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21.05% Parenting Class / Chapter 8: 8. Prophecies New and Old

Capítulo 8: 8. Prophecies New and Old

Disclaimer: Tum de dum dum. Tra la la la. I don't own Harry Potter. Wa wa wa.

Parenting Class

Prophecies; New and Old

Ginny released Harry from her grasp and sat back on her haunches, watching the dazed boy for a reaction, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and pride.

Harry stared at the girl, emerald eyes sparkling mischievously. Without warning, he pulled Ginny forward and into another kiss, her eyes widening this time. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she deepened the kiss.

Slowly, applause started to break out around the room, loud hoots and cheers rising to the rafters. Two minutes later, the kiss was still going and so was the clapping, Draco cackling in Hermione's arms.

"ENOUGH!" Snape came striding down to the kissing teenagers, normally placid face twisted in a snarl. "Twenty points from Gryffindor for inappropriate behavior!"

"But Uncle Sev," Draco protested, clinging to the Head Slytherin's robes, "I made Ginny do it...punish me too."

The hall, which had been quite silent after Snape's outburst, fell absolutely quiet at hearing Draco's words. Snape punish his godson? Not possible.

Through clenched teeth Snape muttered, "twenty points to Gryffindor for nothing." With a sweep of his robes, the professor stalked away and out the doors, into the pitch-blackness of the rest of the castle.

Draco was immediately pulled into a gigantic hug by Ginny, the girl squeezing him like a teddy bear. "You are the sweetest little thing ever!" she exclaimed, planting a kiss on his cheek.

"And he's mine!" cooed Hermione, plucking the child out of Ginny's grasp and hugging him to her. "All mine!" Then on second thought she handed him back to Ginny. "Harry get in the picture with them and give Ginny a kiss," she ordered, pulling out her cameral. "I need to get a picture of this."

Harry shifted over so he sat next to his new girlfriend, Draco in Ginny's lap with a large smile on his face. Bending over, Harry kissed Ginny on the cheek and Hermione snapped a photo, along with almost everyone else in the great hall.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY SISTER, HARRY?" demanded Ron, storming across the room, a large bandage around his hand.

"Don't you know, Ron?" grinned Ginny. "We're now a couple." The older brother's mouth opened and closed like a fish until Hermione gently pushed his jaw back up and held it in place. "Oh? Is your hand feeling better?"

Ron nodded, still staring at his younger sister and best friend. Walking slowly forward he gestured for Harry to stand up, the other Gryffindor doing so. "If you ever do anything to my sister, you will be in deep trouble. Are we clear?"

"Crystal," Harry said, face serious. "I promise to never do anything to hurt have my word."

"Good." Both boys looked at each other before shaking hands and smiles lighting on both of their faces. Hermione smiled, the brother-sister bond very sweet in her opinion. To Ginny it wasn't as she blushed and stuck her tongue out at Ron.

"Can we get breakfast now?" Draco whined, the whole group bursting into laughter and the rest of the students going back to their own conversations.

"Of course," Hermione said. She handed a plate to Draco, still comfortable on Ginny's lap, and settled herself down to her friend. "So how's it feel to be an official couple?" she queried, poking Ginny.

"Not much different," Ginny admitted. "Only now I guess we can kiss and stuff...but since I've always liked him I guess I was already used to him."

"Makes sense," Hermione agreed. "Do you really think we won't have classes today?"

"Probably...but then ag-"

"ATTENTION STUDENTS!" called Dumbledore from the front of the room. "Ah, thank you," he said, as silence fell. "We currently have several weather witches putting charms around the school so classes will continue as normal for the day." His announcement was met with large groans and some muttered curses. "Please finish your breakfast and then head to your first class. Thank you."

"And guess what class that is?" Harry smirked at Hermione. "Divination."

Hermione gripped one the marble pillars in the hall tightly and glared at Harry. "You will never take me," she solemnly declared, eyes burning with determination.

