Elias Ayla POV:
Hmm, surprisingly… death is calmer than I had expected it to be.
It is calm, it is quiet, and it is peaceful.
I like how it is here.
I have no worries.
Hah, I scoffed to myself.
Who am I to call my comrade worries? I thought in contempt.
Meh, there is no reason to contemplate such stuff currently.
Won't I go to heaven or hell, though?
Won't I be able to meet my mother and brother?
It's still too early, isn't it? I still didn't manage to save Layla after all.
Ah, Layla, why did I have to fall so hard for you that a simple scrape of my knee wouldn't be enough?
Why did I have to fall so deep in love with your raven eyes to the point I risk my life every day?
Why did I fall so much in love with you to the point you are constantly in my mind?
Layla… Please, tell me… Did my love reach you?
Now we understood what happened with Elias during the time Mai sealed an alliance with Elijah and to the point after the ordeal. I enjoyed writing these six parts of this chapter. I loved it.