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Capítulo 3: House of Wolves

The entire command room buzzed with endless chatter, mutterings about what exactly will become of Japan. lab-coated researchers raced around arms flailing trying desperately to get the contents of their findings out to the staff, the meager command room investigators huddled to their monitors, clacking away at keyboards as every second a new death would come scrolling by on the screen. this was merely how it was in G.O.D.S. through the sounds of endless typing, heavy footsteps marched ever closer. Those seated around stood at his approach and gave a salute and a bow.

"Good Morning sir!" The room sang in unison. their voices like the endless scores of heavenly hosts singing Trisagion in the presence of God. The steps only drew closer to the middle of the room. Upon reaching their destination the leader clicked their heels and made a sharp about-face. He took a bow and addressed the gathered.

"MY MEN!!" his courageous roar spilled into the room. "Japan! has been hit by a catastrophe we cannot comprehend!" he raised his fist. "BUT! THESE AREN'T FORCES WE HAVEN'T DEALT WITH!! DEMONS! DEVILS AND ALL MANNERS OF DARKNESS!!! IT'S NO MATCH FOR G.O.D.S!!"

"Sir...!!" one of the seated investigators shot up to his feet. "Y..You might wanna take a look at what's going I'll patch it through to the main screen" with a few clicks, the entire room grew dark, live footage showing Japan's current condition. a mass of dark stormy clouds that screamed with strokes of black lightning enshrouded the island nation. it was as if the Book of Revelation had been opened right here in Japan. the leader twitched, he held his chest and crumpled to the ground, catching himself on one knee.

"CAPTAIN!!" The entire room cried. The leader pulled himself back to his feet, seemingly powered by a fury surpassed only by Heaven itself.

"MY MEN!!! THIS IS MERELY A COWARDLY ATTACK! A DECLARATION OF WAR AGAINST THE HUMAN RACE!!!" He slapped his hand against the projected footage. "WE WILL SHOW THEM! THESE DEMONS AND THEIR CAMPAIGN WILL GO NOWHERE THIS IS WAR!! MY MEN WHO'S WITH ME!!!!?" The entire room erupted with cheering, the shouting of a war band successfully assembled rang through the command room. three men stirred at his words, a war of survival; it certainly sounded grand but what does this war even prove if they aren't able to save anyone.


"Oh Operative Four Kings and Operative Daedalus? What is it you require?"

"How many survivors have been located based on Izaya's reports?"

"About 100 just from Tokyo. That number is probably lower now...why?"

"I'll bring back 200 300! as many as it takes!"

"Always so much to prove to Edwards! Fine! if it'll stroke your ego go on ahead and if you find any enemies do not engage around civilians do not risk the blood of the innocent just for revenge"

"I won't sir."

"...won't sir...again you mean?"

"Now Daedalus, what is it you need?"

"What shall I do with the boy you tasked me with? He has proven to have magical aptitude and we do need as many hands as we can get"

"You can't be suggesting that you train that runt are you?"

"Precisely sir?"

"Field training! we can't afford cushy training if he survives that I'll consider signing him on as an operative. Keep him alive Bartolv"

"Will do, Sir!"


Is it really fair that I continue to live? I mean it isn't like I have anything really to live for, I got cursed by some dark god presumably, my friends died and now I'm cooped up inside some organization I've never heard of. I mean who would really care if someone like me dropped dead. I certainly wouldn't mind, people like me drop dead all the time.

But I think my mind has gone completely off the rails at this point. The sheer what-the-fuckism of this scenario made me continue to back pedal and wonder if this really was one big dream that maybe I had been forced into some unwitting nightmare and have yet to wake up. I pinched myself, yet I was still there, sitting on an uncomfortable bed.

Maybe if I were to kill myself, it would put an end to these ridiculous dreams! But I guess there could be something worse than death waiting for me in the afterlife. I mean after all the whole cursed wound thing isn't exactly doing me any favors and I don't really wanna face the awaiting jaws of nonexistence without figuring this shit out. well that was at least one reason not to off myself yet. The door opened, and in walked the lupine figure I had gotten all too accustomed to seeing.

