"This… is disturbing." A beautiful black woman with a curly ponytail said, "We did a background check on everyone you accepted, and they were all law-abiding citizens."
"And still are." Kaze smiled charmingly, standing before a bulletin board.
"Yeah…." Carmen sighed, reading a poster in the basement of the Luxe, "Do you understand how… wrong this feels for me?"
"As opposed to what?" The emperor scoffed breathlessly, rolling his eyes, "Switching your tactics from arresting people to killing them as a containment strategy?
You've been enforcing laws impartially, no matter how corrupt, your whole career. All that's changed is who is creating the laws.
Don't claim yourself a servant of virtue when you're the executioner of arbitrary beliefs."
The Malta police chief turned to him sharply but quickly turned away. She didn't want to start trouble with the hand that fed her.
Shout out to Monkeyphil for his gifts and consistent since-chapter-twelveish readership. Unlike comments, it doesn't say what chapter gifters do their gifting on. So it's hard to thank people. So I thought I'd thank you here since I haven't found your gift comments. The same goes for everyone else I may have missed. Thank you!