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14.44% Marvel: House of venom / Chapter 53: Arc Two. Chapter Fifty-Three. Sons Of War

Capítulo 53: Arc Two. Chapter Fifty-Three. Sons Of War

Flash yelled again as he fell, the new implants he had gotten were hard to walk on, even though he'd been told it'd be easy. He slumped between the twin bars, refusing to give up just yet, but wanting to do something about this anger in his chest. Ever since he found out MJ had moved in with Peter, he knew she was fucking him. The day she came round was just too perfect, just too opportunistic and he knew he'd been right.

"Knock Knock," came from the doorway, and to Flash's surprise, Harry Osborn stood there.

Flash had cancelled everything, the internship, the college and spent his trust fund. He started seeing that therapist but he realised after she made hints at expensive restaurants and fancier rings, she was after him for his money, not anything else. She'd even fucking yelled at him, calling him a limp-dicked pussy and he raged at her, some therapist she was.

His father shook his head when he told him, "It's the Thompson curse son." but they'd shared a drink and actually spent time together. It was seeing his father commiserate with him, rather than rebuke him that made him want to try harder.

"Fuck you want Osborn?" Flash spat at him,

"I come bearing gifts," Harry said, opening up a case in his hand, within lay a vial of blue liquid that seemed to swirl and catch the light.

"Uh, this some kind of experimental Oscorp bullshit, cause I'm not a guinea pig Osborn, not for you, not for your dad."

"And if I said this can give you what you want, give you a place to put that fire?"

"magic potions and spooky goop doesn't impress me, so give me a real reason." Flash sat on the floor, crossing his arms.

"This," Harry held the vial up to the light and the liquid sparkled, "is the solution to all your problems. Venom, Spider-man, anyone who dares to hurt the mighty Flash Thompson."

"Uh-huh, what's the price?" Flash had had it drummed into his head by his father, 'always ask the price, even free had a price.'

"Price? Oh, that's easy, kill Venom, just kill him. I don't care if it's painful or slow, just dead, nothing more, nothing less. This is a job offer Eugene, not a noose. I'll find him and then all you have to do is sqwrk," and Harry made a noise as he did the throat-slitting gesture, "that's all."

Flash hated being called Eugene, ever since first grade. He was Flash now and as he stared at the vial, soon he would get back at that bastard who ruined his life. He didn't need it though, he had other plans but as he listened to Osborn talk, he knew he would get a better chance at revenge if he agreed.

"Sure Osborn, sure, but uh, not with that. I'm not putting that shit in my veins okay?" and Harry just shrugged and left.

After Harry had left Flash sitting on the floor of the gym he held the signed contract, that was one, now to get the other two. Dialling a number on his phone "Yeah John, it's Harry. Flash is in, good job."

With Flash in, John had the task of speaking to his father and while his dad was a tyrant to his workers John knew he was a softie at heart, he'd never admit it to the man though. J.J looked at the report his son had handed him. "Are you sure son?" for once he didn't look like the domineering media man he looked like a concerned father.

"I'm sure pop, Harry was very specific in getting my help, especially after, well, you know." John had never forgotten the help that Harry had given him in the past few years, if it wasn't for him, he'd still be with that thing. "Plus, I've already been training Flash. The kids good, pop, really good."

"But this is dangerous, more than the space mission more than being in the military," Jonah put down the report, afraid of reading it once more. "I can't lose you, son, he's more than a menace, he's dangerous." Jonah had spent many restless nights years ago, when John's shuttle came back all they would tell home was he was hurt and it wasn't until later he even got to see his son. Even now he didn't know what had happened on board and John refused to tell him.

"I know pop, I know but with all the footage, with all the picture we've got we've built up a pretty good profile of whoever I wearing that suit. Young, inexperienced, and most of all arrogant, and if the initiative takes off, they'll need my help."

J.J was still unconvinced. John had approached him about his speech, about taking the fight to Venom and the other superpowered freaks running around New York, John had the backing, had the smarts and if Harry could pull through and his Pop agreed, he'd have the team.

"Look Pop, I need your backing. With the media on my side, on our side, we can spin this however we want. Venom won't be able to hide, he won't have any friends to help him and we can nail him, get a scoop and a conviction, but I want you to headline this for us. I want the Daily Bugle to be our sponsor. You know how much space meant to me, how much you and New York mean to me. If Harry is right then Venom is dangerous, you know what he does, you see the reports. I have to take the fight to him, I have to stop him. Please Pop, please."