"Shoji. Come with me! training" little did I know I had little say in the matter at hand. I lifted my head to meet the wolf with blurry eyes. He reached out a paw and gripped my collar tightly.

"hey! hey! I'm a person don't you know! you can't just force me to train with you!"

"Tell me Shoji. Do you remember what Japan looked like when you blacked out?"

"Well it was mostly the same. save for when we were attacked by the yokai in Meguro City"

"Your family lives here right?"


"So tell me? you'd let your family die like your friends did? while you have an option that will prevent further tragedy. or are you like a roach who just wants to preserve itself?"


"You what Shoji? you don't want revenge for your friends? wanna just curl in bed and cry pretending none of this ever fucking happened!?" Colby raised his voice. "So what will it be!? will you train and face the awful truth of this twisted fucked world or will you continue to moap around in your own guilt while your family and millions of other families are in danger"

"I...will not. I..."

"Then show me! take that first step. there's no better experience than first hand experience"

"Fine then!" I spat out, "Let's do this!"

"Good. Now follow me!" Colby spun around and took off sprinting with Shoji close behind him. The world I saw on the outside was not at all the world I had known just a day prior. the corpse of the city I had known all my life was on full display, I mean not that I was too torn up about megacorps going under or anything but it was an ominous sight to behold, streets upended, buildings sunk into the ground like the ruins of battleships at sea, despite their decay the billboards flickered with the last remnants of their energy. display flashes of small glimpses of a past society. it was quite otherworldly to say the least, a day ago I had restrained myself from partaking in the Kabuki's games and now Tokyo's casket was open. A warning to the whole world. Whoever had done this wasn't messing around.

"Stay close, we're not doing anything dangerous. just training"

"Understood sir" I mentally slapped myself, once again my cringy Military otaku side had shown itself, maybe this was the war I had been so heavily prepared for all those years ago.

"Just Colby"

"Er...Understood Colby" I responded. I followed the lupine around closely trailing him and watching as the scenery only seemed to echo with harrowing sights fitting any manner of war footage. I have no idea what I thought, forcing myself to look upon every tragic scene we passed, why I needed to see the half consumed remains of my fellow countrymen. If anything it just made the images of my friends in my head all the more painful to recall.

"Stop looking so miserable!" Colby called as if he could read the emotions on my face. "this is war"

"Yes sir!" It happened yet again it seemed. that side of me just needed to jump out and butt in when it wasn't needed. I would've berated myself more if it wasn't for an ear splitting scream that scrambled my brain. Colby stopped dead in his tracks, his ears stood on end.

"C'mon! this way!!" he yanked on my collar with his powerful hands. The entrance of a subway station appeared and gathered around it were several dozen people shaking their heads at us, huddled close to a fire. They all turned their heads condemning us to our fate. A young man shifted, he wore a uniform, it wasn't any highschool uniform I've ever seen. He looked to be in highschool just from the look of him but granted I look old for my age, so maybe it's a complete freaky friday moment. He took a step forward, pushing his way through the congregation of fire worshippers and towards me. He raised a hand and beckoned me towards him, I nervously broke away from Colby's path to walk over to him.

"Ando-kun?" he spoke. I took a half step back, taken aback I pointed to myself bewildered.

"Y..Yeah that's me…?" I looked around to the uncaring faces of the gathered masses. My heartbeat quickened, pounding in my ears like a sonorous war drum. Without thinking I jumped backwards. It was just a split second instinctual action, but my nerves had proved to be correct as I watched him slam a hammer into the ground right where I had been standing a moment ago. The man ripped the hammer from the concrete and looked me square in the eyes. I couldn't get a read on his emotions, he was completely stoic other than an occasional twitch of his brow.

"What do you think about humanity?"

"Well I mean I'm human so…I like humans I guess"

"Your thinking is cloudy: indecisive" the man suddenly jetted for me, murderous intent in his eyes, he swung his hammer a second time. His swing capitalized on my blindspot, catching me by surprise. The man's swing was packed full of all of his strength, my ears rang and the entire world spun around me.

"Don't you understand Ando! Humanity is vile! Wretched things!"

