They still have roughly a week left to travel and Lena's worried. Worried about Kara, who hasn't been smiling as big, hasn't been talking much. Worried about finally getting there and meeting the Danvers, the parents of the girl she's falling for. Worried about her mother, her people, how well Jess is holding up at her Kingdom...
But right now, she's mostly concerned about Kara. She hasn't been able to ask about it quite yet. This morning they had to deal with some of their prisoners fighting with each other and Lena didn't get a chance to ask before then. And after that, they've been on the road. Making their way to National City. Slowly.
And Lena may not be the best at emotions, but she is a Luthor. She knows how to read people. So she can tell whatever is bothering Kara isn't something that she wants to talk about. Probably to anyone, let alone in front of guards and nobles and prisoners. So Lena has waited until tonight, when they're in her tent. And it's finally time.
Lena and Kara have just finished dinner when Lena can't take the silence anymore and nearly blurts out her question. If she weren't raised by the strictest parents in the Luthor Kingdom, she may have. So Lena takes a moment to gather herself, then asks.
"Kara," she says in a gentle tone. She reaches out to take Kara's hand in hers. "What's bothering you?"
"What?" Kara practically jolts and gives Lena a smile that would seem normal to most others, but Lena can tell it's forced. "Nothing, I'm fine."
Lena raises an unimpressed eyebrow, silently urging her girlfriend to speak. Kara huffs and reaches up to adjust her glasses, only to remember she isn't wearing them and nearly poking herself in the eye.
"Rao, how do you do that?" Kara asks, avoiding answering Lena's question.
"Kara," Lena repeats softly.
Kara slumps in her chair. "Okay, okay. Um, can we move to the bed first?"
She flushes when she realizes what she said and Lena can't resist having a little fun. Perhaps her teasing will even make Kara feel more relaxed about talking.
"Usually I don't do that until after a couple of dates," Lena practically purrs, giving Kara a flirty wink.
"Lena!" Kara squeaks out, making her burst out into laughter. "You know what I meant!"
"I do, darling." Lena's term of endearment makes Kara practically melt. "You just look especially beautiful when you blush."
Kara blushes harder and Lena takes the moment to lead Kara over to the bed, laying on top of the covers. She lets go of Kara's hand and keeps her arm outstretched. Kara gets on the bed and snuggles up to Lena, lying on her side and resting her head on her shoulder.
"Ever since I got here, I've been with the Danvers. Either I have been with them at the castle or I've been with them on a vacation. I've never been away from them for so long. It just kinda... Hit me all at once, you know?"
"What happened to cause this?" Lena asks curiously. "Was it just something that came out of nowhere, or did something prompt it."
"Oh, um. I saw a squirrel in the trees and automatically turned to tell Alex. When we were younger, sometimes we would sneak out to the forest to get me away from everything. She could always tell when the noises got to be too much. So we would go to the forest together, and point out any animal we could see. Alex always complained that I used my X-Ray vision and cheated. I did, but she could never prove it." Kara smiles up at the roof of the tent and Lena falls a little bit more in love with her.
"Thank you for telling me this," Lena murmurs after a few moments of quiet.
Kara hums and looks up at Lena, speaking after a minute or so. "I just mainly miss Alex. I think you'd like her."
"I have no doubt, she's brilliant."
"She is," Kara nods. "You two can be nerdy together."
"Kara Danvers Zor-El," Lena gasps out dramatically, making Kara giggle. "Did you just call your amazing girlfriend nerdy?"
"Yes I did," Kara confirms. "But I find it adorable."
"You're lucky you're cute." Lena murmurs, grinning fondly down at her girlfriend.
Maggie and Alex send Vasquez up through the ladder to let J'onn know the battle's over. He comes down moments later, followed by an entourage of healers.
J'onn relaxes when he sees Alex bending over an injured agent, wrapping up a wound on their shoulder. Maggie is standing off to the side, keeping a close eye on their unconscious prisoners. Deciding not to interrupt Alex when she's in doctor mode, he heads over to Sir Maggie first.