"Just watch me," Harry smirked, wrapping both arms around Hermione's waist and pulling her backwards. She only clung tighter to the pole before kicking Harry firmly in the stomach.

He dropped her instantly, clutching his stomach. "That's the same place Pansy kicked me!" he gasped, doubling up in pain.

"Oh Harry! Are you all right?" Letting go of the pillar, Hermione knelt next to Harry, only to be flipped over his shoulder, the boy laughing evilly. "PUT ME DOWN!" Hermione screamed as Harry clambered to his feet and wrapped one arm around Hermione's legs to keep them from kicking her. "RIGHT NOW HARRY POTTER!"

Harry ignored the girl and exited the hall, torches now lining the halls and shining brightly. Draco scrambled off of Ginny's lap and trotted after the duo, wisely staying out of range of Hermione's fists that were currently lashing out everywhere.

"How come Hermione is yelling?" Draco asked Harry.

"BECAUSE!" shrieked Hermione. "HERMIONE DOESN'T WANT TO GO TO DIVINATION! SHE HATES IT!" Several students walking down the corridor stopped and stared at the unnatural outburst from the witch. "DIVINAION CAN DIE! DIE AND BURN! BURRRRRNNNN!"

"Silencio," Harry muttered, Hermione stopping mid-rant. All this did was make the Gryffindor angrier and she started to slam her tightly balled hands onto Harry's spine, still yelling.

"I think she's mad at you," Draco observed. "Shouldn't you take that spell off of her?"

"And lose my hearing? No thanks."

For the next five minutes, Harry was silent as he put all of his energy into climbing all the way to the North Tower with Hermione. "Only...three hundred go," Harry panted, pausing on the stairwell.

"Why don't you just levitate Hermione?" Draco asked. "Wouldn't that be easier?"

Harry looked over his shoulder and Mione's head to Draco, back to Hermione, and then sighed. "Now why didn't I think of that?" Uttering the spell, the girl floated off his shoulder and into thin air, floating and thrashing angrily. Altering the spell to make Hermione follow him, Harry started back up the stairs, a spring to his step.

They arrived at the tower seconds later, the trapdoor already open and a ladder dropped down. "Do we have to go all the way up there?" gulped Draco, looking fearfully into the black space.

"It'll be okay," Harry assured, picking Draco up and climbing the ladder, Hermione soaring up behind him.

The room was the same as always...incense burning over a fire making the whole room seem sticky, red poufs and chairs placed around tiny, circular tables, and the velvet curtains drawn.

"Ah ha!" Draco uttered a soft scream and buried his face in Harry's shirt as the professor emerged from the shadows next to the fire. She was clothed in a sparkly, purple robe with a gauzy green shawl, the usual assortment of bangles and necklace adorning her bony frame.

"Hello, Professor," Harry greeted, removing the silencing spell off of Hermione, who now floated eerily silent, staring daggers at Trelawney. "It's....erm...nice to see you again..."

"Feeling is the same, dearie," the professor said, swooping down to place a hand on Harry's cheek. "Much too cold for such a day...a coincidence of the aligning of mars perhaps?" Trelawney pulled open a book and started to leaf through it as Harry settled Draco on Hermione's lap. "My dear boy," she murmured, "you shall become very ill shortly and die!"

Hermione snorted and Draco's eyes widened in horror. "You're going to die, Harry! You can't die!" He burst into sudden tears and clung to Hermione, who (if possible) glared harder at Trelawney.

"Look what you've done! Don't say those kind of things around Draco!"

"But it is true! My Inner Eye tells me so. I must state the truth as I see it!"

By that time, other students had arrived to witness the sobbing Draco and Trelawney announcing Harry's death for the second time. "Please professor," begged Lavender, entering with Terry on her hip, "don't let the children hear that...they're too young for the horrors they one day must face."

Trelawney blinked, as if for the first time seeing several younger students in her classroom, all watching her with wide eyes save Draco, still crying into Hermione's robes. "I see your point, Miss Brown. Please, everyone sit down so we may begin to explore the inner depths of lighting patterns."

