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18.34% Goddess of Ice: Corrupting Bleach / Chapter 20: Fighting two Lieutenants

Capítulo 20: Fighting two Lieutenants

Seeing Yuna pulling out her sword while simultaneously making a joke, Matsumoto couldn't help but chuckle a little herself while Kira frowned deeply.

'Why is she so relaxed despite standing in front of two Lieutenants? Maybe she doesn't know who we are? No, we have both called each other by name and rank, so she should know who she is facing. In that case, she is confident... or arrogant.'

"Since you've already drawn your sword, it's clear that you plan on resisting, so we'll have to use force."

As soon as he finished speaking, Kira vanished from his position and appeared in front of Yuna with his sword already swinging downward.

"Well then, let's see what a Lieutenant can do."


A loud metallic sound was produced as the two swords clashed, Yuna easily blocking Kira's downward strike. However, the moment his sword was blocked, Matsumoto appeared next to them and slashed at Yuna horizontally.

"You might think fighting two-on-one is dishonorable, but I don't care about stuff like that~"

Fortunately, Yuna saw the attack coming and slightly twisted her blade, resulting in Kira's sliding away, resulting in his sword blocking Matsumoto's, while Yuna's moved and stopped just before cutting off Kira's head.

"That was pretty unimpressive. Are you perhaps looking down on me?"

As she said those words, power Spiritual Pressure erupted out of her and engulfed the duo, making them sweat.

Yuna moved her sword, but instead of cutting off Kira's head, she casually rested it on her shoulder as she looked at the duo in boredom.

"Well? At least show me your Shikai before I defeat you. I'm curious and have only seen weird-feeling ones."

Seeing that Yuna had taken away her blade, the duo quickly jumped backward to gain some distance from Yuna. Neither of them had expected to meet such a powerful, unknown figure. They briefly glanced at each other before nodding their head.

"[Growl, Haineko]"

"[Raise your Head, Wabisuke]"

As soon as they finished speaking, both of their Zanpakuto went through a change. While Kira's got bent at its tip twice, forming a rectangle with one side missing, Matsumoto's straight-up turned into dust. Seeing the duo's Shikai forms, Yuna couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

"Okay, I take that back. It seems like Shikai are always a little weird."

As she said that, she blocked Kira's weirdly formed Zanpakuto, and as soon as the two swords collided, Yuna's eyes widened in surprise.

Due to Kira only using a light strike, he was immediately ready for the next one, but instead of clashing again, Yuna used the palm of her hand to lightly change the trajectory of the sword while moving her body to dodge the attack fully.

While doing so, the dust Matsumoto's sword turned into, engulfed Yuna, and as soon as Matsumoto made a slash with her bladeless hilt, Yuna could feel an attack coming and moved her body to the side, barely avoiding a slash wound.

"*Whistle* Those are some nasty abilities~ Especially your, it's disgusting. Doubling the weight of what your attack is nasty business. I wonder if it doubles every time or if you only add the base weight~"

Kiba's face grew solemn when Yuna instantly figured out the ability of his Zanpakuto, while Matsumoto wasn't looking good either due to Yuna actually dodging her first attack. The first one tends to be a freebie.

"Well, since you showed me your Shikai, I guess I should at least show you mine as well."

As she finished speaking, she pointed her Zanpakuto at the duo with a twisted grin on her face.

"[Unleash Pandemonium on this World, Chaos.]"

As Yuna finished speaking, her sword twisted and distorted, with rigged edges everywhere, while not a single straight line could be seen, making it look like a large saber with a twisted and sharp edge on both sides of the blade. Additionally, its color scheme was twisted as well, as the whole sword turned into a twisted mess of black and white, making it impossible to see a pattern.

Seeing Yuna's Shikai, the duo couldn't help but frown. Although it didn't necessarily look evil, there was a certain uncanniness to the sword. It felt like it didn't belong here.

"Well then, shall we?"

As soon as those words left Yuna's mouth, she disappeared from where she stood and reappeared in front of Kiba, slashing her sword down, seemingly seeking to clash with him.

Obviously, Kiba would oblige, as this was the easiest way for him to make Yuna's Zanpakuto too heavy to use, but the moment they clashed, he regretted that decision. It felt like Yuna's weighed a few tons as it collided with his own, making him groan.

'How can she swing something so heavy?'

However, the next moment she raised her sword as if it was as light as a feather and slashed toward Matsumoto's dust, causing it to clash with her flying slash, blocking it.