"H..How do you know my name?" I called out holding my head, I caught myself on my knee and tried my hardest to make sense of all the conflicting sensory information that flooded my head. I tried to raise my head to meet the man's gaze only to end up staring directly at his boots.

"Don't you remember me Ando!..." He asked, with a sharp kick to the face I was knocked on to my back. "We went to middle school together! God! You haven't changed a bit!" he shouted, raising his hammer high above his head. "You still lack motivation…disgusting"

"Sawatari!" I blurted out the first name that came to mind. Hell it was mostly something to keep this guy talking. anything to keep him from bashing my goddamn face in. He looked down at me with a callous reminiscence, his mouth broke into a grin, a hoarse chuckle escaped from his lips. His head wagged side to side.

"So…so you do remember me after all? I'm touched '' He laughed hoarsely, I squirmed, somehow maybe it was luck I pulled myself to my feet. Swatarai opened his arms and motioned to the people around him. "Society conditions this human dregs to only look out for themselves. If I beat you to death with this hammer? Would they stop me? Pull me off of you? Deliver warranted penance unto me?" his grin soon spiraled into deranged with a side of sickening. "No… these dregs wouldn't stop me, they'd see it as more of a burden to ever help out a fellow human. But you Shoji even when we were in the Red Army. you had hope didn't you?" Sawatari threw off his cap, his shirt and tossed aside his hammer. He squared up, it was like looking at a completely different person compared to the mild mannered nerd I used to know. "So tell me! After this tragedy! After demons ruined our lives! Can you still believe in the human spirit?"

"There's good people…ah…C..Colby-san! He helps people" I motioned to the subway Colby ran down. Sawatari closed the distance I worked hard to close and delivered a powerful uppercut to my stomach, it was like he had baseball pitched a brick right into my stomach. I had forgotten how to breathe. All the air I had in my lungs escaped out of my mouth with a loud painful gasp. Sawatari followed up the punch with a sucker punch right to my jaw. Back on the ground It seemed. Sawatari stood over me, with a hand he gripped my collar and pulled me to his eye level.

"I asked: can you still believe in the human spirit? I didn't ask what other "people" think or what their feelings are. I watched first hand as these demons showed just how low on the food chain humanity really is." A second punch, pain bellowed in my cheek. "If the human spirit was so intrinsically good. Don't you think that humanity would work together and conquer these demons…no instead they trample over each other for food. Squabbling like frightened prey animals. They deserve to be slaughtered" he gave me a third punch but somehow I stopped it, probably another instinctual kneejerk, but it pissed him off to know his punch hadn't connected. He recoiled and threw a follow up punch. Somehow I stopped the punch yet again.

"But you're human! Surely to you hypocrisy is some kind of grave sin." I asked but my question only earned me a silencing blow to the middle of my face. "And so what if I have hope or believe in the will of humanity? So what if there'-"

"Society! Ando! It's Society! Humans molded society to benefit themselves! The only way they learn is through bloodshed!"

"You're wrong! We…We can love and cherish and have dreams and ambitions!"

"That's a privilege only a select few get to have '' Sawatari pulled me to my feet. He grabbed my hand and pulled it close to his chest. "You always wanted to be the hero, didn't you Ando? Be a good soldier? So! Be that soldier who defends humanity. Strike me down right where I stand." I recoiled my hand, taken aback. I quickly stepped back, getting distance between myself and the assailant. Sawatari clicked his tongue, he shook his head laughing and hissing all the while. "Thought so. That always was the difference between you and I. '' He held out his hand, the air snapped and fizzled, he took hold of it like clenching a weapon. The air itself had become his forging material. Taking the air in hand, it bent in his hands. What appeared to be a sludgehammer slowly formed in his hand. In the smallest instance between moments he swung the weapon around in a wide circle, the hammer impacted against the skull of a nearby fire attendant. The elderarly woman's skull caved in, spilling her brain to the unfeeling pavement below her. Sawatari returned his attention to me, his affixed on me with a burning hate.

