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70.37% League of Legends: The Grim Wolves / Chapter 18: Chapter 16

Capítulo 18: Chapter 16

/Chapters will probably stop being daily as school is a dirty bitch/

"Hey so what are gonna do when we get to Ionia?" Jinx asked me. We were on a Dormun on our way back to Piltover. It had only been an hour or so since we left Nasus, and could still see him standing there if we looked back.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, we'll get there then what? We gonna warn someone? When are we even going?"

I look up in thought. "Well I know Swain and Silco are pissed because I wasn't there to arrange the first shipment of Shimmer to Noxus, the reason I came here in the first place. For Silco I can just say I'm a mercenary, so I don't actually care about Noxus. But for Swain i'll have to be a little bit more carefull since he knows of my past."

"Who is this Swain dude? Some Noxian I'm guessing?"

I chuckle "He's one of the most important in the entire nation. He's also the one that helped me escape the Black Rose."

"Didn't peg you for someone who betrays Dire." She smirked. "The guy saved your life and you repay him by fighting against his nation?"

I shrug "He should expect it. Besides, chances are he already knows I'm no longer keen on helping him kill innocent people."

"How? He got some spies or something?"

"Something like that..." I finish looking out to the desert. I remember seeing a crow a little before first meeting Nasus so I can expect Raum to be watching me somewhere, he is the demon of secrets afterall.

"But regardless, from what I've read, Ionia doesn't have an actual government. Most people live in either villages or monasteries where they practice martial arts and other little gimmicks. Sadly I'd doubt they'd listen to two random kids telling them they're going to be invaded."

"We could warn the leaders of the monasteries. They would have to at least consider our warning and other people would listen to them." She advised. "How many are there?"

"From what I remember there are four big important ones: The Kinkou, Hirana, Wuju and Shojin. If Ionia would listen to anyone it would be them. The only problem would be persuading them to fight."

"Me and Pow-Pow can be quite persuasive." She chuckled.

"It's not that. Ionia is a place of harmony, balance and peace. They don't even have an army. It's why Noxus sees them as such a ripe target."

"Do you think they stand a chance? Even with our help?" She asked.

"Most likely. People have been living in Ionia before this continent was even discovered. At the start many will die, not even we can stop that. But eventually Ionia will understand that they will either have to change or die. Once they do that will be the deciding point of the result of the invasion."

She grinned as she looked off to the distance "Sounds like an adventure, alright."


"Ah Piltover! I'm back!" Jinx yells out with her arms wide as if the city itself would hug her. Many people around looked at her confused as I gave an Enforcer some identification so we could enter.

"I must admit I miss this place." I say as they give me back my things as I walk to Jinx's side. "Just the things we usually take for granted like bug spray and fans."

"Where to first?" She asked me excited.

"A bath. We're both filthy and haven't properly washed since we left Nasus." True enough both of us were covered in dirt and mud. Even though we didn't have to take our time due to being with a caravan party it still took nearly a week to get back to Piltover. Thus we were covered in sweat and dirt.

She sniffed herself before facing her head away with a disgusted face with her tongue poking out. "Yeah... that would be very nice."

We dropped our things off at the inn we were staying at. The innkeeper there was quite annoyed that I had kept the room despite not using it for nearly three months, but when I paid him a nice hefty bag of gold he turned happy. I was about to go wash myself when Jinx said we should go to a bathhouse instead. I agreed since it would be a nice way to finish this adventure.

But still, I demanded we at least get the dirt off us and she agreed. After a quick wash each and getting into some other clothing Jinx and I started making our ways up to the higher-up places of Piltover.

As we walked I noticed people stared at us with looks of respect and awe. Jinx also noticed it as she asked "Why do they look at us like we're famous?"

"I'm pretty sure some people from the caravan party came back to Piltover while we were with Nasus. I'm guessing they must've spread the word about what happened leading to us being popular I guess."

She puffed up her chest and walked with a large smile "While they would've died if not for us."

Suddenly I hear someone call for us "Dire! Jinx! Hey, you two!" We turn to see none other than Viktor stumble his way to us using his walking stick.

"Hey Viktor." I greet him.

"Hey long have you been back in Piltover?"

"We only just got back a little while ago. Are you heading for the lab?"

He nodded "Jayce and I are close. With your help we may be able to make great progress today."

"We'll be there soon. We just want to go to a bathhouse to relax."

"I understand. We'll wait for you in the lab!" he calls as he walks off.

"Judging by how fast he's hopping, he's quite excited." jinx laughed.