"Sir Maggie," he greets her. She snaps to attention, standing up straighter. "How did it go?"
Maggie blinks in surprise, not having expected him to approach her, let alone ask her give him a rundown of what happened. She tells him, including as many details as she can remember, and feels accomplished when she sees the impressed look on his face.
"Very good." He says, nodding to her. "And please, take care of Alex."
Maggie frowns, not understanding what he's saying. Her eyes flicker over to her girlfriend, who's standing in front of a man twice her size and giving him a stern lecture by the looks of it. She grins proudly as the man shrinks away from Alex's accusatory finger.
She turns her attention back to J'onn. "What do you mean?"
He takes a breath, thinking of how to word it. "Alex is... Notoriously difficult, especially when it comes to her own health and safety. She once walked on a broken leg for two weeks before she let anyone look at it because she was 'handling it.' She thinks she knows what's best for her, and she usually does. But not when it comes to her health. She won't let a doctor check her out and make sure she's okay. So could you?"
"Are you asking me to lie to her?" Maggie asks, uncomfortable at the prospect.
"No. I know Alex well, and she will give an indication she isn't in perfect health if she is injured. I'm asking you to look out for that and see that she gets medical attention if she needs it."
Maggie thinks about it for a quick moment. "Alright. But if this goes south, I'm taking you with me."
J'onn chuckles, "I wouldn't expect anything less. Thank you."
Maggie nods and almost flinches from surprise when J'onn places his hand on her shoulder before walking away. She's still watching him when Alex comes up to her.
"What was that about?" Alex asks.
Maggie jumps, not having noticed her girlfriend. "Gods! You surprised me. I should get you a bell or something. But to answer your question, he asked about what happened in the fight. He seemed pretty impressed by your traps' effectiveness."
"He should be impressed." Alex says, probably trying to come off as cocky and would, if not for the proud gleam in her eye. "I saw that he put his hand on your shoulder." Alex nudges her with a beaming smile. "Congrats, Sawyer. That means you're officially one of his favorites."
"Really?" Maggie asks skeptically. She's not exactly used to people liking her on general, especially not when she hasn't known them for very long.
"Yup. You're one of his adopted kids now. You now have a space dad." Maggie ducks her head but knows Alex can see her pleased smile. "Now come on," Alex tugs on Maggie's hand gently. "Let's get back to the DEO. The sooner we get the prisoners dealt with, the sooner we can pass out."
"That sounds really good right about now." Maggie admits.
She daydreams of a nice warm bath. Maybe with Alex in there too, naked... Maggie cuts off her thoughts there, her cheeks flaming. Now really isn't the time for that.
"You could do that now." J'onn's voice cuts through her thoughts. She and Alex turn to him. He's smiling warmly at them, a stark contrast to the serious expression Maggie has normally seen him wear. "You both did a great job today, you deserve to get some rest."
"You aren't going to try to make me get checked out by a doctor?" Alex asks, surprised.
J'onn raises his eyebrows and looks at her. "Would you listen to me?"
"... No."
"That's why." J'onn says. "Now go on, we can do this without your assistance. Enjoy some extra time with your girlfriend."
Alex blushes and thanks him. They leave quickly after that, as though they both think he'll take it back.
"I don't know about you, but a nice warm bed sounds amazing to me." Maggie groans as they walk down the streets of National City.
"That does sound good." Alex says, letting out a deep breath.
Maggie looks at Alex closer when she sees her wince. "What was that?"
"Nothing," Alex says too quickly.
"That was not nothing." Maggie doesn't relent.
"We can talk about this in my room."
"Promise?" Maggie inquires.
I may or may not have written this with "Super Friends" stuck in my head the entire time... It's really catchy and cute! Next chapter, we find out what's up with Alex! And in case anyone's worried, I want to remind you guys that I don't kill off main characters :) Thank you for reading and for your amazing comments! Stay awesome!