The whole class eased themselves into the too squishy of chairs and waited for the teacher to continue, Hermione sighing impatiently and drumming her nails on the table. Hey, just because she came didn't mean she had to be nice.

"I'd like to welcome you all back to a wonderful year of Divination," Trelawney started, peering at each person over the rims of her gigantic glasses. "I am quite certain we all," -here she looked pointedly at Hermione- "will learn and possibly enjoy the wonders of the mysterious world of the Inner Eye." Lavender and Parvarti were all attention, leaving Ron with little Terry, the child baring his teeth and grinning at his current guardian.

"Today is a perfect day to do lightning readings," Trelawney continued, moving across the room and throwing open the drapes. "Take out your copies of 'Unfogging the Future' and turn to the section on lightning patterns."

The shuffling of papers and the flipping of pages was the only sound for several seconds, until a large crash of thunder sounded. Draco screamed, and buried his head back into Hermione's robes, that he'd just come out of.

"Are you scared of the thunder, little one?" Trelawney slowly walked over to the crying Draco, her hand lighting on his shoulder. He whimpered and drew himself more against Hermione. "They say those afraid of the thunder will grow to be great," she whispered, voice misty, mouth next to the child's ear. "They'll have power, riches, their desires fulfilled...but it also comes with a price. Greatness comes from the powerful...but yet the power must always be paid for...think about it...only you can change your destiny."

"As I was saying," Trelawney said, voice back to normal, "Study the lightning patterns and compare them to those in your books. Write a summary for each formation you see...I'll be collecting them at the end of the class so make sure you do them well. At least three are needed."

With that, the professor swept back to her desk where she sat, gazing into a crystal orb, every now and then looking up at Harry, sighing, and then going back to her crystal gazing.

"What did that woman mean?" Draco sniffled; relaxing slightly as he realized the teacher was no longer next to him.

"She's just speaking gibberish," Hermione admonished. "Don't listen to a word she says...a fraud, that's what that woman is."

Draco remained strangely silent the rest of the class, occasionally letting out a shriek as the thunder let out an especially large boom, but generally content to sit in Hermione's lap and watch the girl angrily sketch in the lighting pattern onto parchment.

"This isn't good," Harry groaned. "If that old bat sees these she'll just have new ways to predict my death."

"Why?" Hermione asked, pulling Harry's parchment to her.

"This one," the boy said pointing to one of the figures, "means destruction is coming. The second one speaks of a raging plague, and the third one talks about flaming infernos...why do I always get bad omens?"

"Because you're you," Hermione laughed, ignoring the heated stares from Lavender and Parvarti as she interrupted their concentration. "Mine weren't too bad," she said softer. "I have a pot of gold for riches, warnings of falling stairs, and I will fall in love with the unexpected."

"Falling stairs?" Harry repeated. "Guess you'd better double check all the stair cases before you walk on them," he grinned. "And who's the lucky guy?"

"You're in love too?" Draco piped up, looking curiously at Hermione's paper. The two Gryffindors exchanged looks over the table, Harry smirking and Hermione's eyes widening.

"You don't think-"

"Oh I do, Hermione. I do." Harry looked down at the Slytherin, now doodling on a spare piece of parchment with Hermione's quill. "It would definitely be unexpected."

"No way! That's stupid, Harry. And besides, it's just nonsense anyway."

"What she said about the thunder wasn't nonsense," Harry whispered, not wanting Draco to overhear.

"Explain, Harry," Hermione hissed.

"Power, desires fulfilled...yet it comes with a price. Can you think of a way someone might become powerful?"


Harry sighed. "Think harder, Hermione. Dark arts...that kind of power."

"A Death Eater," she breathed, glancing over at Draco, still busy drawing.

"They have all the power they could want," Harry whispered. "And it does come with a're an eternal servant to Voldemort until you die. I mean, look at Snape! He's stuck with them!"

