I took in a slow breath, letting the forest air fill my lungs. It was quieter as we reached the edge of the protection barrier, the music quiet in the distance. Mel was skipping along like a fairy bringing her own light to the dark woods. I smiled at her as I looked around, spotting an owl watching from a tree, the snake two feet over, and a mouse scampering into its burrow away from the predators.
Seth was just behind me, his energy showing how nervous he was to be out so far from the pack. "Beautiful night." I said to him as Mel did a spin and flip a few feet ahead of us. I motioned my head towards her, "She's usually only this way when fighting or dating."
Seth gave a small smile as he turned to face the direction of a broken twig in the distance. "It's just an animal, try to relax. We'll notice if anyone is getting near." He nodded again, but this time his shoulders lowered as he let out a slow breath.
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