It's been a while, I guess.
I know, I know, I promised to "drown" you in chapters once I got done with personal stuff. At the time my promise was totally serious, yet shit just kept on piling up, from applying to different master's programs, traveling around the country to do tests, preparing for them, part time jobs, and moving, a lot of my time was taken.
But that wasn't the primary reason why I didn't update for so long, the issue was simple, writer's block. First, let me preface this by saying that the second season of HoTD sucked, and that it didn't help in diminishing my motivation. But seriously, after months of not writing anything in my Baelon the Mighty fiction, I had to reread the prior chapters to get back on track, thing is, those chapters sucked. So I'd sit in front of my laptop for literal hours, trying to start a new chapter when the only thing I could think about at the time was how bad the previous ones were and how they could be improved, I would even lie down for a long time before sleep thinking about it. But at the end of the day, my head would not come up with anything, but would in fact push me to write other stuff, like the King of Winter story that I just started releasing.
So finally, I came to a conclusion. Baelon the Mighty is getting a redit, I'm not gonna restart from scratch or anything nor will I stop writing new chapters, but the story is going to experience a certain rework from the prologue to chapter 34.
As recompense, I thought that I'd start releasing other stories, some that I've already written a lot about, and my is also Patreon getting repurposed into one where as long as you get the first tier, you get ALL released chapters available. Check out my profile for other stories, and watch out for more. As for my patrons, I really thank you, you can't believe how much help to me your support gives me, even if it seems like nothing to you.
PS: That King of Winter story is the Jedi Lord!SI Robb Stark fic I talked about, if you're interested you can check out my profile.
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