The third-course and fourth-course meal has been eaten. All that's left is the fifth course, dessert. It can be seen by how we talk that we have become more intimate. Our relationship is already at a phase that they call 'friends.'
"You said that humans have no value except for their labor, right?" Moriarty asks.
"Well, applying your view of humans to what Goofy had sai-
"What? Goofy said another thing?"
"Precisely. Goofy told me that you harbor deep hatred towards Monster's violence. But why? I mean... The only thing to hate against violence is if you hate people getting hurt. It's their fate that they're getting hurt. So, why do you hate violence if it's all fated to be?"
I see. So that's what they talked about.
"Hmm... I said earlier that everyone has their own functionalities in this world, right?"
"Well, I just find it hard to waste such functionalities, you know? Like, for example, if you kill a person, that person will leave the world without ever knowing what their proper functionalities are in this world. Hence they will never know their true potential. I just find it a waste..."
"That's... deeper than I thought."
"Imagine if Elon Musk died when he was a child. We will never know of such an individual. He will die without letting out his true potential-- his proper functionalities."
"I understand. I want to ask you another question. Why do you not want to join me if you are willing to join the Kirisu family?"
"Eh?" I- I've never told anyone this. Not even Laura. How come?!
Seeing my surprised face, she smirked. "Who do you think hacked Kirisu's tunnel?"
"No. It's me. I watched the CCTV and analyzed your facial expressions. You were awake the entire time and... you seem desperate. As if you want something from that building. So I thought of three possibilities.
1. You wanted to steal something.
2. Destroy the Yakuza from within.
3. Trying to prove yourself worthy.
I eliminated possibility number one and two so only three is left.
Is my assessment correct?"
"Hmm... Well, I mean... it's correct, but can you really predict what I was trying to do just by speculations? You have no real evidence. So how are you so certain?"
"Would you be surprised if I tell you that it's all instinct?"
"I see."
"Eh? That's your response?"
"What? Are you expecting me to elaborate?"
"I see."
"Tch. If you don't want to tell me, then I'll answer your question.
Why I'm not willing to join your mafia? It's because your Mafia doesn't sell narcotics. Simple."
"Narcotics? You want to sell drugs?"
"I can do chemistry. It's my thing."
"Hmm... That's quite interesting."
"It is, isn't it? I felt ecstatic when I found out what my talent was. I can finally show my proper functionalities to the world. But, of course, probability just has to fuck me up."
"Probability? Is that a personality?"
"No. Probability is probability. I meant it as that. It's unique, you know, how this world, Earth, is moving, how I live, how life even existed. You can never know the probability one can have. Heck! For all I know, we don't know what will happen in the next 5 seconds.
5 seconds later, that door could open, you could flirt with me, and a random chunk of a meteor could shoot towards me at lightning speed. That's why I hate probabilities, yet also... I love probabilities.
I can predict it, yet at the same time... I can't."
"You have a very deep mind for a 14-year-old boy who grows up in a village."
"I read."
"Interesting... But reading is not enough to achieve a mind such as yours. I like you even more and more, Kenma."
"You desire me. That feeling, desire, is fated to be. But we won't know what our true fate is. I can join you, and if I do, that's my predetermined fate. And if I don't join you, then that's my predetermined fate. We don't know what our fate is and we will never know. But one thing for sure is that we can't stray off of our predetermined fate, for every path we take is our fate."
"Kenma, Kenma, Kenma... You're fascinating. I have a question that I wanted to ask from the first time we met. I see in your eyes that you're a curious person and that's good. Curiosity is a major sign for an intelligent human. I'm also curious and thereby the question; are you interested in philosophy?"
"Philosophy can't make money. It has no use-
"Oh no, no, no, no. You have it all wrong. 'Use' is Philosophy. Philosophy is a tool made specifically for the human mind, and by nurturing it, we can achieve previously unachievable things. Science, Math, History, and every subject in school has a direct affiliation to philosophy-- especially in their foundations.
These school subjects are made from philosophy. Philosophy is the true and the very first root of human intelligence. That's why I love philosophy. By learning one subject, I can learn all other subjects."
"I see that you have an extreme passion for philosophy. I read many philosophy books. By any chance, do you know 'Sophie's World by Jostein Gaardner'? I'm currently reading one."
"Sophie's World is brilliant. It shows you the history of genius philosophers."
"Mhm. By the way, Laura Esmeralda, she's working for you as a snitch, no?"
