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77.77% League of Legends: The Grim Wolves / Chapter 20: Chapter 18

Capítulo 20: Chapter 18

(Unfortunately my computer had decided to altf4 itself, but i'm good right now)

Jinx POV:

"Who is that guy?" Ekko asked.

"I'll explain later. Where are we going?"

"It's our hideout." He says gesturing to his little gang. They all hopped onto their cool hoverboards in which I held onto Ekko. They took me to the lower regions of the Undercity through many tunnels.

"No wonder Silco hasn't been able to find you lot. You're hiding in plain sight." I chuckle.

Eventually we all get to a locked door and the rest of the Firelights take off their own masks. The largest of them, a tall well-built Chirean, those bat-like people. He unlocked a large door and opened it. Revealing plants. Actual plants. Here, in the Undercity. The leaves of trees danced in the moonlight.

"Plants? Here?" I said in awe.

"Neat huh? It all started when I found that one." He replies gesturing to a massive tree so large homes had been built into it. "We built a place for anyone wanting to escape Silco or the Enforcers."

Ekko lead me to a large balcony as I sighed leaning on it's railing "Everything went so wrong that day."

I could tell Ekko was nervous as he asked "What happened that night? There are rumors but I want to hear the story from you."

I couldn't help but gulp. But Dire was right when he said that Ekko deserved to know the truth. So I told him, starting from when Vi told me I wasn't ready to Silco finding me. I didn't hold anything back and he never interrupted me as I told the worst night of my life.

At the end he was pale. He started to fall till he sat on the floor as he just stared forward. I sighed and continued "I stayed with him till I met Dire a few months ago. And now I'm here."

"Why?" I hear him quietly ask. I looked at him to see him staring at me with eyes filled with confusion "Why did you go with Silco?"

I shrug "I didn't know, he was the one that took Vander in the first place. But that's not a good enough excuse. I think when Vi left me in the rain it broke me. The last thing she ever said to me was that I was a Jinx, and then I had started to believe that. Of course Silco constantly saying the same thing didn't help."

"You didn't answer the question." He grumbled stopping my rant.

Sighing I finally say "I had nothing else. I had no one left. I was a small child who's world became shattered for a stupid mistake. In my hopelessness I latched onto the only thing that actually seemed to care for me, which was Silco."

"You could have tried to find me, or literally anyone else." He says disapprovingly.

I glare at him "What do you want me to say Ekko? Yeah I know, I made a terrible mistake going with Silco, but if I hadn't done it he would've killed me. If we had switched places you would've done nothing different."

"I wouldn't have joined the man responsible for killing my family." He says angrily as he stood.

I looked away distraught "I didn't come here to fight. I told you the truth of what happened that night and what happened after. Like it or not, but that is what happened and neither of us can change the past. We don't have a choice but to keep moving onwards."

He was quiet before I heard him sigh. "I know that. I just wished I was there that night, if I was maybe it wouldn't have gone so terribly wrong."

"Maybe. But maybe you would've died there. You might've only added to the amount of ghosts that still haunt me."

We stayed there in silent grief. But neither of us cried, we had already cried our hearts out long ago. I couldn't tell if it was only seconds or hours when Ekko asked "That guy you're with, Dire. You said the two of you are leaving tomorrow?"

I nod "I'm leaving Piltover to go help in Ionia."

"Help Ionia? But we could use your help to stop Silco. You saw your friends power it would be almost too easy to stop him and save all of the Undercity."

"I know that. But I know Silco, even when he's defeated he'll never stop poisoning this place. But the Undercity isn't the only place in this world that is suffering, the entire world is. Ionia is about to be invaded by the Noxians Ekko." I tell him. "Silco may be able to kill a few dozen people here, but the Noxians will kill thousands of innocent lives."

"But this is your home. Surely that counts for something?"

I sigh for what feels like the hundredth time "Of course it does. Every step I took away from this place felt like ripping my heart in two. The Lanes had been all I knew and know I'm going across the ocean to save a bunch of people I don't know. But I know I'm doing the right thing going there to help." I then walk over to Ekko and hug him, surprising him greatly "And now I can fully let go, knowing you'll be here to look after the place till I get back."

