her in training.

Eren was pleased to have someone like Reiner in their group. He was like the big brother to everyone; Historia would explain that she was sick. Thankfully Shadis had been informed by Commander Erwin not to go hard on Historia. The details weren't said. Still, Keith had mostly ignored Historia's lack of completing the tasks with the excuse that she was sick. Ymir had told them that for the first month, Historia would wake up with a bleeding nose every night, sometimes even vomiting in the middle of the day. After the first month passed, she eventually healed and returned back to normal.

Armin and Mina had kept on talking with each other numerous times, liking each other's company. Ymir, one night had made a bet with the other girls on when they would start dating.

Annie had kept the "hidden" relationship they had. They had sneaked around quite often with the excuse of training, which often ended with them doing it out in the wild with the risk of being discovered.

Ymir being Ymir, had asked multiple times who had the biggest ass amongst the girls Eren was sleeping with. Of course, Historia would scold her for saying stuff like that.

Now that they were back in the castle a month ago, Petra had informed him that Hange had successfully created two vaccines. While overjoyed, Petra had warned him that they had run out of Royal Blood and would need to inject again, but Petra told him this time they would fill only six syringes instead of ten.

Ymir had made it quite clear that she wasn't a fan of the idea, even Eren didn't like it and was ready to tell Petra to wait a few more months, but Historia again had reminded them all that she made the decision herself, and they would approve of it.

Now, they again stood on the grounds surrounding the old castle; Levi was standing fifty meters away, with a syringe in his hand, knowing he would most likely not have control of his Titan, Eren, Armin, Ymir, Mikasa, and Historia had already turned into Titans just in case. This was the second day after they had arrived.

Levi had ordered his team not to engage and let only the Titan Shifters subdue him in case he attacked them. Erwin had agreed before telling all of them to stay on top of the castle walls and simply observe the situation.

Hange swiftly raised her hand, the grip of a flare gun firmly in her grasp, and with a loud, commanding voice, she shouted, "Now." she pulled the trigger, igniting a brilliant emerald green flare that soared high into the sky, casting a surreal glow on the surrounding area and catching the attention of all who saw it.

Levi watched the green flare flowing through the sky with boredom before looking at his arm. "I just hope. I'm not a short titan." Levi murmured under his breath before, with a quick motion, he injected the serum into his arm, feeling the cold metal against his skin. At that moment, he felt a surge of energy, it felt very similar to what he had experienced a long time ago.

It was as if every cell in his body was electrified, and he could feel the power coursing through his veins. Unknown to him, Eren felt the same.

What was that? Eren thought. He had the same feeling he had whenever he transformed, but he was already a Titan. As a massive golden thunder struck Levi, everyone shielded their eyes from the bright light, first forming the feet and going upwards, a skinless Titan was formed, skin, bones, muscles, and tissue created, before a glittering white skin formed on top of the skinless body, from feet to the top.

Eren gasped at the sight. A sword was formed on his hand, but what shocked him was the unusual scales around his arms and chest, a faraam helmet covering his face, and bright silvery-gray eyes glittering behind the small opening of the helmet.

"The War-Hammer Titan," Eren murmured, but now he noticed that the scales were all around his arms and legs. They were sharp, it would be quite dangerous to attack him, and he stood 19 meters tall. He's similar to Mikasa! Armin concluded, recognizing that Captain Levi probably had the abilities of the Beast Titan, too, similar to how Mikasa had the Female and Jaw Titan's abilities.

"Levi. Are you there?" Hange shouted from the top of the castle walls. Her fellow scouts around were clearly tense. All of them had their swords drawn. Levi stood on his feet, his grip around the pommel of his sword tightened. All the Titan Shifters prepared to engage...






Suddenly, Armin heard the sound of steel slicing through the air, and before he could react, his eyes widened in pure shock. He didn't see it coming, but the blood gushing from his body was a good indication that something had gone terribly wrong. Everything felt like it was going in slow motion. The sword had cut through with incredible speed. His titan vision was cut as blood splattered across the land. When did I get hit? Armin thought before everything darkened, his Titan body slamming against the ground with a loud thud.


Note: Levi's Titan is a combination of The War-Hammer Titan, Beast Titan, and a Third one which will be revealed later.

Which one do you think is the third titan?

A: Attack Titan

B: Armored Titan

C: Colossal Titan

D: Jaw Titan

Let me know in the comments what you think about the chapter and the story. What do you think about Eren's Harem? Have a Wonderful Day.

If you want to Read 15 More Chapters, Check Out The LINK Above.

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Stone -- Pedra de Poder
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