"She's quite strong. With such a small figure and a gullible young face. How old is she?"
"What is that question? Is your self-esteem broken or something after seeing a girl with a smaller figure almost match Monster's power? Oh, and it's not a she."
"Not. A. She."
"Hmm... I think I misheard th-
"Not. A. She."
"S- so you're telling me. I've been flirting with a boy?"
"Precisely that. Outstanding guess."
"Welp, can't worry about the things you can't change. And the past is, unfortunately, one of them. Shit."
"Haha. Many of Laura's teammates' first encounter is just like yours. Laura is a boy. To be more precise, he is what many younglings these days call 'trap.'" She clarified.
"Ah. Well, as I was saying, how old is he?"
"21 years nine months, two days."
He's strong and relatively young?!
"He's an engineer, no? Is he the one who made his advanced suit?" Please say no. Please say no.
"Yes, but some are partially made by my ideas." Crap. Not only he's a prodigy in the art of assassination, but he's also a goddamn weapon avant-garde pioneer. "All of the programs are done by me." She said as if that's gonna heal my broken pride.
But... perhaps, there is still hope. One last question.
"Does this advanced suit... enhance strength?"
"Even if you don't admit it, you take pride in Monster's strength."
Well, to be completely fair, my point and emotions are standing out right on the open field where everyone can see.
I should really train to tune down my ego and pride. It's really harming me mentally.
Especially now with all the stress, Goofy has put on me.
After hearing about what Laura is capable of when I converse with Monster in the Mind Conduit, I became interested in this individual and his suit.
The first time I saw Laura when we met in that room, I could already notice some clues about his identity. Most specifically, his knowledge about the ventilation system and the scent when I closed in on his neck.
It was peculiar, something I'd never smelled before. It's almost like there's no smell at all. As if something is dampening the scent.
Perhaps... The suit also has-- some sort of clothes fabricating feature. Or was the nurse outfit an illusion? Just like what Monster has told me about 'hologram.'
As I pondered, Moriarty smiled proudly before boasting about her family's technological advancements.
"Haha... Don't worry, Kenma. The suit doesn't enhance strength. However, it has large-scale weaponry integrated into the suit ranging from the Damascus steel claws, shock-net blaster, EMP detonator, an Auto Communicator, an EXO Cloak device, an EXO Skeleton that injects a serum we produced that can increase the user's mental stability, meaning more calmness. It can also heighten the user's senses, stamina, and adrenaline, and finally an Ultra-Haptic sensor that shoots out sound frequencies to detect nearby solid object-- echolocation. The sensor also functions as an enhancer for the user's reaction time."
Wow! That's a lot of features. But, "What's EXO? Is it an acronym?"
"Oh. No... Exo is just an abbreviation for Exoplanet, meaning a planet outside our solar system. The reason why we call these devices 'EXO' is to indicate that these devices are otherworldly."
"I see..." I sip another of my apple juice. "How many are produced in this world?"
"The suit you just saw was a prototype. The mission to save you from Kirisu's fortress was its first-ever mission. What you saw- Ahem-- What Monster saw back then might be the first step of human evolution. The first stage of cyber domination."
Hmm... She said that last part with a sour tongue. Is she perhaps-
"Yes. You might be thinking about my reaction. I was worried. Cyber and AI are getting more and more advanced. It's not a distant future when AIs are capable of living without human assistance. And I just... hope. That... we, as humans, are capable of still controlling them.
I'm a master at coding. I won a Nobel prize for creating the first ever emotionally capable AI on the face of this earth. We had to destroy that same AI a week later. Because it has gone rogue, killed half of my personal team."
"It has a name, you know... Interestingly enough, it was named after the greatest philosopher, Socrates. We named the AI 'Sophie' as in the female version of Socrates. It was a masterpiece. Years and years of coding led me to this destination. And after years and years of coding... my efforts are wasted."
It's interesting... To see such a ruthless person sulking in front of me. A book I once read describes her as an 'emotionless brainiac' or an 'inhuman terror.' I didn't see it in her, though.
Emotionless? Brainiac, yes-- that I can agree. But emotionless? If she is what the book describes her as, then what am I seeing right now? She's sulking... She's showing human emotions.
Inhuman? Terror, yes-- that I can agree. But Inhuman? She's more human than those devils I killed in the village.
She's more human than me.
She's without a doubt ruthless and sly, but she's nowhere near emotionless nor inhuman.
She shows curiosity over me. She is fascinated by me.