J.J couldn't resist anymore, his son was right though. Venom was more than just a regular crook, even if he was caught by the NYPD could they actually stop him? They needed help and if it was John asking, then help he would get.

Picking up the phone J.J dialled a number normally reserved for major events. "Yes, This is J. Jonah Jameson, I would like to schedule an appointment with George Stacy please, Tell him it's about Venom."

George Stacy had led the task force himself, the intel given to him by J.J had been spot on. Video footage showed the reporter breaking into Oscorp and the incident. Redacted files, provided by a 'source' showed a series of genetically altered spiders being released and that the infiltrator had been bitten. It didn't take a genius to realise that the pictures of Spider-Man and the exclusives could only be shot by someone with intimate knowledge of the man himself. Add in a quick background check and Eddie Brock's name jumped out of the search at him. Smart, diligent, and a police academy dropout, Brock ticked all the boxes.

Of course, Eddie had no idea how they had found him, no idea what he was going to do but right now, sitting with his hands up and trying not to get shot was top of that list. His small and messy apartment was filled with well-armed and hopefully not trigger happy policemen, and a grey-haired serious-looking man, who he knew was George Stacy stared at him.

"Out," he motioned to his men and they holstered and slung their weapons while George grabbed a folding chair from the cramped kitchen/living room. Making a show of unfolding it, he set it down in front of Brock and stared at him. He reached behind himself and when Eddie flinched he smiled. It was a file and George licked a thumb before opening it,

"I know who you are," he began to pull out picture after picture. "I know what you do," then came the USB drives and Eddie cursed himself as they were all the same as the ones he used to hand his work in at the Bugle. "I know what you want." He took out pictures of Venom and Black Cat, from the fight they'd had on the top of the warehouse, "and, I'm here with an offer." George handed Eddie one last folder.

Flicking through its contents Eddie was shocked, while the files were redacted they spelt out exactly what had been done to him. The following pages were the intel on what would be his new team and its members.

"You can't go public until they're caught, and you'll sign NDA's to that effect with the police and state department and everything, I mean everything will go through me and then the Bugle."

Eddie hesitated, he knew he could get out the window, he knew it was safe and he could get away, but to what end. They knew his identity, they knew who he was and Stacy was right, this was what he wanted. "There's no pay."

George snorted and rolled his eyes, he'd met Brocks kind before, "turn over, pays at the bottom,"

Eddie's eyes bulged as he saw how much they'd pay him, broken down by what he could expect in the event of capture, any pictures and press opportunities. This was it, his big break.

"I'm in." was all he said and George Stacy smiled and he shook his hand.

Jonah Jameson had been given the opportunity of a lifetime. Firstly, he scored an exclusive press reveal of not just Oscorps flight and glider technology, but the new task force set up by the city to catch the criminal known as Venom as well. He not only got exclusives with the heroes they were using but to all the footage, stories, and behind the scenes action.

Taking the stage, he looked smart in a new dark grey suit, highlighted by a blue and red tie, carefully chosen by marketing to not just appeal to fans of Spider-man but to show his acceptance and backing of the man.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, members of the Press and our Esteemed guest of the Mayor, his lovely wife, and George Stacy, Chief of Police. We're here today, for one thing, one thing has driven us together and that is the menace of Venom and his accomplice."

"These two menaces have been terrorising our streets, the attack on our businesses, our people and yes, they claim to be taking down the bad element, but who gets hurt in the process? Who gets robbed and left behind while they swing away with their illicit gains? Make no mistake ladies and gentlemen of the audience, they are a menace, they are criminals. Captain Stacy and I both agree, that through no fault of their own, the NYPD is not equipped to deal with super-powered monsters."

The audience was held, Jameson could spin a tale, he'd been in the newspaper industry for over 50 years and he knew his audience.

"This is why today, with the backing of the Mayor, with the backing of New York Police Chief George Stacy I have been given the pleasure, the honour of announcing a new task force, designed to combat these monsters. Two individuals who are not just capable but have already proven themselves against the Venom and come out victorious.

I present to you. Spider-man."

The now-famous red and blue-suited man walked onto the stage and waved the crowd. J.J. Handed him the microphone, "knock em dead son," he whispered.