"Watch! Do the ants toil to kill me in revenge? NO!" He swung his weapon a second time, spilling the blood of a man seated by the fire, his body slumped to the ground. Sawatari lifted his new hammer and looked at me, he stepped towards me. He pointed the hammer at me, the blood and viscera from his fresh kill sloughing off like it wasn't a big deal. "This is what separates us Shoji! You've always been so focused on humanity and their possibility of change. Scared of acknowledging the true breadth of tragedy your species is capable."

"Why me? What do you gain by asking me these questions?"

"Every person is to be judged by me, only a select few are left alive. But hearing your voice, seeing that damn jean jacket again. I had to know if it truly was you. If you still had that annoying hope." Sawatari shrugged, like atlas shaking the heavens as he sighed. The words rolled scarily easily off his tongue. I would've liked it better if he never opened his mouth. "I guess I took a gamble. To see if it was really you" I dropped like a sack of potatoes, looking past my assainlant to the carnage he caused with his two hands. These people died all because of a stupid gamble. That bubbling burning feeling echoed deep within my throat, that same boiling feeling that bubbled its way up and popped the moment it entered my up front thoughts. The bubbles that burned soon melded with my own instincts, all forming one single objective.

I Have To Take This Guy Down! I pulled myself to my feet, meeting Sawatari's gaze. I was no longer facing a human, this man was nothing but a demon in a human disguise. The stump to my right, the mark of that night lit up with phantasmal flames. Fiery fingers appeared clenched tightly at the end of a translucent purple hand. Sawatari took a second to catch his bearings before bursting into laughter. It seemed the answer I proposed hadn't exactly been to Sawatari's standards. He waxed poetic about how humanity when pushed will always choose violence as is predestined by their sinful genes. I couldn't give a shit any less, I had enough of his ramblings. Him just being alive was a visceral reminder that demons weren't the only threat. It had been a natural conclusion to think that amidst the chaos of a world gone mad some humans would take that as an opportunity to capitalize on the obscene chaos and advance their own goals. I don't exactly know what this arm can do to a living person, but if it'll save these people and prevent further death something is better than nothing. Sawatari read me like an open book, catching my first swing with the end of his hammer, condensed air met flame. A spark ignited, the air sizzled before a contained explosion sent us both reeling backwards. It isn't exactly easy trying to lumber around an oversize arm, let alone one not made out of purple flames. Swinging my fist a second time, I connected. I had struck true, meeting my mark on the side of his face. At first it seemed as though a literal flaming fist had very little impact on his face. However as I recoiled that's when the real damage happened. Sawatari chuckled, his face began to morph around the spot where I had struck. In a split second he was knocked to the ground, a powerful crash echoed through the air. Ever the enraged beast: Sawatari got back to his feet, and swung his aerohammer, taking one too many swings to the chest. I countered with my own strike, a blow to the hammer. Once again I struck true, meeting the hammer dead on. Once again the combination resulted in an explosive end. The concussive force left in his cheek sent a crash through the air like a crack of a bullwhip, combined with the explosion of our clash. Sawatari was sent sailing away. Crashing into debris it crashed around him, while he lay his laughter echoed like hoarse haunting taunts.

"Don't you understand. Beating me up won't solve a damn thing! If you want to prove me wrong you'll have to kill me!" Sawatari gulped down air, and stood up. All the malignant stoicism he opened with had faded into nothing but a bloodsoaked smile. He pointed, furrowing his brow. "But we both know you can't do that Ando! We both know damn well you will cling to your ideals of changing the hearts of men. Just like in our red army days. But you can't change my heart! What now!!?"

"I don't care how many punches it takes, I'm stopping you!"

"Stop me? Do you even hear what's coming out of your mouth! Ando this isn't a shonen manga! If you won't kill! Then I will" Sawatari stuck out his hand. The air hissed and fizzled, but he wasn't making a weapon out of just the air. His other hand clung to his chest. The entire area became awash with red light as Sawatari created his magnum opus. "THIS NEXT ONE WILL BE SHINIER THAN GOD'S REVOLVER AND TWICE AS LOUD!!" Immediately following his quote, pain awashed me. I didn't even see what had happened, the next second an iron staff had shot through my front and pinned to the ground sticking out my back. Hell, Sawatari himself looked confused. A befuddled look of shock on his face, he looked around frantically to what exactly just impaled me. Tapping echoed in waves of threes, a cane appeared. The essence of evil appeared like the scent of a mold colony. A towering man had appeared, he had serpentine like qualities to him, scales lining his hands and neck. Mismatched eyes locked on to me like a sniper's lens. I chose not to make any movements, this man must've been the reason I was now pinned. He stuck his nose up to me knowing now that I wouldn't make any act of protest. In his hand he carried a large yellow demon, dragging it behind him like a child's stuffed animal. He turned his attention towards Sawatari, he knelt down and extended his hand.