"He must not be kidding about nearing a breakthrough. I can't wait to see their progress."

We make it to a high end bath house and both get a nice wash each, separately of course. Though I must admit getting cleaned by two beautiful women is very nice indeed. They didn't do anything too uncomfortable not washing my more private areas but after a nice massage I had never felt better. I then left the and entered a men's bathhouse.

As I expected there was a bunch of old men with nothing but a towel wrapped around their waist. But other than that the place was beautiful, littered with paintings and made from smooth marble. I sat in a little corner away from others since they were all talking about business things.

I sighed as I sat in warm waters enjoying the peace and quiet. Or so I thought till I heard "My my it's none other than our young friend Dire! I'd knew I recognized you."

I open my eyes to see Councilor Hoskel in his near nakedness. "Oh, Councilor, nice to see you again."

"Likewise my dear boy! Everyone is quite impressed with you dealing with those beasts in the jungles. Many of the other Councilors have asked me about you." He says with a little twinkle in his eyes.

"As much as I like potential jobs Councilor I came here to rest."

He bellowed in laughter "My apologies! But you're right, enough about business, let's just chat as friends." He finishes sitting on a seat a little away from me.

We had a polite conversation about our personal lives, though I didn't tell him my past. I must admit he's quite short-minded for a Councilor of the City of Progress. I don't honestly think I'll actually like him due to clear self-centered personality. He's a leader of this city yet clearly only cares for increasing his own pockets with money.

"Well as much as I enjoyed our chat Councilor, I've got to leave to talk to some more people in Piltover."

"That is fine. Have a good day Dire! And do see me when you can." He says with a grin.

I nod at him and leave. I then get changed into some clothes before waiting for Jinx who came out of the woman's baths a little after. "Oh man! I feel like a baby right now!" She beamed loudly.

"You ready to go see Jayce and Viktor?"

She nodded as she walked to the exit "Let's go see those little nerds."

Since we were already in the high-end area of Piltover it didn't take long to get to the lab. "What's up weirdos! We're back from jungles and deserts!" Jinx yells out as she dashes inside.

They look at us and smile "Good to see you both back. How was it? Not too hard I hope." Jayce asked us.

Jinx waves her hand in front of her face "Oh it was easy."

I agree with her. "Although it was tough at some parts. It was completely and utterly worth it."

"Good to hear. Come look at this." Jayce beckons us over.

They show us a Hexcrystal, only this one wasn't cracked like all others were. It was smooth like a pearl and leaked a controlled yet powerful energy. "You did it." I look at it.

"Nearly." Replies Viktor. "While we have the source of energy we don't have anything strong enough to contain it's energy yet." Viktor then looks at Jayce who shakes his head. I don't know why but I don't ask.

"In that case you'd just need something that requires a large input of energy. You got any ideas?"

They nodded at me as Jayce showed us some early blueprints "They are still a work in progress. But if these items work they can change Piltover forever." Right now there was only designs, a pair of gauntlets and what looked to be shoulder mounted claw named the Atlas Gauntlets and the Hexclaw.

"You know what you could make!" Jinx said sounding excited.

"Let me guess... a gun?" Viktor replied not looking very impressed.

"Yeah! Not only that but an awesome, massive gun! One that shots bombs!" Jinx giggled.

"Well, we were looking for things that can help the daily lives of everyone. It's why we invented Hextech." Jayce replied to her with a non-corporative look.

"How many of these Hexcrystals do you have?" I ask, staring at it in interest.

"We actually have a lot. This one, was actually a gift to you Dire." Viktor says picking the blue orb and handing it out to me. "Since you're a mage we believe if anyone could control a Hexcrystal's power it'd be you."

"While I'm honored." I chuckle as I picked the orb from his hands. "I have an idea but I need to be somewhere quiet to do it, so I'll just bag it for now." I finish putting it away.

"Alright, do you have any ideas to either reduce the energy outage of the crystal or making the objects they power stronger?" Viktor questioned me as we all quickly went to work. Well... Jayce, Viktor and I did. Jinx went to her little corner and is making who knows what.

Due to my time with Nasus I now understood the little things in magic i did not previously. Using that knowledge i applied it to their formula when making these newer Hexcrystals, making a new type. Although this new type is still too powerful, it's also near unbreakable being able to withstand Jayce slamming a hammer on it.

But after a days work done, we decided that was enough for today as Jinx and I said our goodbyes. "What are you going to do with that hex-thing?" Jinx asked when we left.

