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21.75% One Piece - I Am A Different Luffy! / Chapter 79: Chapter 78 - Plundering the Goa Kingdom 1.

Capítulo 79: Chapter 78 - Plundering the Goa Kingdom 1.

[Chapter Size: 2763 Words.]

Third Person POV

Shimotsuki Village, East Blue.



As the evening descended, when the sun poured its golden rays over the horizon, illuminating the vast ocean in a magical way, the Kingdom of Goa majestically came into view. Nestled on the coast of a lush and vibrant island in the East Blue, this kingdom, rich in history and opulence, seemed like a piece of paradise in that picturesque sea.

The towering towers of the royal castle rose, taking on the pastel hues of the setting sky, causing its walls to shimmer like precious stones. The royal garden, filled with vibrant flowers and exotic plants, emitted a sweet fragrance befitting its reputation as the most dazzling in all the seas.

The city of Goa stretched at the foot of the castle, with its narrow cobblestone streets and buildings that blended ancient and modern architecture. The inhabitants, dressed in elegant and vibrant clothes, looked like living art canvases as they paraded through the bustling streets.

As night approached, magical lanterns lit up, bathing the city in a soft, golden glow. The music and laughter of a distant celebration could be heard, floating through the air like an invitation for anyone who wished to join in the celebration of life.

However, behind this dazzling facade and its aura of prosperity, the Kingdom of Goa hid dark secrets and deep inequalities. A king with cruel ambitions and a desire for power at any cost prepared to extend his claws over a precious treasure that would change the fate of all under the wrath of a powerful pirate in these waters.

At the top of a hill, commanding a splendid view of the city, stood the majestic Goa Palace, an architectural masterpiece that loomed over the humble houses of the city like an imposing guardian. Its walls were adorned with sparkling white stones, extracted from the quarries of the surrounding mountains, giving the palace an almost celestial appearance under the setting sun. Massive columns, adorned with sculptures of mythological creatures, supported the grand entrance porch, a portal that whispered of grandeur and authority.

Inside the palace, the corridors were lined with rare marbles and luxurious tapestries that told the story of centuries of reign. Crystal chandeliers hung from high ceilings, casting a golden glow on every step of those who dared to enter the royal precinct. At every corner, statues of past kings, sporting gleaming crowns and ornate robes, looked with an air of relentless judges, silent witnesses to the legacy of royalty.

In the center of the grand audience hall, a massive ebony throne, studded with rare jewels, dominated the space. An imposing man who always had an arrogant face rested on this throne; his gaze was not as cold and determined as usual, a constant reminder of his power. Dressed in royal silk and velvet, he personified the pride and authority of a king who ruled with an iron fist.

This man, known as King Sterry, was the monarch of the Kingdom of Goa and was determined to maintain his position at any cost. His gaze fixed on the city spread out before him, he was not prepared to face a challenge that was coming to him from the sea and could shake the foundations of his kingdom and test his ambition to the limit.

His expression was a mix of impatience and irritation, while his fingers incessantly tapped on the throne's arm.

"No news of them?! It's been four long and agonizing days!" He roared, making the sound echo in the ornate walls of the hall. The courtiers and advisors, kneeling before the throne, trembled with the intensity of his anger.

"Your Majesty," began the castle steward, a middle-aged man with a worried expression, "we lost contact with all of them as soon as they set out in pursuit of the target."

King Sterry clenched his fists, his nails scraping against the jewel-studded arms of the throne. "Cursed! After all the hard work and fortune I invested in obtaining the Devil Fruits, they simply vanish before me?!"

The steward tried to calm the king, despite his own unease. "Your Majesty, I believe it is too early to conclude such a thing. They are loyal to you and the kingdom, and their strength is unparalleled in this sea. There is no one who can challenge the power you entrusted to them."

Sterry pondered for a moment, his brows furrowed. "You might be right..." he finally admitted, the fury slowly giving way to a more contemplative expression. "They would never betray me or let a bunch of pirates prevail over them."

"Yes, my king," the steward agreed. "It's possible they encountered some communication mishap. They are skilled and loyal; I'm sure they will return soon with news of success."

King Sterry nodded, appearing, for a moment, calmer and more reflective. However, the shadow of concern still hung over him, knowing that future events could shape the destiny of his kingdom irrevocably.

Suddenly, everyone in the audience chamber was startled by the familiar "Pero pero pero" echoing from a corner of the room. It was the characteristic sound of Den Den Mushi, the snails used as phones in this vast and intriguing world.

"Finally, are they in contact because they have the mermaid!?" Sterry exclaimed, his voice laden with expectation, while his gaze fixed on the Den Den Mushi. His hand reached eagerly towards the device, as if wanting to grasp the news with his own hands.