He hugged back with a chuckle "So you plan on coming back? When?"

"Who knows? Dire thinks this invasion will take possibly years." I say letting go of him.

"Years!? I just got you back and you're leaving for years?"

I look down "I know. I want to stay too... but I also want to go with Dire."

"Why?" He questions quietly.

I look to the sky, which due to being away from the massively cramped Lanes was a nice sky lit by only the moon. "Because if not for him I would still be with Silco. If not for him the only people I could actually talk to would be the dead people that try to whisper in my ears." I then look to Ekko with a grin "And cause with him everyday is an adventure."

His eyes widen and I could tell why. It's the first time in a long time I had truly felt like my old self. Like the little girl that loved inventing little gadgets and getting into trouble. But this time it was different, I'm not the old Powder. But I'm also not the Jinx Silco sees in me. I guess I'm just a weird mix of the two. Either way I'm happy because I chose to be that person.

He started to laugh "Then I guess there's no way I could stop you. But promise you'll come back someday."

I give him a last hug "I'll always come back here for you Little Man."

We pull away from each other as he gives a proper tour of the place. There was even a memorial painting of everyone, including me "What are you going to do about that?" I say pointing to the painting of my child self.

He looked at right "Oh, right. I forgot about that. Kind of pointless now isn't it?" He chuckles while scratching the back of his neck.

I stare at it for a little longer. Vander, Vi, Claggor, Mylo, Benzo. Them and all the other Firelights that've been hunted down by either Enforcers of Silco spray painted onto the wall. As a way to remember them and to show why the Firelights keep fighting. "Still, it's beautiful." I smile at it.

I then take a massive yawn making Ekko laugh at me "Tired?" He smirks at me.

I playfully glare at him "Turns out having to sepertae a gang and a military from another nation late at night tends to make someone tired."

"When are you leaving tomorrow?"

I stretch my arms "Supposed to be early tomorrow, but that kind of won't work now. So most likely just late tomorrow now."

"then you should get some sleep. The streets are gonna be full of Silco's men looking for you so it's best to stay here for the night and go tomorrow."

I nod, too tired to argue as he led me somewhere else.


Dire POV:

"Are you sure you'll be fine?" Viktor asks.

"You're the closet thing I have to a mother Viktor." I joke making him groan and Jayce laugh. "We'll be fine, you've seen the things I can do."

"All of Piltover has." Councilor Medarda or how she prefers being called Mel says making me look at her. "Nearly everyone that was at the fight spread news of you."

I shrug as I continue to pack my bags "Eh, tends to happen when you're me I guess."

"And it's only going to get bigger and bigger. If you are willing to fight off the world's current largest military you'll have to be a legend in the making." She continues.

"Come on Mel, it's obvious he's going to be. I mean, look at him." Jayce says. He then asks "Where is Jinx?"

"She's saying goodbye to an old friend. It'll be a while before we'll be able to come back here anyway."

"I imagine the invasion would take years." Viktor puts in. "Are you willing to fight that long?"

I nod "Of course I am. Ionia may be naive in not having a military to protect it, but that doesn't mean I'm going to let Noxus kill thousands of innocents." I look up to see the three with guilty faces. I chuckle "You don't have to be guilty. As long as all three of you continue strive to make Piltover a place of equality and peace you're doing good." I then stand and continue "You're a Councilor Mel, and you two are inventors of Hextech. I could never do those two things. You're helping the world in your own way, while I'm helping in my own way."

They all seemed encouraged by my words as I could see a determined tint in their eyes. The doors then burst open revealing a panting Jinx "I got here as quick as I could. Silco's goons are everywhere."

"Silco?" Mel asks. "Isn't he an industrialist?"

Jinx shrugged as she walked to start gathering her things "Meh, industrialist, crime lord, overseer of Shimmer, call him whatever."

When Mel looked at me in shock and confusion I clarify "Silco is the mastermind behind the criminal activity in the Undercity. He controls over the ruling Chem-Barons in secret."