"It's just coincidence, Harry. It isn't true! The only thing she ever said right was back in third year when she was talking about...about..." Hermione trailed off, seeing the desolate look enter Harry's eyes. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to bring him up," she said softly. "I know it still hurts." Harry gave a curt nod, blinking back the tears gathering in the corners of his emerald eyes.

"Look!" Draco said happily, holding up his drawing. "It's us!" Three people had been drawn on the paper, a small one in the middle and two taller ones on the sides. "This one is you, Hermione," he explained, pointing to the figure wearing a skirt, had long hair, and over exaggerated eyelashes. "And this is you Harry!" The famous scar had been drawn messily onto the boy's head and he wore pants. "And that's me!" The figure in the middle held hands with each Gryffindor, a smile on all of their faces.

"It's wonderful, Draco," Hermione congratulated, giving the child a hug. "We'll have to hang it up in our room, won't we?"

"Uh huh. I want to remember staying with you forever! Can I...take it home with me when I have to go?"

"Of course..." Hermione pulled Draco into a sudden hug. "But I'm never sending you back," she murmured into his hair, too soft for the child to make out.

A chime tinkled in the corner of the room. "Class is over," Trelawney announced. "Please put your work on the table and continue with your event diaries." Hermione scooped Draco into her arms and descended the ladder, Harry putting both of their papers on the table and following.

As they were walking to their next class (transfiguration) the torches all down the hall and students screamed, Draco one of them. Harry quickly pulled out his wand and murmured 'lumos', a soft glow standing out amongst the blackness, others slowly following his example.

"There, there," comforted Hermione, rubbing soothing circles on Draco's back, "it's all right...see? It isn't dark anymore."

"I thought Dumbledore said the weather witches fixed everything enough so we could have classes," Harry grumbled. "We'd better just head to transfig...McGonagall might have something to say."

When the trio arrived in the classroom, McGonagall was lighting candles on her desk. "Please take a seat," she instructed. "I have an announcement from Professor Dumbledore once everyone arrives."

Over the next few minutes, students trickled in, the chatter normally accompanying them gone as everyone glanced over their shoulder into the dark, as if expecting some monster to leap out.

"It appears," began McGonagall, "that we won't be having any more classes today. We've been informed the storm is too powerful for our weather witches to hold off any longer...please report to your current quarters. House elves will bring you lunch and dinner. I request you do not leave your dorm room. If you do, points will be taken and detentions given. Do we understand each other?"

"Yes, Professor McGonagall," the class chorused.

"Good. For homework I want you to read chapter one of your 'Muffins to Mongooses' book and answer the questions following the reading. Class dismissed."

"All right!" Harry punched the air. "Free for the rest of the day!"

"Let's go," Hermione laughed, tugging the exuberant Harry behind her. They arrived inside of their roomy dwelling a little while later, a fire crackling merrily in the fireplace upon their arrival.

"Is it going to go out again?" Draco whimpered, clinging tight to Hermione as she sat down on the couch.

"If it does Harry and I have our wands," she assured. "I'm going to get started on my homework...and Harry's," she sighed, the boy happily pushing his book over to her. "Why don't you go play with Harry for a while, Draco?"

The child nodded agreeably and climbed into Harry's lap on one of the chairs. "What are you looking at?" Draco queried, looking at the book Harry was flipping through. "Who are all of those people?"

"It's my photo album," Harry said with a sad smile. "These two people right here are my parents...and that's me."

"I like your mom's hair...I wish I had red hair." Hermione snorted behind the textbook. "Can I meet her?"

"She's dead."

"I'm sorry," Draco apologized.

"I didn't really know her...there's nothing to be sorry for."

Draco flipped the next page. "Who's that?" His finger pointed to a man, one arm wrapped around Lily's shoulder and the other around James', his black hair tied at the nape of his neck and a wide smile on his face.

"My godfather," Harry said stiffly, flipping to the next page quickly.

