I was expecting some confused gazes or maybe shocked countenances but all we received was indifference from the strangers.
"And what should we do about that?" The man sitting in solitude by the porch shrugged. "I thought those bloody cowards of a government said they weren't allowing Magical students out of the school walls?" This last statement was directed at his mates rather than us.
The woman who shouldered the smoking man spat in disgust. "Believe everything those liars say and you are no less than a Panda, Breann, no less than a Panda!" Her voice had a distinguished accent.
The fury in these people wasn't so hard to detect. I could tell they hated the government for confining them in cells for years all in the name of protecting the mundane citizens.
True, it was unfair. Yet, I fear that if these small groups were already emitting such a distasteful energy for the government, how pregnant would the rage of the entire magical society be?