"Some little experiments." I grin.

Instead of going to the inn we grab something to eat before going to Jinx's old hideout. She was doing some stuff a little away as I sat and pulled out the Hexcrystal. Jayce and Viktor are right in giving me this. Not only do I have a material strong enough to withstand it's energy my new strength can straight tank it's power.

So I had an idea. Like I did with Jinx's one I poured my magic into it till it turned dark red in color. Red and black sparks emitted from it as I tried to do what I was planning. If I can absorb essence, surely I can absorb magic too. Thus making it's power my own. I did the same thing with the Hexcrystal when Jinx first took me here, but my control over absorbing things is much better.

The crystal was drained dry, becoming an empty husk as I let it fall into the abyss below us. "What'd you do?" Jinx says looking over my shoulder. "Where is it?"

"Drained." I answered. I then stand and walk over to flat ground before unleashing my Darkin form. "HeH, iT wOrKeD. I cAn FeEl ThE pOwEr Of ThE Hexcrystal leAk InTo My SyStEm. I cAn PrObAbLy LaSt In ThIs FoRm MuCh loNgEr NoW." I release my Darkin form as I go back to my human one. "I can even remain fine after doing it." I smirk. "Only one last thing to test. Come forth."

Igris is summoned as he kneels in front of me. Even Jinx could notice the sparks of power coming from his form. "Do it." I order him. Igris stands and walks over to the wall and punches it. His punch sounded almost like a thunder strike as the wall caved under his strength. The Hexcrystal empowered me, meaning it also empowered my Shadows. Not only are they naturally stronger and more durable they require less energy to reform, or I've got more reserves of energy. Either way my power has grown considerably to the point I might ask Jayce and Viktor for a bunch more Hexcrystals.


Unfortunately that doesn't work. The next day I grabbed another Hexcrystal from Jayce and Viktor and tried to absorb it. But when I did I felt no growth in power. Maybe I'm limited to only absorbing one or maybe there's something else... but the fact is I can't gain more power through absorbing Hexcrystals.

So I scrapped that idea and went back to helping Jayce and Viktor out. Jinx also helped as her creative mind was quite useful for new ideas. And after another day, instead of going back to the inn or somewhere Topside Jinx and I took a lift.

"Why are we seeing Silco?" Jinx groaned.

"He and Swain still need to know we're on their side until the invasion happens. Besides he hasn't seen you in months, I'm sure he'd at least like to see how far you've come." I reply.

We take a lift and walk around the Undercity. It appears word of our deeds has reached the Undercity too, due to the many stares of interest we got. Eventually we reached the Last Drop. The bar/club still looks the same, but I noticed Jinx gave it a sad look as we entered. I followed Jinx as she lead the way to Silco.

Loudly slamming the door she yells out "Guess who?!"

Silco sat in his chair seemingly unsurprised by her loud burst. He looked up from some paperwork to glare at me "So you're back. I hope this little detour you two took was worth while?"

"For us, it certainly was." Jinx chuckled.

"Nearly three months you two were gone. I thought you were supposed to assist us for these shipments to your beloved nation Dire. Yet we received none and the Enforcers and Firelights continue to halt our progress."

I shrug " I do not care for Shimmer."

He gritted his teeth "It's the Noxians' fault for relying solely on a damm mercenary."

I chuckle, unbothered by Silco's understandable anger "Still, did you actually manage to get any out?" I ask him.

He glared at me before groaning "A medium amount. Not as much as promised but a good amount with what we had on hand. There was also a bunch of mercenaries who hopped onto the ship when it left."

"Oh, that's right. I completely forgot about those people." I say.

He then leans on his desk "Just know that both your employer and I are highly untrusting of you now Dire. Neither of us need fools who walk off on their own when they have a job to do."

"Alright that's cool and all." I wave him off, pissing him off even more. "Now is there anything else? I promised Councilor Cassandra I'll have dinner with her family to celebrate this successful adventure." That was lie. Dinner with the Kirammans was tomorrow, but I wanted an excuse to leave.

"Councilor Cassandra? You mean Councilor Kiramman don't you." He stated more than asked. "Why are you hanging out Topside?"

"Making allies in high places is beneficial to adventures like me. She was the one that gave me the job anyway."

His eyes flicker from anger to thought as he was quiet for a bit. Then there was a spark in his eyes, as if realizing something. "Well I dislike people who don't make up on their ends. I'll make the exception for you just this once."