"It is a pleasure to meet you: Sawatari Hajime. My name is Solomon. You are my newest vassal" Sawatari gave a confused look, Solomon nodded. "My house. You are gifted more than you know dear Hajime. I will give you far more power than you have now!" Solomon stated. Catching a glimpse of me struggling, Solomon's eyes snapped to me. His glare felt like two boring drills working their way through my skull. Even without looking at him I could feel his gaze affixed on me.

"Do. Not. Move!" His voice was like the feeling of hot coals being placed on my skin and ripped off every second.

"YOU! YOU!!" I grit my teeth, pain swelling in my chest. I pulled myself up to where I could get a good look at the man. The cursed wound on my chest began to glow, searing pain swelled in my chest, but it was infinitesimal compared to the utter anger I felt.

"Oh! You are that boy father told me about" he spoke softly his voice felt uncomfortably calm and cooling. The feeling of winter filled my mind, ideas of stomping through fields of snow raced through my mind. The burning I felt when he spoke before faded and all I could feel was a weightless null; as if all of this was nothing more than a dream. Solomon grabbed Sawatari's hand, nodding.

"My house: the suit of devastation. Among the others in our suit. Your retribution will be nothing but a matter of want." Sawatari clasped Solomon's hand meeting his gaze. "It seems your rage surpasses even my own" in the blink of an eye, the three disappeared as quickly as the enigmatic man had appeared. I screamed, pulling myself off the pole seemed to grow only more impossible as the minutes passed. Blood pooled in my mouth, the screams I uttered turned more into beastial gurggles. The passerby huddled by the fire, looked on, turning their heads not wanting to pay mind to the wound howls I uttered with every pained breath. The cursed wound glowed, a warm orange light washed my entire form. The light blinded me, when the light faded. I had somehow been pulled out off the pole, it lay scattered into scrap metal. The wound the pole had left closed it seemed, whatever this wound meant whoever gave this to me didn't want me dying on them. A stinging pain ran up my spine, I had neglected and forgotten Colby-san as I was having that encounter. I took off, I didn't have time to fully comprehend the breaking of the pole. All that mattered was making sure Colby was still alive. I raced down into the subway and came upon him, even from the entrance of the subway I could faintly hear his weak breathing. His body splayed out on the floor covered in blood. It seemed the enigmatic man Solomon had done his work to Colby before he speared me. I stretched out my hand, only to pull my hand back fear washed over me. What if he's dead? The thought dashed across my mind, I pulled my senses to reality shunning my instincts, I grabbed Colby and put the heavy man over my shoulders. I nearly collapsed to my knees from the weight alone. This is what a hero does; even when it's hard I can't give up. I roared, trying my best to take steps labored as they were. Each small step was a victory in its own right. Stay with me Colby-san, the thoughts bubbled in my mind. Burning, boiling feelings bubbled in my throat. It didn't matter how strong I was, I had still been brained with a hammer and that was swiftly taking its toll. Falling to a knee, my breath shot out in rapid labored bursts. I groaned, struggling to stand, but it didn't matter. Despite only knowing Colby-san for a short amount of time. I felt burning rage at him in this state. One step, beget another, beget a third. I stumbled again, I had barely made it to the street when I collapsed a final time. I knew this time I couldn't magically make myself stand. Despair swooped in where hope had once been. I can talk myself up all I want but it means nothing if I can't actually do anything. I reached out my arms pulling at the ground trying to crawl, doing everything in my power to get myself and Colby to safety. My body had long since given up my mind's ghost, my arms dropped. I couldn't keep going even if I wanted to. My eyes began to close and It all became black.

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