The persistent sound of "Pero pero pero" continued filling the room with an aura of anticipation. The courtiers and advisors present could barely contain their emotions, whispering to each other with looks of expectation.

Then, the sound of the Den Den Mushi was abruptly interrupted by an audible thud: "KATCHA!" Silence fell over the room, and everyone prepared to hear the awaited news.

"Are you the king of the Goa Kingdom!?" The unfamiliar voice sounded from the other end of the connection, defiant and undisturbed.

The room quickly plunged into a strange and ominous atmosphere, with the attentive eyes of the courtiers fixed on King Sterry. The monarch's hopes, which had been raised with the possibility of good news, were shaken by this unexpected response. His fingers clenched tightly on the ebony throne as he struggled to contain the tension that seized him, leaving him tense and filled with countless questions.

"Who are you, cursed one!?" Sterry roared at the unknown, his voice echoing through the luxurious hall, shattering all his expectations of favorable news. His face twisted in an expression of fury and challenge.

"I am Monkey D. Luffy, the captain of the mermaid you are trying to capture," Luffy responded calmly, challenging the Goa king with his fearless voice.

"You damn pirate and insolent, hand over that mermaid for your own good!" Sterry vociferated, his voice laden with authority.

"What are you threatening me based on? If you think a bunch of knights can stop us, you're deeply mistaken," Luffy retorted, maintaining his calm as he defied the Goa king.

"I am the king of Goa! Do not insult me, pirate!" Sterry insisted, his unyielding arrogance despite Luffy's challenging presence.

"What happened to the Lord Commander and the others!?" Sterry questioned again, his expression revealing genuine concern for his knights whom he had spent a fortune cultivating.

"They are all dead..." Luffy's response came like a sharp blade, cutting through the tense air of the room.

"You wretch, I will hunt you down!" Sterry declared with determination, his voice turning into thunder that echoed through the hall.

"Don't worry; I'll save you some time. I'm coming to your kingdom right now..." The pirate responded with a sinister promise, leaving a heavy silence hanging over the room as the darkness of uncertainty loomed over the future.


As soon as the snail device was disconnected, a momentary silence fell over the palace's audience chamber. Sterry, like the courtiers and advisors, held his breath, aware that a storm was approaching.

It was at that exact moment that the clear sound of the city bells began to echo through the palace corridors, breaking the silence with palpable urgency. Sterry felt a shiver run down his spine as the bells, located in the church towers, in the squares, and at various points in the city, rang with a rapid and frenetic cadence. It seemed as if the bells themselves had been awakened by a signal of imminent danger right after Luffy ended the conversation.

The sound of the bells spread through the streets of Goa City, interrupting the daily activities of the people. Sterry watched from one of the palace windows, surprised and apprehensive, as residents near the church towers looked up, like him, perplexed by the sudden cacophony.

The tolling of the bells acted as a city-wide alert in Goa. Inhabitants rushed to their homes, shops were hastily closed, and soldiers prepared to face the approaching danger. Sterry felt the weight of duty and responsibility as the king of Goa, with the city on the brink of confronting an unknown and threatening challenge.

"What is this?!" Sterry shouted, his voice echoing through the hall, his eyes widening in surprise and alarm.

"Your Majesty!" A knight hurriedly entered the room, his expression palpably panicked. "A pirate ship is approaching the kingdom, it's the dreadful Straw Hats!"

King Sterry swallowed hard, the news hitting him like a lightning bolt. "What?! Are they really here to threaten me?" His voice trembled with anxiety and fear, while his fists clenched tightly on the throne.

"Arrest them! Do not let them approach the palace at any cost!" Sterry was hysterical at that moment, his words coming out with a tone of desperate command. He knew that the imminent threat from the Straw Hat pirates jeopardized not only his kingdom but also his own power and safety.

The soldiers and knights present in the room quickly moved, obeying their king's order. Commotion and tension filled the air as everyone prepared for the pirates' imminent invasion. The palace was now at the epicenter of an impending crisis, and Sterry's determination was the only thing keeping him steadfast on the throne as danger approached.

Meanwhile, aboard the pirate ship approaching the island, the Straw Hats observed the kingdom of Goa with surprising indifference.

"Is this your kingdom? It's not bad..." Nami commented casually, casting an interested glance over the unfolding landscape. It was her first time here, just like everyone else. The picturesque houses and buildings spread across the city, adorned with elegant architecture and vibrant colors.

"I never lived there, I lived with bandits in those mountains over there." Luffy pointed to the other side, indicating the mountains surrounding the kingdom, reminiscing about his childhood days in the nearby forests.

"I see... This kingdom seems quite beautiful." Usopp observed, remaining calm next to his scope.

"When I was younger, I used to steal in that city with my brothers." Luffy smiled nostalgically, his eyes recalling the mischief of his youth.

