Rella spent all day mulling over what her mom had said. She groaned. What an insufferable woman! But Rella couldn't deny she made some good points. Rella was afraid, frustrated, anxious and everything else in between that she couldn't sleep.
She'd pretended to have fallen asleep when Stefan came to bed and now standing on the balcony she felt chills and there were goosebumps all over her arms.
Large warm arms were wrapped around her suddenly it startled Rella that she almost hit his chin with her head if not if not for Stefan's incredible reflexes.
"Easy now." He cooed. "You're wound tight as a string." Stefan rubbed his hands up and down her arm. Rella breathed deeply and exhaled.
"I'm sorry I thought you were asleep, I was just startled."
"Are you okay, do you feel better now?"
Rella didn't think there was any point in continuing her charade. Stefan's arms around her were doing something to her insides.
"I'll be okay."
"That's good to hear I'd hate for you to miss out on all the beautiful places New Caledonia has to offer. I can't wait to show you around."
"I'd love that." Rella smiled up at him and he surprised her yet again when he kissed her lips. "Stefan." She whispered breathless.
Stefan caressed the side of her face, his fingers like feathery touch on her skin and she shivered in reaction. Their gazes locked and held and Rella found herself drowning. When he kissed her again she responded in spite of herself.
The kiss was slow, deliberate, coaxing. Stefan pulled her even closer until there was no space between them. Rella had no idea where her strength came from all of a sudden– lord knows she would give anything to be in Stefan's arms forever–but she knew they had to stop no matter how hard it was.
No matter how much her heart hurts.
She pushed him away from her.
Stefan was bewildered. "Wha…"
"I'm sorry—i can't..." She said breathlessly. Her eyes glistening with tears.
"Why not?" Stefan took a step toward her but she inched back.
"You don't understand." Rella croaked nervously.
"Then make me understand." He said coolly.
She licked her lips and swallowed nervously well aware of his heated gaze.
"I'm..." She trailed off wrapping her arms around her as if to shroud herself from his prying gaze. As if it would protect her from Stefan's outburst when she tells him the truth.
"You know, I feel kinda overwhelmed too so I don't blame you. When I heard that my grandfather has arranged a bride for me I was furious. I didn't want to get married I didn't need a wife. Marriage was overrated until I met you. Darling you changed everything for me."
Rella stared wide-eyed at him. " I did? "
" Yes. " Stefan caressed her face. " You're beautiful, funny, kindhearted… you have my heart. I love you."
Rella stopped seeing for a moment. Time seemed to have slowed in that moment. Rella couldn't breathe
Her heart was about to burst from the sheer joy of knowing that he wanted her, that he loves her.
"I… I..." Stefan loves me.
"Don't say anything more as I don't want those luscious lips of yours doing anything but kissing me."
And when his mouth fused with hers in a toe curling kiss, every piece of doubt she had simply melt away and all that's left was this incredible feeling of being in his arms and being ravished by him.
They spent the entire day in bed the next day exploring and loving each other only leaving when they needed to replenish their strength, and in the evening they strolled hand in hand by the beach sharing kisses.
"You never did tell me about those romance novels in your study." Rella raised amused brows at him expectantly.
"I already told you they're not mine."
"Whose are they then?"
"My sister's." There was a raw edge to his voice Rella didn't quite understand. She frowned.
"I didn't know you have a sister."
"Had. She's dead. I bought this place for her on her birthday but she died a few months later."
"Was she in an accident?"
"Cervical cancer. I guess she just got tired of fighting and didn't want half a life." Stefan smiled ruefully as he spoke. "She always wanted her own kids—lots of them."
"That's very sad. I'm so sorry Stefan."
"It's okay, I have fun memories of her to last me a life time."
"What about your parents?" She asked.
"Car accident nineteen years ago. I was seventeen, Laura was ten and had just been diagnosed with cervical cancer, my uncle and aunt took us in but there was only so much they could do. When I turned nineteen I took control of the company as well as take on the responsibility of a father and a mother to Laura."
Rella's heart constricted with so many emotions. On one hand she was proud of him for being so brave and on the other she felt sorry for the young boy who was forced to grow up too quickly.
Stefan touched her cheek with his finger wiping away a lone tear that had trailed down one cheek. "If I knew you'd be like this I never would've told you."
Rella realised suddenly that she was crying. She swatted his hand and glared at him. "Oh stop it, it's not funny."
"I'm surprised you didn't look this up on the internet."
"I would never stoop so low as to snoop around the internet for info about you when I could ask you about it."
"I could easily lie to you."
"I know you wouldn't. Besides, there's nothing to hide right?" Rella saw something flash in his eyes but for a nano second before it was gone. "Or is there?" She stared intensely at him, "is there something you're not telling me Stefan?"
Stefan hesitated before he kissed the top of her head and said reassuringly, "I would never lie to you Rella." She did smile this time feeling as if her heart was going to burst with love for this man. She leaned in and kissed him, what was meant to be only a tiny touch on the lips soon became a full blown tongue-duelling kiss as Stefan took control.
"That's not fair!" she chided playfully when he broke off the kiss. Stefan gave her a mischievous grin, "all's fair in love and passion and I can't seem to get enough of you."
Rella giggled as he pounced on her.
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