"Did he die too?" Harry looked at the child puzzled, wondering how he knew. "It's in your eyes," Draco explained. "They're sad...not as sparkly as they were you miss him?"

"Very much," Harry sighed, shoulders slumping.

"How did he die?"

"Last year...Voldemort tricked me into going into the godfather came to help and he...he fell through this one curtain and disappeared."

"A curtain? Why didn't he just come back out?"

"It made him go somewhere...and he's never coming back." A single tear dripped on to the waving picture of Sirius that the book had flipped back too. Several more followed, till Harry just sat there, one arm hugging Draco and the other clutching the album, his tears falling onto the open pages. "And it was all my fault too," he whispered brokenly, "all my fault."

Hermione quickly got off of the couch and wrapped an arm around Harry's shoulders. "None of that was your fault, didn't ask to get that scar, or the fame...nothing is your fault."

"But if I'd learned occlumency then none of this would have happened...none of it. And we didn't even need to know that blasted prophecy! Dumbledore already knew it!"

"He what?" Hermione gasped, hand flying to her mouth. "What do you mean, Harry?"

"That was just a copy of the damn thing...Dumbledore had the real one in his pensive. Trelawney said it when she was younger. Basically said that only one of us can live and the other has to die. He knew it and he didn't bother to tell me!"

"He probably had his reasons..."

"It still isn't an excuse. It affects me personally...I had a right to know."

"What are you talking about?" Draco asked, completely confused.

"Nothing anymore," Hermione said firmly, pulling the photo album out of Harry's hands and placing it on the table. "Let's not think about that right now..."

"You're right," Harry sniffled, removing his glasses and wiping his eyes. "Let's all ready a story together."

And that's what the three did the rest of the stories, ate the delicious food the house elves brought up (after all, who can resist steamed squid?), taught Draco how to play chess, and just lay on the couches, content to just sit.

"I'm tired," Draco yawned. "Can I just spend the night here?" The child was currently using Harry's leg as a pillow and curled up like a cat. "My room's so dark..."

In reply, Hermione conjured a blanket and draped it over the child, tucking it in at the edges. "Good night, Draco," she murmured, planting a soft kiss on his forehead. Harry did the same, and Draco fell asleep seconds later.

Hermione gave a sigh and ran her fingers through the silky hair, adoration clear in her eyes. When she looked up, accusation was in Harry's. "Told you," he smirked. "Your lightning pattern was right."

"Was not," Hermione protested. "I just think he's sweet...when he's older again he'll probably be the same jerk we knew before."

"Do you honestly believe that?"


"No you don't...remember what Dumbledore said? They'll remember everything from when they were like this. Don't you think he might be changed, even a little?"

"Probably...but that doesn't mean I'm going to fall in love with him!" she cried, throwing her hands up in the air. "Maybe we can all be friends...but fall in love? It's crazy talk!"

"I don't know, Mione. There's just something special about him...I mean, look what he made Ginny do! If he's like this now, doesn't it mean he has to have some heart left in the present? He truly adores you...I wouldn't put it past for you two to fall in love."

"And you'd agree to that?" Hermione laughed. "All you've ever wanted to do was kill him and now you want me to start liking him?"

"Well...he isn't Malfoy anymore."

"Who is he then?"


"Come on Mione, let's go to bed. We're going to have a lot of classes tomorrow."

Hermione snuggled down on the couch, while Harry leaned backwards, not wanting to wake up the sleeping Slytherin. Within moments, the room was silent, everyone fast asleep.

The next morning sunlight streamed through the window, landing directly on Harry's face. With a groan he sat up and put on his glasses. Draco rose too, and ran to the window. "It's not raining today!" he exclaimed happily. Running back to the couch he jumped onto Hermione's stomach and began to bounce. "Wake up Hermione! Wake up!"

"I'm...up," she wheezed, "" Obediently, Draco hopped down to the floor. "What are we going to do today?"

"RRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR!" The three looked out the window to see Hagrid holding a thick, metal chain and tugging on it, the thing at the end not visible. Hermione paled.

"We are going to be eaten."

Author's Notes:

And once more, typing on Sunday XD I would update every two weeks, but I know you all expect me every Sunday so that's what I plan on doing. I've just been so busy with all this final testing...not to mention the fact I missed it cuz I went to Chicago with my art group to the S.O.F.A. Exhibit. Had a lot of fun though. I bought a stuffed elephant at Navy Pier...he's the cutest, fuzziest thing!

Speaking of elephants, my elephante, Star, is entered in this weeks Neopets BC. Link is on my profile...would you care to vote?

Also, sorry for once more diving into the angst...I just thought Sirius deserved to be recognized and the events from fifth year. After all, it is pretty important stuff. And if most haven't noticed, I honestly quite like Trelawney XD Made her a rather helpful character in BOW n.n

Nothing much else to say, cept please do leave a review if you are in the mood and have a fun week at school (if that's even possible) XD

Reviewer's Comments:

Gertyke Hehe, I've noticed I keep saying 'bloody hell' all the time now. It's really weird...I would love to have Pansy over more often! XD I fell asleep standing up once at a dad woke me up. I was only out for a few minutes but it still strikes me as funny.

LishaChan I'm very glad too. Draco needs to have a good 'father figure' and Harry is perfect! Maybe he can take him flying sometime...that'd be interesting.

kat6528 The last part was my fave too. n.n I luv word games and that one was fun! I like to do the same thing at my house sometimes...but most often when I'm walking you know how sometimes two people meet and they both step to go around? I always go the direction they do and we normally get stuck for a little while. It's funny to watch but rather embarassing XD

CherryBlossomAngel-225 Totally a kodak moment. I luv harry/draco bonding, as long as it isn't slash. Friendship is perfect. n.n I'm glad Hermione got a if I could only get a copy of it!

blackbird fly They are an awesome couple! The fiery redhead with the courageous black haired....yep, defintley a cute match.

scarlet-knight13 Hehe, it did. I kept parading down the streets and jingling whenever I could. Simply luv the costume! My mom wouldn't let me wear the shoe jangalies to school the next day though T.T Oh well. Dogs are probably my fave too. They're all so cute! I'd like a pet koala too...unfortunatley I think that's illegal.

dracodolenz Sorry, Harry is first. Then Hermione. I want to get the D/Hr action going a lil bit in the middle of the fic, not wait until the very end. But I'll make both of them have a lot of excitment in their little lives.

ERMonkey, Burner of Cookies Yep, Harry is next...I'm assuming about six-eight chappies we'll see the next kid. I still have a lot to cover with Draco. XD I just luv him so much!

paprika90 ::gets it:: lol My b-day is in December, so you're quite a bit early. XD Can't wait though...a little more then a month and I'll be 16! Yay! It would be nice if I could get my b-day off...unfortunatley my school board is mean so I won't get my wish. XD

ObsidianRaven XD Really? So cute! So you know how all those little word games and the teasing ends up? Luv ur username! The dark, mysterious ones always hook on me somehow.

Laen Me too. I luv side couples! In another ficcy, I put Remus/Tonks on the side of Draco/Mione. n.n Glad I could make you laugh. n.n

Puzzlette Of course I'll write about the other two. We can't leave them without being chibified. XD It's going to be a pretty long fic, but it is a favorite and my most popular. I don't know if I will be able to end it...too much fun!

LiLbLueangeL1223 Uh huh, Ginny can take Little Harry under her care for a little while so Draco and Mione can have some 'alone time' XD Yep, father son. And I'm going to make Draco be a good daddy to Harry...And if Rowling doesn't she's going to have major trouble. XD Watch out, the attack of the ff writers!