"Hi, everyone, Yes I'm Spider-Man." He waved again as the crowd cheered, "but more seriously, the Venom is a danger, he is as J.J said, a menace. I've talked to him, I've fought him and he can't be reasoned with. No arguments will work against him. He thinks he's right and that is the worst kind, he doesn't care about police procedure or chain of evidence.

He wants to hurt people, he says he only punishes the innocent but ladies and gentlemen, he takes from the muggers, he robs the criminals. A hero wouldn't do that. A hero would document and get convictions, to take the bad element off the street. A real hero would allow the good people of our justice system to do their jobs.

Today, I stand before you as a deputised member of that justice system, with full police and procedural powers, allowing me to protect you and the good people of New York against the villains, against those with powers who would use them to harm our great city."

If he was being honest, when J.J had seen Brock under that mask he almost swallowed his cigar, the idea that one of his reporters was the wallcrawler upset his journalistic instincts.

As Spider-man took a bow he handed the microphone back to J.J. "Let's hear it for the amazing Spider-Man Ladies and Gentlemen," and the crowd went wild, banners had been handwritten with "We love Spider-man" and they waved enthusiastically. They were paid, of course, they were there to hype up the trio and make this event shine but the enthusiasm of the crowd was real.

"Now," J.J continued, "a fine fine young man, but Venom had friends, he has co-conspirators who make the fight difficult, which is why Spider-man had friends, amazing friends I might add, all though, I might be a bit biased. Introducing Steel Spider."

A well armoured huge man, in full tactical gear, came onto the stage. A hush fell over the crown. This was a new hero, never before seen and he was armed.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, while our first hero has some amazing powers our second is just like you and me, well, more like me and I couldn't be prouder of him. Take off your helmet son, let the people see that handsome face of yours."

Unclipping the helmet, it was John Jameson, the crowd gasped, J.J's son. The famous astronaut and marine hadn't been seen in public life for over five years.

"John is a fully trained navy seal and astronaut who will be providing battlefield and tactical expertise. He's had years of training in urban combat and has been outfitted with the latest neo-kevlar body armour and nonlethal sidearms. Give John a round of applause ladies and gentlemen."

The crowd went wild, John was a firm favourite and everyone in New York loved him, their own homegrown talent, the one people and kids looked up to. John took a bow and went to stand next to Eddie, the pair fist-bumped and the crowd cheered again, two heroes

"And last, a young man, struck by tragedy, personally involved with how dangerous these monsters can be. Yes, he's young but he's also eager and his training has been phenomenal. Beating out over 200 recruits to become the last but not least member of the team. It is my pleasure to introduce to you. Agent Webb!"

Another tactical suit-wearing man strode onto the stage, but rather than the grey of Steel Spiders armour, his was jet back with a white spider on the front. His arms and legs rippled and plates formed and dissolved as he went through several transformations, creating blades, claws and balls of the web that he shot at moving target equipment at the end of the stage.

As J.J was about to speak though he took the microphone from him, yanking it out his hand, "I can talk for myself."

The facemask he had on dissolved and the fresh face of a young man emerged, "You know me, you know my dad, so I'll be blunt. 6 months ago the menace Venom took my legs, took my girlfriend, took everything from me, the accident he caused, the people he hurt, they still feel that today while he laughs at us, while he hunts and claims to be a hero. People died in that diner and he caused it, he let them get hurt just as he hurt this city."

"No more. Flash Thompson says no more, no more pain, no more suffering. No more Venom!"

He dropped the mic, and as it squealed he shot out a web line into the floodlights and leapt out into the audience, swinging away into the night.

There was deathly silence before, quickly grabbing the mic Jonah shouted, "The Wall Crawlers Ladies and Gentlemen, our new Enhanced Task Force."

The crowd went wild as the two remaining heroes took bows on the stage.

In his Oscorp office, Norman stared at the TV screen. Of course, they would bring in three freaks to deal with Venom. After the disaster of the drone test the city had made it quite clear, if the Goblin armour and glider test went badly they would be reassessing not just the drones but the whole line of Oscorp equipment that the city used.

He shook his head and lifted the injector to his neck. The test needed to be perfect and as he felt the rush of formula he knew it would be, just one more adjustment, just one more tweak to the glider and the suit. Nothing would go wrong, everything was perfect. He sat staring at the screen, his hand barely moving as the schematics for the armour and the glider flickered over and over in front of him.

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