Right when I finished the train of thoughts in my head, the door of the room opened to reveal Otto walking toward us with two silver plates in his hand.
The dessert has arrived.
The last course of meal for the day. The time is running low. I have to decide whether or not I should join her.
"A Macedonia rum ice cream. Your favorite, Madame."
"Thank you, Otto." She remarks.
Otto looked my way and placed the other silver plate in front of me.
"And one vanilla Macedonia for you, Master... Kenma." He smirks at me ominously.
I squinted my eyes at him but decided to ignore it.
"Shall we?" Moriarty takes the lead and scoops right into the ice cream.
I did too.
It's delicious. Sweet.
Sweet flavors tend to maximize brain activity and therefore lead to a better and faster thought process. I should savor every bit of it.
I let my eyes shut as the flavors of the ice cream pop in my mouth like fireworks.
I realized that there was a tinge bit of alcohol there, but it's alright. Most of the rum in my Macedonia ice cream was replaced with a minty peppermint-like syrup.
It honestly tastes refreshing.
*sigh* I wonder how the rest of the night will be...
2 hours later,
I'm at my apartment, lying down on the bed.
I sighed...
It has truly been quite a peculiar night.
At the end of the meeting, I had to make a choice.
Whether I join her... Or not.
And... I made a choice... that, I hope I don't regret taking.
"I ended up joining her, huh?"
I joined her with several conditions;
1. Working will not stop me from going to school.
2. Calling me off from school or any disturbance is not allowed (Except for urgent matters)
3. I want to work alone.
She appointed me as a personal bodyguard and hitman. Perhaps hitman would be too professional. Let's say... Assassin.
Ever since Maranatha, many Mafias, Yakuzas, and gangs have been rivaling each other.
Now in 2022, regions have been split.
An underworld organization can take other organizations' regions by fighting and defeating them.
The Moriarty family ruled 85% of America and 90% of Europe. It's safe to say that America and Europe are already in Moriarty's palm.
However, there are a few factors that hindered Moriarty from ruling over all of them. Factor number one is that Moriarty has lost a couple of her vital teams after fighting the Dispectria family in Russia.
She said that many organizations shook hands together to fight the Moriarty family off of America and Europe.
She said that they said that the Moriarty family had reigned for too long. There's the starting point of the endless path of blood and brutality.
The main enemy Moriarty is facing is the Dispectria family. They're the first cause of all the underworld organizations to team up against her.
So far, those who have agreed to team up are;
Myriad Triad,
The Marauders,
The Melancholy 20,
The Asgardians.
That's... about it.
Four titan organizations that ruled major regions across the globe teamed up to face an even bigger organization, the Moriarty family.
The Kirisu family is against it. Kizashi Kirisu, the head of the Kirisu family, had said in an interview that teaming up is a cowardly thing to do.
That's why The Dispectia family and Myriad Triad are in an ongoing war with them.
It's not because of such a mere statement. It's about taking territory. Yes, we're playing King of The Hill.
Right now, the king of the hill is the Moriarty family in terms of territory and resources. And I assume they also have an advantage in technologies.
Dispectria family is at second.
Kirisu family is third.
They think that by taking over the Kirisu family's territory, they will get more resources and power, which is essential if they really commit to destroying Moriarty.
That's why all the guards in Kirisu's fortress whom Monster met were weak. Many of the strong ones are being sent straight into the front lines.
Only Yuto Kageyama is the strong one that stayed to protect the fortress.
The martial art trainees I saw when I first came to the fortress were newly recruited members from around the world who sought opportunities in the underworld, just like how I was.
Now, regarding my new job.
I'm now a crowned Hitman by the Queen of Queens herself.
She said that my skills matched some of her best fighters. I take that as a compliment.
She also said that I need to remember Monster not to underestimate his opponent, whoever they may be.
She said that many humans have strength unnatural to this world. Unnatural to biology.
She said that she once saw an old man cut a giant column with only one slash of his katana when an unknown girl was threatened to be crushed by it. His name is Tatsuo Yagami, and he's a man I will most definitely avoid.
She also said that she was willing to buy me a personal chemistry lab, but she ordered me not to make any drugs. She said to use my talents for something better.
Seems like there's a reason why Moriarty isn't selling drugs.
I also tried asking more about this individual called Tatsuo Yagami.
She said that the Yagami family is a family of samurai, and their legendary fighting technique is still passed on generations through generations to this day.
Moriarty tried luring him into her grasp, but she failed for... unspoken reasons.
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