I hugged my mom and cried on her shoulders.
"My god! What happened to you?!" My mom asked hysterically.
She releases me from the hug and holds both my shoulders.
She looks angry.
"Who made you cry? Does your husband hurt you?!" She accused.
I shake my head as the answer of no. I couldn't talk because I already broke down before her and cried hard.
I can't stop myself from crying.
It's cumbersome.
It really hurt.
Why is living so hurtful?
Why do we need to experience pain before happiness?
"Let's come inside,"
I sense danger in her voice.
She let me sit on the couch and noticed the burn on my hand.
"What is this?! Does he give you a hellish life? Tell me!" She shakes my shoulder for me to speak.
I am just shaking my head.
I'm trying really hard.
I am crying because of a lot of reasons. One is because I want him to be here, and I miss him already. I want to see my husband. I feel safe in his arms.