Yet again, she put her focus on Kira, making him frown. Although he would rather not directly block Yuna's strike again, he could still reflect it by using some strength. So, as he angled his sword to deflect some of the blunt force, Yuna's sword landed on his yet again; however, this time, the attack felt like it weighted more or less as much as a normal Zanpakuto, resulting in Kira using to much strength, making him stumble.

Yuna would have probably cut him right there if it wasn't for Matsumoto blocking the attack for him. And just like that, the trio continued fighting, with Kira mostly on the offensive, while Matsumoto would defend; however, the more they clashed, the more Kira wanted to curse as he couldn't get a read on Yuna at all.

'What is her Zanpakuto's ability? Is it just to change its weight? Have I really encountered an enemy that perfectly counters my ability? No, there is something of about this! She uses the change in weight too clumsily and randomly.'

While Kira had an internal dialogue, Yuna had her own inner dialogue,

'Ohh~ This is pretty interesting.'

[Gah~ Wanna do more! Boring!]

'Hahaha, well, it can't be helped, Chaos. You are still young, after all.'

[Soon, something new *Gah*!]

[*Sigh* I don't think there is anyone else in existence who can make use of such an outrageous ability.]

'That's right; I'm that awesome~'

Meanwhile, in the outside world, the fight was in a bit of a lull, as Matsumoto and Kiba were standing next to each other while breathing heavily, and Yuna was busy ogling Matsumoto's cleavage that she so graciously displayed and was now covered with a thin sweat film, while her breasts were moving up and down due to the heavy breathing.

'Such a nice view~'

[*Gah* Big tiddies! Big tiddies!]

Meanwhile, Kira managed to catch his breath and glared at Yuna.

"Your Zanpakuto's ability allows you to freely change the weight of your sword, right? Shit, to think I would encounter the perfect counter to my sword."

"Hehe, nope, that's not my sword's ability~"

Hearing Yuna's answer, Kiba froze. If that wasn't her ability, then how come she could still wield it despite clashing with my Wabisuke for hundredths of times?

Seeing the confusion on Kira's face, Yuna couldn't help but chuckle in amusement.

"Mhh~ I'm probably the villain in this situation, so I guess it's time to explain what my sword can do, hehe."

While Matsumoto and Kira were dumbfounded by Yuna's words, Yuna resumed speaking.

"My Zanpakuto's name is Chaos. As the name implies, she's a rather chaotic Zanpakuto. Or rather, she's the most chaotic Zanpakuto in existence. The weight is random. The hardness is random. And soon, other properties will be added as well. Unfortunately, she is still rather young~"

The duo was briefly stunned due to Yuna's words; after all, that sounded utterly useless. Who would want a weapon that would constantly change weight and hardness? That was outrageous. However, Matsumoto quickly snapped out of her daze and answered the most important question.

"D-Do you know what kind of change will happen?"


Hearing Yuna confirm her guess, Matsumoto sighed in relief. If someone knew when the change was coming, then she imagined that it should be possible to incorporate that kind of ability in a proper combat style. Unfortunately, Yuna wasn't done speaking yet.

"... I randomly know one to ten seconds ahead what will change."

Yet again, Matsumoto froze as she looked at Yuna in disbelief. 

'Is she messing with me? That is too much of a drawback. And let's not forget that she has to keep track of all these things during mid-combat. No matter how I think about it, that's too much.'

Contrary to Matsumoto's thoughts, Yuna had a different opinion.

'I can't wait for things to get more outrageous. Imagine the look on an opponent's face when a fire sword suddenly turns into an ice blade or something like that.'

[Careful there, or you might have to redirect some of the brain power dedicated to perverted things to combat.]

'Pah, there is no way that could happen. I have more than enough to spare.'

Meanwhile, Kira had managed to digest everything Yuna had told them so far, causing him to frown deeply. 

"That's impossible! There is no way you can keep a tap on so many factors and still fight a two-on-one against two Lieutenants!"

Yuna could only chuckle when she heard his words.

"No, YOU can't do that. I, on the other hand, have what it takes to do it. I'm that good."

Kira wanted to answer Yuna's arrogant words, but he was interrupted by her before he could say anything.

"Anyway, the amount of data I have collected is satisfactory, so let's end this."

