Barbara began her address. "My brothers and sisters of the Highlands. Sons and daughters of the Aura bloodline. For a long time, we have suffered. Suffered under the thumb of the Vandora kingdom. They come with their weapons and their puny dicks, to take our land, your hard work, and your sisters and mothers..."
Her eyes looked round, staring into the pupils of the soldiers, as if to read their minds. "...your wives, and your mothers!" she pointed at them. But no more. NO MORE!" she screamed and they echoed after her, "NO MORE!!"
"We shall go into the heart of their land, and bring unto them the justice of the Highlands. We shall touch their hearts with our fists and rip it out of their chests.
We shall pay them a thousand time, for the pain they inflicted unto us and when we are done, we shall take what rightfully belongs to US!
Are you with ME!?"
The crowd of battle hungry men and women echoed a war cry in response.