"You have brothers, Luffy-Sama?" Shirahoshi asked curiously.

"I have three of them, even if some aren't blood-related." Luffy commented, thinking of his childhood and his fellow troublemakers.

"Three? I only knew Ace..." Yamato murmured, surprised by the revelation.

"Anyway, it seems like we're causing quite a stir." Zoro interrupted, not hiding his excitement as he watched the city become a frenzy of activity as they approached.

In the city, the bells echoed through the air, a shrill and urgent sound cutting through the panic taking hold of the streets. The clamor of the bells reverberated in every corner, like a desperate call to the population. People ran in all directions, their expressions of fear and uncertainty reflected in the deserted streets. Shops were hastily closed, merchants abandoned their stalls, and children were pulled indoors by worried parents. The kingdom of Goa was in a state of turmoil, and the sense of alarm hung in the air like a dark cloud.

While the inhabitants panicked, the Straw Hats remained calm, their expressions maintaining the indifference of experienced pirates. To them, the city's commotion was just confirmation that their plan was working. They knew that the kingdom of Goa would be the next target of their plunder, and the population's anxiety would only ease their way.

At the port, a crowd of soldiers gathered, preparing to face the imminent threat. Armor glistened in the sun, and spears were raised in preparation for battle. Panic was spreading like an uncontrolled fire, and the fate of the kingdom of Goa hung by a thread as they awaited the arrival of the pirates.

"Looks like they want to greet us," Luffy commanded with a mischievous smile, "let's return the favor. Usopp and Shirahoshi, aim for that port." The duo quickly headed for the shooting cabins inside the ship, ready to cause more chaos.

"You really don't miss a chance to cause chaos, do you?" Nojiko commented, observing Luffy's tranquility.

"What can I say, we're pirates..." Luffy shrugged, wearing a carefree expression as the cannons of his ship prepared to fire.

On the deck of the majestic Black Pearl, Usopp and Shirahoshi moved with determination as they headed towards the shooting cabin. The ship, with its aura of pirate power and an intimidating appearance, hovered over the sea with an imposing presence.

Inside the shooting cabin, the atmosphere was high-tech. Control panels gleamed with indicator lights, and a series of joysticks allowed precise control of the cannons. The cannons themselves were a wonder of pirate engineering, equipped with advanced systems that allowed for aim adjustment and automatic loading of cannonballs.

Usopp, with his fearless face and eyes shining with excitement, led the way. He skillfully took one of the joysticks, moving it effortlessly to align the cannon's aim ahead. His eyes were fixed on the horizon, where the port of the kingdom of Goa awaited. With innate skill, he ensured that the aim was perfectly aligned with the target.

Shirahoshi, with her gentle yet powerful presence, followed Usopp as if swimming through the air to her own cabin. She observed the control panel with curiosity, fascinated by the technology about to be used. With her delicate touch, she pressed one of the buttons, preparing the cannon for the shot. Her gentle touch was a contrast to the machine's complex mechanics, but it made it clear that she was ready to unleash the action.

With a slight nod, Usopp initiated the procedure. The cannon adjusted automatically, moving smoothly thanks to the joystick. With a mechanical hum, the cannonballs were automatically loaded into the artillery. It was evident that the Straw Hats' pirate technology was ready to wreak havoc.

As the Black Pearl advanced toward the panicked port of the kingdom of Goa, Usopp and Shirahoshi used the advanced technology of the cannons to launch an explosive greeting that would shake the foundations of the kingdom and signal the imminent arrival of the Straw Hats.



The first shots echoed through the front of the Black Pearl. The explosions were deafening, shaking the deck forcefully and sending clouds of smoke and debris into the sky. The advanced cannons, with their precise technology, hit the soldiers of the kingdom of Goa directly positioned in the port.

The explosions were surrounded by a bright flash and the thunder of impact. The soldiers, unprepared for the quick and fierce retaliation of the Straw Hats, were thrown to the ground, screaming in agony.

"These two are good at shooting..." Lami commented as she watched the destruction caused by the cannons.

"Keep it up; we'll invade the kingdom as soon as we're done with this group of soldiers," Luffy announced, his voice filled with determination. He didn't hide his intentions to plunder the kingdom of Goa, making it clear that there would be no mercy.

"Are we going to kill innocent people?" Reiju asked, slightly alarmed by the brutality of the action.

Luffy quickly corrected, "Don't jump to that kind of conclusion. We don't need to kill to steal; just beat them if they don't want to hand over the treasures." His voice indicated that there was a code of conduct among the Straw Hats, even when they were about to pillage the kingdom.

While the port was in flames, the Black Pearl continued to approach with its destructive arsenal, leaving a trail of chaos and destruction in its wake, preparing for its imminent invasion.


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