Hiscefit Thank you n.n

blackrosebunny451 ::nods:: the dogs would go crazier. Can you imagine her high-pitched voice all'd be like a siren. Those poor puppies ::hugs my dog:: I'd honestly be quite interested to see what she dressed up as...scream or a faerie?? XD

Saiyachick Blaise and Ginny? Never heard that one before. Have read a bit of Blaise/Hermione though but it always turned Draco/Mione. Hmmm...Blaise would be a good choice for her though if written right. Glad Harry still works well though.

UrS0D00rk3y Yes, I noticed too ::slaps self:: And I thought I actually proof-read...I went back and fixed it though. still feeling very embarassed though. I know I should know this, but I'm wondering how they'll act too...I mean, are they going back to last names or still first name basis? I'd better get some outlines written.

valentines-hater I're right! XD

samhaincat OMK! You're right! I am going to so make a part on that! Maybe he will...I'm not sure. I mean, he lives in a dungeon so he's bound to have gotten over it, ne? So no, he probably won't be but ya never know. my muses can act very odd at times.

shedoc10 The photos at the end are going to be great! Basically a grand finale to the fic so you can see everything that happened during it. They really do take each problem and deal with it as it comes...wish I could do the same XD

Pia O'Leary Hmmmm, wonder why that happened. It wouldn't let me read a fic a few days ago...the screen just kept freezing. I loved the ending. I was stuck origanally and I didn't know what I wanted to happen after she shouted she liked Harry. And then I guess I got bit by the brilliance bug and my ending was formed. I luv storms too! I luv to write during them (they inspire me) but lately the power keeps going out when I do so and I lose all of my work XD

FlickFlick Voldie is kinda like the monster under our beds if we think about it. Who knows...Harry Potter is probably the story kids luv to hear and Voldie is the evil monster who will eat you if you don't brush your teeth XD

Twisted Angel I know, so embarassed about the imp. I proofread it but I guess that part I missed. I did go back and edit it so I feel a little better...but still very stupid. you put an 's' in front of 'he' and you've got real problems. ::sigh:: When you say rare, does that mean you don't normally read D/Hr? Just curious.

Alenor Don't feel bad...I forget to review sometimes too...what's worse is when I forget someone in the RC's...done that before and I feel terrible! I have a main account is the one with the elephante on it and I have four more...don't go on them really anymore though. I've been thinking about disabling them, but one of them has a lab map on it! XD

ShadowOfMoonlight Wow! thank you! ::feels honoured::

The Stump Their bout reminds me a lot me arguing with my friend Matt...we can do so forever and always manage to confuse each other...::shrugs:: tis fun though. XD

ilovetom88 I'm glad she took a picture too! Too cute of a moment to pass up without something to remember it by, right? Kami, writing this I seriously want a little Draco...and not a plushie either XD

RiRiana Arigatou! I really don't know why anyone could do that...but Lucius (in my book) is truly evil. Maybe pixies did make them.. O.o that'd be interesting. ::eats buckets of candy:: oh kami, I think I'm going to get a stomach ache from that. XD

BIGHARRYFAN Chris...his last name wouldn't happen to be Rankins, would it? Cuz a Chris I knew (my old bf) used to give me pixie sticks all the time...and he's in drama. Probably not, but still odd coincidence. A French robber? Very interesing.

JeanMarie My fave ships too! Although I also love Tonks/Remus. Odd couple, but cute nonetheless n.n I luv the picture Draco drew...I was always drawing my family when I was little.

VioletNeo4 You have to send me a picture of the plushie after you make it! It's going to be so cute! i know it! Native American? Awesome! I spent over six hours a few years ago seweing little beads onto a brown dress so my sister could go as a NA and she didn't even say thank you! ::growls:: mean sister....

tigerlily727 Awww, such a sweet brother you have. I used to have to guard my lil bro all the time...he hadn't a clue how to stand up for himself. I luv Draco kicking them too! Very protective of Pansy, isn't he?

CircleOfStone sorry bout the slow pace...we will see good time. Naturally, I take things at a slow pace so we'll be with Draco for quite a few more chapters...but I will skip days to speed it up. Can't stay with him forever! I'd like to read that fic...but can't really see the eyebrow piercing...maybe an ear though...a silver hoop ::drools:: Luv spiky hair!