The duo's eyebrows rose due to Yuna's words. Although there were getting pushed back, neither of them thought that this would happen any time soon. However, before either of them could say anything, Yuna vanished, causing the duo's eyebrows to rise in surprise.

Before either of them knew what was going on, Yuna appeared behind Kira and inflicted a huge gash on his back. If she had to guess, that would probably take him around two to three days to heal, depending on how good the healers in Seireitei were.

He fell to the ground, blood flowing out of his mouth and wound, while glaring at Yuna, causing her to shrug.

"What are you glaring for? That wound is far from fatal, and you will be back on duty soon."

As soon as she finished speaking, her gaze landed on Matsumoto, who had already returned her sword to its original form and was raising her hands in surrender. If she fought a Hollow, she would readily fight it to the death, but Yuna clearly wasn't after her or Kira's life, so what was the purpose of risking her life in a hopeless battle? Matsumoto knew her limits, and fighting an opponent that could move so fast that she couldn't see them was outside of that.

"Does the previous offer still stand?"

Hearing Matsumoto's question, Yuna chuckled in amusement while sheathing her Chaos.

"Sure, but only if you want to actually do it and not only come with me to save this guy over here. I'll make it clear: whether you accept or not, your fellow Lieutenant here will live."

Matsumoto nodded in understanding, slightly happy that Kira's life was guaranteed before her gaze became serious.

"As I said, I wouldn't mind having some fun~

"O-Oi, what are you doing, Lieutenant Matsumoto? No matter how I look at it, this is outrageous and certainly against the rules."

Yuna could only shake her head when she heard Kira's words as she walked over to Matsumoto and lightly pushed her hands behind her back, so Yuna could hold onto both of her arms with one hand.

"I'm taking her as a hostage; please explain the story to your higher-ups properly."

Obviously, Kira wanted to protest, but before he could do so, Matsumoto slightly bent over, causing her breasts to jiggle while slightly revealing her cleavage to Kira.

"Please do it for me, Kira~"

Seeing Matsumoto's swaying breast, a flush appeared on Kiba's face as he averted his eyes.

"Fine, whatever. Get lost while I hope someone will find me soon so I can get medical attention."

"Stop whining and be a man. See ya~"

"Sorry about that, Lieutenant Kiba; I owe you one~"

And just like that, the duo walked away nonchalantly, leaving a bleeding Kiba behind. Seeing Matsumoto happily walking away with an intruder, Kiba could only smile wryly while shaking his head.

'What a weird day.'

Meanwhile, Yuna's gaze briefly landed on Matsumoto as she asked her a question.

"You know any good place we can use? I don't mind outdoors, but in the long run, I want something more comfortable.-"

Matsumoto simply nodded her head while waving Yuna's worries away.

"No need to worry; as a Lieutenant, I have plenty of income, so I have my own place."

"Ohh, nice. I can't wait to sink my face into your breasts."

"Yeah, I noticed you staring."

"Wasn't trying to hide it."

"I noticed that as well. Personally, I don't mind, but are you always acting so outrageous?"

Yuna wagged her finger at her before she resumed talking with a smug voice.

"It's only outrageous when the other party thinks it is. Considering your deep cleavage, you clearly use your assets as an additional tool to distract your enemies, so it would be weird for you to hate when I do what you want me to do."

As soon as Yuna finished speaking, Matsumoto's steps halted as she looked at Yuna in disbelief.

"Wait a moment, are you actually smart?

Yuna couldn't help but chuckle in amusement when she heard Matsumoto's question, while a slight blush appeared on Matsumoto's face as she realized that that question was rather rude.

"Sorry, I..."

"No need to be sorry. I'm fully aware of the way I act and how people perceive it. Oh, and don't get me wrong, that battle-hungry face I showed you wasn't a facade. I DO love to fight."

Seeing that Yuna wasn't angry, Matsumoto sighed in relief while a relaxed smile appeared on her face. However, a few moments later, she realized something else and couldn't help but chuckle a little, causing Yuna's eyebrows to rise.

"What's up?"

"Hehe, nothing, it's just that no one ever told me they 'can't wait to sink their face into my breasts', so I couldn't help but chuckle at the boldness."

"WHAT!? That's outrageous! How is it possible that no one ever told you that? Are all men in Seireitei eunuchs?"

"Rather than eunuchs, I think they simply have enough common sense not to say that to a woman they have just met."

"That's common sense?"


"As expected, that shit is totally useless."