He tried to intimidate me, but I knew what he was doing. He's letting me go without punishment since I have connections the the Council. No doubt he wants to ease into me so I can become some spy for him.

He then spun in his chair so his back was facing me as he started playing with a little needle-like tool. "And what about Jinx? She clearly became quickly fond of you."

I look around to realize Jinx was gone. I then turn back to Silco and reply "Tends to happen when you treat them like a friend instead of a tool."

He looked at me for a bit before going back to his little tool. "Make sure she doesn't leave here again. Regardless of your little friendship she's needed for the conflicts ahead."

"That'll be for her to decide." I snort while walking away. "I'll be staying here for another month before leaving. If you need me, send a letter."

After I leave Silco's office I follow Jinx's scent using my Darkin senses. She went into the basement of the place. It was a storeroom and a little setup for making Shimmer but judging by the amount of bed frames still in here it this must be where Jinx lived when she was younger. Even though it was faint I could smell some other scents, one smelled nearly exactly like Jinx's, indicating it was her birth sister. There were also three other ones, all not related to Jinx judging by smell so they were her foster family I guessed.

But Jinx wasn't here. I kept following her scent as it led to a secret passageway I could just squeeze through. It lead to the roof of the place, showing a wide beautiful view of Piltover from the Undercity to Topside.

There sitting on the edge was Jinx. I walked up to her as she heard me approach. She moved her head to look at me before going back to staring at the view. I sat next to her but didn't say anything.

"This is going to be the last time I come here for a long time isn't it?" She said while staring forward.

"If that's what you choose then, yes. Silco wants you to stay but I won't push you to stay or come with me. I've lived my life having someone decide everything for me, and I would never do that to my friends." She didn't say anything as I decided to say "You lived here didn't you? Before Silco took over it."

She nodded "The Last Drop has always been a gathering place for all of the Undercity. But back then it was a place of peace, led by Vander."

"I've heard of him around the place. There was even a statue of him right?"

"He had always been a leader of the Undercity. Long ago he gathered the Lanes to fight Topside in an attempt for change. It ended in utter death, barely anyone survived, not even my parents." I was about to give some form of comfort but I decided to wait. "That day my sister Vi and I became orphans. But that day Vander took both of us and two other kids in, Claggor and Mylo. After that fight Vander became a man fully against violence. He stopped being the Hound of the Underworld and became a father of four. Things were fine somewhat... Till I came around."

I didn't stop her as she explained everything, who her adopted family were, who Vi was. And of course, how they all died. She lost everything due to sheer, horrible and devastating bad luck. She was so lost and alone, she went with the man responsible for their deaths in the first place, Silco.

"Since then my mind was in constant pain. A part would tell me Silco is a horrible and evil person, flooding the Lanes with Shimmer and causing mass death. But another part would tell me I don't have anything else but him. And then the last one that just tells what I've been trying to convince myself just to feel better. That I'm a Jinx. Everything I do hurts those close to me." I'd expect her to cry but instead she sat there with a defeated look on her face.

"So what changed?" I asked.

She leaned her head on my shoulder. "I met you. Someone who knows the feeling of maybe everything you do won't matter. When I was kidnapped by the Black Rose all that time ago they told me who you are. What they did to you and what they expected of you. But despite that here you are, willing to fight and maybe die for people you've never meet. The more I followed you the more I wanted to be like you. You're like Vi in that way." She then stopped talking before nearly chocking out "I just hope I don't kill you too."

I smile at her "You won't Jinx."

"You can't guarantee that." She argued.

"Maybe. But fate can go eat my ass." I say making her chuckle. "I say you won't kill me because I trust you. I'm sure if any of your past family could talk to you they would say you weren't their killers. You putting blame on yourself for a horrific tragedy no one could guessed would happen."

She sighs "How long do you think we'll be in Ionia?"

I look at her "So you've already made your choice?"

"I made that choice a bit ago. I may have lived in the Undercity my entire life, but I have nothing for me here, but painful memories."

I nod at her and stand "Well, we'll still be here for another week or so. But I'd doubt we'd come back here until then."

I help her up as we leave the Last Drop. She stops to look back at it as I continue walking while looking back at her. She stares at it before quickly rushing back to my side. Maybe after we've helped Ionia we can come help out Piltover, it definitely needs it. But then again this entire world needs help, to be honest.

But with Jinx by my side and with buddies like Nasus, Jayce and Viktor I'm sure we'll be up for the challenge.

(Give me your stones and reviews or i'll go missing for 4 months again... jk)

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