"But all investigations of him had come clean--"

Jinx stops her "Who lead those investigations?"

"Well, Sheriff Marcus of course." Mel replied. Jinx gave her a raised eyebrow moving her hand in a circle beckoning her to continue. With the look Mel seemed to get what she was meaning "Are you saying Sheriff Marcus is working for Silco?"

Jinx launched her hands in the air "And we have a winner! My god, Dire can you please show what our dear Councilor has won!?"

"A bunch of problems to deal with." I say with a mocking bow.

She was silent, all three Piltovans were clearly trying to digest the news. "Do you have any proof?" Mel asked.

Jinx slumped "Well... no. But I've seen the dude working for Silco personally. The dudes a little rat."

"Certainly explains why he wasn't at the battle at the docks." I add thinking for a bit. "Silco must've told him he intended it to be a trap."

"I wondered why the Sheriff wasn't present at the biggest firefight in Piltover for over a decade." Viktor hummed in.

Mel was silent for a little while before sighing "Normally I would deter against claims without any evidence." But she then looked at me and continued "But I'll trust you, due to your actions and that look in your eyes you truly want to make Piltover a better place. But even I can't just kick him off as Sheriff. I'll need proof."

"Wish we could help." I chuckle.

She waved her hand "It's fine. Being raised in Noxus gives you tips and tricks to deal with corruption. I can't promise getting rid of him for now but I'll certainly keep an eye on him."

"Make sure to give the prick a right smashing!" Jinx laughed.

"But why would the Sheriff of Piltover willingly work for a the ruling crime lord of the Undercity?" Jayce asked.

I think for a bit "Most likely he's in too deep to get out now. If he tried to leave Silco would reveal his previous workings with him which would no doubt ruin him."

Mel gritted her teeth "Coward." She then looked to Jinx and I "Leave him to me, he and Silco are Piltover's problem. Rest assured I'd do everything in my power to help Piltover but you two have other problems to deal with."

I nod at her "Right, the sooner the leave the easier. We might be able to pass the Immortal Bastion without notice."

"Why don't we just go to the Immortal Bastion and just beat Noxus up there? I imagine we could." Jinx said.

I shake my head "Too dangerous. Don't forget the Black Rose's headquarters is there. Who knows what other tricks they have. Not only that but the entire military of Noxus too."

"The what?" Jayce asked.

I chuckle "Too much to explain. All you need to know is that they are bad people." I explain like I was talking to a child.


As a gift for our efforts last night we were gifted horses, some of the best Piltover could offer. Of course I didn't need one but Jinx picked a nice cream-colored horse. I offered to kill it and bring back as a Shadow making it much more effective. In response Jinx tried to shoot me, it seemed she was already attached to the beautiful horse.

She had decided to name it Mouser, after one of her first scrap inventions she made as a younger child. Both me and the horse were slightly against the name but Jinx refused to budge on the name.

As we were at the entrance many had come to say goodbye, the Kiramman family, Viktor, Jayce and Mel. I also noticed from the rooftops was Jinx's friend Ekko watching from afar.

As Jinx sat on Mouser and I on Dorghar, Jinx was still getting used to riding a horse. It certainly didn't help that she was still twelve and Mouser was very large compared to her. Everyone laughed at her struggles as I hear "Dire wait!" I look back to see Viktor and Jayce walking towards me.

I hop off Dorghar to walk up to the two "We wanted to gift you this." Jayce says as Viktor pulled out a long wrapped gift. "Think of it as thanks for all the help you've given us and our way to help you in Ionia." I look at them a little confused before taking the gift and unwrapping it.

It was a rifle. A Hextech Rifle. But unlike the gold and blue so common with Piltover this was black in design with a blue glow from it's Hextech power. Using the lever under it's trigger I flip it around admiring it. Getting a closer look at the material it's made from I recognize it "This is my metal." I state.

"Jinx gave us the idea." Viktor says gesturing to her.

I look back to her as she says "What? Your metal is clearly magical. So I figured it would work with the Hexcrystal."