Hearing Yuna's words, Matsumoto could only chuckle in amusement.

Meanwhile, in another part of Seireitei, a kind-looking man with ruffled brown hair was patiently waiting for a certain group to appear in Seireitei. He had noticed a temporal fluctuation within the zone between the two worlds and had calculated where and when Ichigo's group would arrive in Soul Society. Considering he was the only one that knew that people would be coming, he was confident that no one else had noticed.

A few minutes later, a young man with a treacherous facial expression entered the room.

"Captain Aizen, it seems intruders have appeared."

Aizen's eyes widened slightly, as he had not predicted for people to be here already. Did he miscalculate? Or maybe, not everyone was caught up in the fluctuation.

"Please tell me what happened, Gin."

Instead of answering, Gin took a piece of paper and showed it to Aizen. On the paper was a photo of the current state of Seireitei's outer wall, fully revealing the damage Yuna's bolder had done, causing Aizen's eyebrows to twitch briefly.

"Well, that certainly is one way to get into Seireitei, but who came up with such a crude method? There is no way Urahara Kitsuke would allow something like this, and neither would Yoruichi Shihōin. Who is the intruder?"

Hearing Aizen's question, an awkward expression appeared on Gin's face. They had spy cameras all over Seireitei, but somehow that intruder managed to dodge all of them.

"Unfortunately, we don't know that yet. We neither know who it is and not even how many there are. I'm not sure what is going on, but whoever got into Seireitei either knows it like the back of their hands or is an absolute master of stealth."

Hearing Gin's explanation, Aizen briefly pondered the situation, and after around a minute, he opened them again while a small smirk appeared on his face.

"Or both. I see; Yoruichi Shihōin has taken it upon herself to scout the situation beforehand. She used a crude method of entry to draw more attention to the gate, to distract the people to make it easier for her to roam the inner city. It's not a method the Yoruichi Shihōin I know would use, but it has been a while, so who knows? Personally, that is the only theory I can come up with right now."

Hearing Aizen's words, Gin nodded in agreement. He had come to the same conclusion, as, in his opinion, only a previous member of Seireitei's Stealth Force could infiltrate the city so flawlessly.

"Would you like me to do something to counter her actions?"

Hearing Gin's question, Aizen briefly fell silent as he pondered what kind of ramification her presence could have, but after thinking about it for long enough, he simply shook his head.

"She can scout however much she wants; she won't find anything of significance. We have been hiding out moves from all of Seireitei for decades now; there is no way a single person can unmask us in a mere week. The only weak point we have left behind is the Central 46, which is now filled with corpses, but, as the group making decisions for Seireitei, access is highly restricted, so it's impossible for her to get in there."

On a side note, the only reason Aizen could enter it so easily and kill everyone without any outsiders noticing was due to his outrageous ability to control the five senses of everyone that has seen his Shikai release.

Meanwhile, at Division 13, a single woman with long black hair and almost white eyes was diligently swinging a Zanpakuto up and down. Clearly, she was immersed in her training.

"Oh, you are as diligent as ever. You really aiming for that third-seat position, aren't you?"

The woman twitched slightly when she heard someone talking to her, and as soon as she realized who it was, a kind smile appeared on her face as she bowed lightly.

"That's only natural, Captain Ukitake. It's only a question of time before I get the Lieutenant position!"

Hearing the woman claim, the man, Captain Ukitake, couldn't help but laugh in a happy tone.

"Hahaha, a commendable attitude. I'm looking forward to your achievements."

"Thank you very much!"

After this small exchange, Ukitake left, leaving the woman to her training and her own thoughts.

'As expected, choosing the 13 Division was the right choice. Considering what will happen in the future, this should be the safest path to choose.'

While these thoughts passed her mind, she continued swinging her sword while being careful not to swing hit too fast.

'Haa~ Seriously, what did I do to be caught in this mess? My first life ended abruptly, so I was rather happy to get a second one, but why the hell am I at my third life now? My second life ended happily, okay? I peacefully died of old age surrounded by my children and grandchildren, so why do I have to go for another run!? *Sigh* I wonder if my wife at least managed to have a peaceful afterlife.'

Just like that, the woman continued swinging her sword at a measured pace while internally chanting a few words after every swing.

'Don't notice me, Aizen. Don't notice me, Yhwach. Don't notice me, Aizen. Don't notice me, Yhwach. Don't notice me, Aizen. Don't notice me, Yhwach.'

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