The godchild gave birth to a dead child.
However, godchildren were very unique.
It is said that if they listened really well, they could even hear the whispers in the thoughts of the gods.
As they could hear those whispers, so could the gods there's.
It is a known fact that there is no connection in the world like that between a mother and her child, and thus, no loss more painful.
In her tears, this godchild tore out runes that had been carved on her own skin by the gods themselves.
These were runes that she had been born with.
Amongst all, she tore out the blue rune of hope and nailed it using her aura and blood right on the child's chest.
With a lot plea, her painful cry went to the gods through the blue rune of hope.
Even the gods could not refuse such painful sacrifice and tears. After all, pain was a proof of love like no other.
The blue rune glowed and life was restored to the child.
However, in the fulfillment of hope, something else was born.