"Where'd you get the metal from?" I ask her. She smirked and raised her hands, shaking her forearms gave me the clue "You're bracers."

She lowered her hands "I must say your metal worked wonders with the Hexcrystal. It was impossible to craft the bracers Jinx gifted us into anything else. But when we introduced the Hexcrystal to it, the two objects matched like a puzzle." Viktor says.

I figured it must be because I had absorbed a Hexcrystal before. Since my metal is an extension of myself that means it must've also copied the power of the Hexcrystal and thus able to mix and fuse with Hextech. "It doesn't use ammunition?" I say noticing it was built like it doesn't require bullets or shells.

"Another idea of Jinx's she said since it's made from your magic it would work with you." Jayce cleared up.

I got what Jinx was meaning and poured my power into the Hexcrystal locked inside the rifle. The blue glow turned into red as it sparked with power. Testing it and point it at the sky and pull the trigger. A flash similar to a lighting bolt bursts from it's barrel into the sky, making everyone awe. I give it another spin satisfied with it. "I thought you two don't like weapons?" I smile at the two inventors.

"We do. But we know you'll use it to protect innocent people." Viktor said with a smile.

I nod as I give it another close look. Knowing that every beautiful weapon deserves a name I decide to call it "Viper." With this my personal lack of a ranged attack is solved.

The two showed me some features of it. It can switch from a rapid firing rifle to a longer ranged gun with a scope and slow firing rate. Of course Caitlyn and her mother were excited by the rifle due to being gun freaks. But when I let Caitlyn try it as Jinx predicted, it didn't work for her, as she isn't me. It's shots are dangerous, a line of pure magical energy incinerating anything in it's path.

I hitch it onto my back like my sword as I mount Dorghar again. I could see Jinx staring at Ekko as I said "Ready to go on our biggest adventure yet?"

She smirked "Obviously."

We waved at our friends as Dorghar and Mouser galloped away. Of course it was sad. A temporary goodbye from our friends and Jinx is saying goodbye to her home for most likely years. But it was only a temporary absence, and goodbyes for now.


"AH! I left Zapper!" Jinx yelled over the loud wind.

"What?! You just realized now?! We're an hour away from Piltover Jinx!" I call back as I have Dorghar slow down.

Jinx stops Mouser before rapidly patting around her bags and body in hopes of finding her favorite pistol. Suddenly she pat on her side making a burst of blue energy fire towards my head. It hits me and does absolutely nothing as I stare at Jinx disapprovingly.

She nervously chuckled reaching into the jacket she wore pulling out Zapper. "Found it."

I groan as she puts Zapper in it's regular spot on her hip as we continue. "Where are we going again?" She asks.

"The town of Khworez. Most ships to Ionia are called back due to the coming invasion but that town still trades with the villages of the island. Plan is to hitch onto one and travel to Ionia. The invasion still isn't for a week or so, meaning we can at least warn them of the coming threat."

Our horses trotted up to a hill and gave us a clear view of the long plains that surrounds Noxus. Due to the lands being infertile Noxus was forced to take the lands of nearby nations to get the resources they are denied in their home. But now they've grown out of control due to LeBlanc's trickery. She could set the world into a massive war if she wanted.

It only makes me wonder more and more what's her endgame. She said she allowed me to leave. Of course that could be a lie... but I always had this feeling if she really wanted me back she could. Or at least before. Now I could tell even if they sent an army of revenants like Igris before he was a Shadow I would win.

I don't know the extent of LeBlanc's watchful eyes but I doubt even she's as powerful as Nasus. So I'm confident that she doesn't know the full extent of my powers, mainly my access to my Darkin power. Now that I'm going to Ionia I can find the purpose of that black cube. And hopefully master it's abilities. Then I doubt LeBlanc could ever hope to stop me.

But still, one thing at a time. For now I have a date with one Jericho Swain. No doubt the man knows I don't intend to help Noxus so I can expect some hostilities. But that won't matter. I'll get through this. With my army of Shadows and superhuman powers I'll become the strongest oin the world to fix this chaos. Doing so would prevent others from suffering fates similar to Jinx's and mine.

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