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Chapter 9: A Journey Unfolds

The hum of the airplane engines filled the cabin as Minkyu stared out of the window, his mind buzzing with anticipation. The familiar scenes of his homeland gradually faded from view, giving way to vast stretches of clouds beneath him. It was a metaphorical bridge between the known and the unknown, a symbol of the new horizons that awaited him in Europe.

As he gazed at the endless expanse, a whirlwind of thoughts danced in Minkyu's mind. He contemplated the differences that awaited him in this parallel world. How would the cycling scene be? What challenges would he face? Would he be able to adapt and thrive?

In the depth of his thoughts, Minkyu couldn't help but wonder about the disparities between this world and the one he left behind. Would the racing circuits be more demanding, the competition fiercer? Would the roads and landscapes present new obstacles and breathtaking challenges? His mind raced with questions, each one a doorway to the unknown.

But amidst the uncertainty, a sense of determination burned within Minkyu's heart. He had spent years honing his skills, pushing the boundaries of what was deemed possible. He knew that the journey ahead would demand even more from him, but he was ready to embrace it.

The wheels of the plane touched down on the foreign soil of Europe, jolting Minkyu back to reality. He felt a surge of anticipation as he stepped off the aircraft, his eyes scanning the bustling airport, taking in the sights and sounds of this new world.

As he stepped outside, a rush of cool breeze kissed his cheeks, carrying with it the whispers of a thousand dreams. His gaze swept across the bustling cityscape, the towering buildings and the bustling streets. Everything felt both familiar and foreign, a juxtaposition that excited and challenged him simultaneously. It was a world that had been waiting for him, beckoning him to leave his mark upon it.

One thing he had forgotten was how ass the air in Korea was. In case anyone didn't know, the quality of air in Korea was nearly cancerous, which he had forgotten about until now because of how used to it he was. It was a big reason why Koreans wore masks a lot of the time, at least, before COVID. Well, it didn't matter now.

"Minkyu, welcome to Europe!" Mr. Choi greeted him with a wide smile as he and Mr. Park approached. "We hope you had a smooth journey."

Minkyu returned the smile, feeling a surge of comfort at the sight of his mentors. "Thank you, Mr. Choi, Mr. Park. The flight was long but exciting. I can't wait to get started."

Mr. Park patted Minkyu on the back. "We're thrilled to have you here. We've arranged for you to stay in a nice apartment near ours. It's a cozy place with all the amenities you'll need."

"Thank you so much."

As they made their way to the apartment, Mr. Choi continued, "Remember, Minkyu, this is your home away from home. We're here to support you every step of the way. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

Minkyu nodded, feeling grateful for their guidance. "I truly appreciate your help, Mr. Choi, Mr. Park. I couldn't have asked for better mentors."

Upon reaching the apartment building, Mr. Park handed Minkyu a set of keys. "Here you go, Minkyu. Make yourself comfortable. Rest well tonight, and tomorrow we'll start exploring the city. It must be very new and confusing for you. We'll try our best to make you feel at home."

Chapter 9: New Horizons (Continued)

"Minkyu, welcome to Europe!" Mr. Choi greeted him with a wide smile as he and Mr. Park approached. "We hope you had a smooth journey."

Minkyu returned the smile, feeling a surge of comfort at the sight of his mentors. "Thank you, Mr. Choi, Mr. Park. The flight was long but exciting. I can't wait to get started."

Mr. Park patted Minkyu on the back. "We're thrilled to have you here. We've arranged for you to stay in a nice apartment near ours. It's a cozy place with all the amenities you'll need."

Minkyu's eyes lit up with anticipation. "That sounds perfect! I'm eager to settle in and begin this new chapter of my life."

As they made their way to the apartment, Mr. Choi continued, "Remember, Minkyu, this is your home away from home. We're here to support you every step of the way. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

Minkyu nodded, feeling grateful for their guidance. "I truly appreciate your help, Mr. Choi, Mr. Park. I couldn't have asked for better mentors."

Mr. Choi smiled warmly. "It's our pleasure, Minkyu. We believe in your potential, and we're excited to see you grow as a cyclist and as a person."

Upon reaching the apartment building, Mr. Park handed Minkyu a set of keys. "Here you go, Minkyu. Make yourself comfortable. Rest well tonight, and tomorrow we'll start exploring the cycling scene together."

"Thank you both. I'll make sure to get a good night's sleep."

Mr. Choi patted Minkyu's shoulder. "That's the spirit, Minkyu. We'll see you tomorrow morning. Rest well and dream big."

Minkyu watched as his mentors bid him farewell and headed toward their own nearby apartments. He felt a sense of warmth and reassurance knowing that they would always be there for him, supporting him like family.

Entering the apartment, Minkyu took a moment to soak in the new surroundings. The space was cozy yet modern, a place he could call his own during his time in Europe. He imagined the countless hours of training and preparation that awaited him.

Minkyu unpacked the few things he had in his bags and got ready to sleep. With that, he slowly drifted to sleep.


The morning sun streamed through the window, gently rousing Minkyu from his slumber. He stretched his arms and yawned, feeling a surge of excitement as he remembered the plans for the day.

After getting ready, Minkyu headed outside to meet Mr. Choi, who was waiting for him with a warm smile on his face. "Good morning, Minkyu! I hope you had a restful night."

Minkyu returned the smile, his eyes gleaming with enthusiasm. "Good morning, Mr. Choi! I feel energized and ready to start the day. What's the plan?"

Mr. Choi gestured toward a nearby bike shop. "We're going to pay a visit to my good friend, Kang-jin. He's the owner of this shop, and he specializes in top-tier bikes. I want you to have the best equipment for your journey."

After having a horrendous breakfast at a local cafe, (no wonder English food is considered the worst), they headed toward the bike shop.

As they entered the bike shop, Minkyu marveled at the array of sleek bicycles on display. Carbon fiber frames, precision components, and cutting-edge technology adorned each bike, speaking to their exceptional quality.

Kang-jin, a middle-aged man with a friendly demeanor, greeted Mr. Choi warmly. "Choi-hyung, it's been a while! And who's this young talent you've brought with you?"

Mr. Choi chuckled. "Kang-jin, meet Minkyu. He's a promising cyclist from Korea, and we're here to find him a bike that matches his skills."

Kang-jin's eyes twinkled with excitement. "Ah, I've heard about you, Minkyu. It's an honor to have you in my shop. Let's find the perfect bike for you."

As they perused the collection, Minkyu looked around in excitement. Each bike seemed like a masterpiece, meticulously crafted for speed, performance, and endurance. He salivated and had to hold back his drool, as his fingers grazed past each bicycle.

Mr. Choi leaned in, whispering to Minkyu. "Kang-jin is known for his expertise in bike fitting. He'll make sure you have a bike that feels like an extension of yourself."

Kang-jin guided Minkyu through the selection process, carefully considering his height, body proportions, and cycling preferences. Their conversation was filled with technical details that I can't explain.

After trying out a few options, Minkyu finally settled on a sleek road bike that felt like it was made for him. Its aerodynamic design and responsive handling promised to elevate his performance.

"This one is a bit too big for you," Mr. Kang-Jin said, "But you're sure to grow into it. You're already really tall for your age anyways."

Mr. Choi grinned, patting Minkyu on the back. "Excellent choice, Minkyu! That bike will be your trusted companion on this journey. Take good care of it, and it will take you places."

As they left the bike shop, Minkyu couldn't help but feel a rush of anticipation. The world of European cycling was now within his reach, and he had the tools and mentors to help him succeed.

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