Bronwen Where do people get these names? Is there a site? If so, could I get the link? But why are Harry and Ginny Orange Crush? D/Hr I get but not them XD I felt bad for her too...glad it all worked out. Would have been terrible if he'd rejected her T.T OMK! She flashed them??? wow...I would never have done that...good for her though! I actually had fairly nice weather...wasn't too cold...just had to put a second shirt on beneath my costume at night and I was good to go n.n

Blackat I'll update every Sunday so look for me then n.n

Ginny-W13 I thought it was Ginny/Snape...jk! XD One of my friends did that once...I'm proclaiming my luv for the D/Hr ship and I ask her what my fave ship is and she said Draco/Ron. I freaked majorly! XD

Callie Sounds kewl! If it gets published let me know, I 'd like to read it n.n I manage oki without study hall, but it'd be really helpful if I did have it.

trapped-in-a-dream A poem? I used to write poetry all the time...been thinking of doing some HP poems, just gotta think of some first. XD Is it an angsty kind of poem? I'd like to read that. n.n I'm glad Draco isn't scared either anymore

charmedsisters Very sorry bout that. I just luv them so much! XD

rockslutgothpunk Your tradition sounds yummy too! When I was in R.E. classes, every winter we'd take one of our shoes off and leave it in the hall, and St. Nicholas would come by with candy canes! n.n I started to distrust the tooth fairy when she wouldn't answer the letters under my pillow, and santa and the e. bunny when the notes they left matched the handwriting of my mom...

Lulu LABs23 To acts of fluff...I like that. XD I didn't get many reviews for BT T.T I don't know if it's losing popularity or what...I even made the chapter almost complete angst.. Straight jacket!? Do you have a piccy?? I'd luv to see that!!

The Mage of Willowbottom Awww, thank you! I'll be sure to read one of them when I have a few spare minutes on my hands.

Smileystar04 I'd say next age switch will be in about six-eight chappies...I know, a long time. I just have so much I wanna do with little Draco! I'm not quite ready to let him go yet! XD, yes that is what pixie sticks are...although I'd like it better if they replinished themselves. I'd be living in heaven.

Rachael Here's more n.n

YamiClara I saw it today! Valon is such a cutie! and I feel so bad for Raphael! I'm curious why he said his family left him though...he seemed to luv his brother and sister. I can't believe Seto! He won't work with them...again! I luv him and all, but he seriously needs to be brought down a notch.

onetrueself Thank you very much! n.n

Stormy Skies My sister and I just argue a lot, no do too's and do not's in our convos. XD

MokubaDoll That's oki. ::hugs:: I really respect myself in that sense too. I mean, I don't see anything wrong with gay pairing in the real world...I just don't like it in fanfics. It just isn't right...and I heard that girls like yaoi...well, this girl doesn't.

BlueBabyAquaGirl I'm so glad too! they really need to like each other! I loved the ending!! My fave part of the chappie I think. Just a perfect conclusion.

Jessa1000 Hehe, what do you have to say about this one? I really liked it since I know I'm going to love doing the next chappie! Please don't kill me...::cowers:: I'm too young to die!

Secunda Snape Yes, the others will be kids. I'd give Draco six-eight more chappies of being chibi...then Harry! n.n

Slytherin ice princess If I ever have time I'll check your story out. Unfortunately, I don't really get a chance to read many fics besides some of my friends T.T

Invisible Voice Hehe, Draco was cackling in this chappie...he's a witch too! Actually, let me rephrase...he's a wizard! XD

coffeentoffee ::backs slowly away with lollipop outstretched:: here's something sweet for you...Yep, Harry and Gin are finally together! A perfect item!

Magma Rose Gin and Harry go hand in hand together! No one else for him and no one else for her! You just made the cut off before I updated! Good thing I checked my e-mail! n.n

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