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15.65% Pokemon : Aura of Darkness / Chapter 30: Road to Cerulean

Capítulo 30: Road to Cerulean

Aoki and Misty continued their journey towards the exit of Mt. Moon.

Aoki opened his Pokedex to scan his new pokemon but found that it had a message from the archaeologists that the people were taken to the hospital and were currently out of danger as sufficient blood was present in the blood banks.

"It's good news, I thought that half of them would have died due to blood loss, " said Misty as she walked holding Aoki's hand. Aoki also noticed that Misty was getting more affectionate but it was good for him.

"Your reaction to death is surprisingly good, some people throw up after seeing dead bodies, " said Aoki.

" Well since childhood I used to run into wild areas to look for Pokemons. There I used to see many dead bodies of both humans and Pokemon. I had a nightmare for the first few days but got used to it later on. Later on, I had mapped all the forests around Cerulean city without any fear "

" That is why you didn't have any friends "

" Hey, that's rude! it's not my problem that others didn't have guts to go into the wild " rebuked Misty as she gave a light punch to Aoki.

Aoki didn't say much and scanned Chefairy's Pokeball.

[ Name : Clefairy

Type : Normal

Species : Moonlight Pokemon

Gender: Female

Ability : Magic guard

Stage : intermediate

Moves: charm, copycat, defense curl, pound, sing, metronome, gravity, minimize, disarming voice, light screen, heal pulse

Pokedex entry: The moonlight that it stores in the wings on its back apparently gives it the ability to float in midair. It is said that happiness will come to those who see a gathering of Clefairy dancing under a full moon. ]

The type was normal as fairy typing was not discovered yet moreover Clefairy had another character trait called 'cute charm ' that has a 30 % chance to infatuate a target.

Clefairy will be his source of research before he released the paper on fairy typing.

Clefairy after evolution has good special defense and special attack which is good as Aoki wants to use her mainly for fairy and psychic moves.

After they reach a certain level of mastery, they can also use telepathy like the one on Mt Moon.

After walking for another day they finally came out of Mt Moon. Aoki now had a team of 5 intermediate Pokemon as Nidoran had reached that level after the continuous battle and drinking poison. During that process, he also managed to create his poison core.

Misty was shocked by the progress Aoki's Pokemon were making as she has seen Pokemon take months to reach where Aoki currently is.

Aoki's Charmander was ready to evolve as now it has a level of control over his dragon and the fire-type energy Aoki wanted.

Charmander can now use flame claw, dragon claw, and iron tail at the same time.

Misty now had three Pokemon at the beginning of intermediate rank some of whose credits go to Aoki's food.

She decided to give her Goldeen to the gym because it doesn't like to battle and is difficult to raise on the road.

The Cerulean city was still far, they had to cross one medium-size town that had an unofficial bug-type gym. Aoki decided to get that gym badge but Misty refused to get anywhere near that gym.

It was night when they reached Bugsy town and booked a room as usual.

There was no alliance-building so the cost was high.

This town connected the alternative route to Cerulean city so there were quite a number of trainers on the way for Aoki to make a good income.

The entire town was surrounded by large trees where bug Pokemon could be seen living without any disturbance.

Moreover, this town was just after Mt.Moon so it had various facilities to help travelers. It also had a Pokemon center which was very small so housing facilities were not available there.

From the mart, Aoki had to rebuy the T.M for Bulk up and Protect for Nidoran as those cannot be learned normally.

Due to his constant effort of providing them with top-quality food and poke blocks, the size of his Pokemon was getting larger than the average Pokemon. Aoki was always grateful to whoever reincarnated as Aoki was given a loving family of chefs.

At midnight Aoki got a message from Professor Oak which made him very excited. There was a photo sent to his Pokedex of Umbreon and Espeon with professor Oak having dark circles under his eyes.

Professor Oak asked where Aoki was currently. When he said that he was in the neighboring town of Cerulean City, Professor Oak told that in 10 days he would hold an event to introduce the new evolutions after which Aoki can become an official researcher.

The next morning Aoki handed over one of the Crobats to officer Jenny and some confirmation. As she has received the report regarding the incident she didn't question Aoki much.

He got 70 k poke dollars for the Crobat as they were quite strong and rare. If not for those Pokemon being banned for being sold normally, Aoki would have received more.

He raise one for himself but taming a fully evolved Pokemon was out of his reach now and moreover, a Pokemon trying to kill him after being called out every time was not something he wanted to deal with now.

But that does not mean, he has no other way.

He sent the stronger of the two to Professor Oak's lab after telling him the story. Although he will not be using that Pokemon for combat, he had various uses too.

Professor Oak was pretty happy seeing that the first Pokemon Aoki sent to him was a fully grown Pokemon that too a big Crobat.

Aoki avoided talking about the Clefairy to the officer.

League has no way to confirm about the Pokemon he owns unless he tells them, the Pokedex also has a privacy feature that doesn't send professor Oak the data unless Aoki shows him.

Aoki looked for information on the gym and found that the difficulty is lower than Brock's. The gym leader has two sets of teams too. He will be using his weaker team as people coming to his gym mostly have zero or one badge.

Many trainers get their first gym badge from this gym. 95 % of the trainers that come to this gym have only junior rank Pokemon. Not everyone is like Aoki and Misty.

This was an unofficial gym so the lowered difficulty was justified.

These gyms are too funded by the league as they give trainers that could not beat the official gyms a chance to participate in the league. Unlike the official gyms that provide a good amount of money for winning a bade, unofficial gyms don't do that much because of their budget. Getting a T.M is also not guaranteed.

An unofficial gym can become an official gym if they receive enough recognition and income. Misty's gym was an unofficial gym that her father increased the reputation of and made an official gym.

An official gym can be opened by a person if he or his family has done a lot of contributions to the league or is a high-ranking trainer.


The gym leader of this town has a Scyther, Pinsir, and a Beedrill out of which he uses one per battle.

Seeing the Pokemons, Misty too decided to go for this gym badge.

Taking a pokemon to master rank and higher was extremely difficult. If we take around 10,000 pokemon, 1000 have the ability to reach the intermediate rank, 250 master rank, 50 elite rank, and 1 or 0 champion ranks.

This also depends on the will of the Pokemon to get stronger and the trainer's ability to make them stronger. Most of the gyms in Kanto have either intermediate or master rank pokemon. Only Giovani, the gym leader of Viridian city is rumored to have elite pokemon.

He is considered to be the strongest gym leader of Kanto but until now only a handful of people have managed to get a badge from that gym. Every trainer skips that gym.

If Aoki's estimation is correct, Mewtwo should not be less than elite rank. That aside, Misty bid farewell to Aoki to train for the gym. Aoki and Misty always trained alone so both of them didn't know the full potential of each other's pokemon. Aoki's Pokemon never really revealed all their moves to Misty.

They got their turn in the evening. The scene that unfolded as they entered the gym was the gym leader feeding a large ground of Catterpie and Weedle.

Misty immediately creeped out and hid behind Aoki till the feeding session was done.

The gym was smaller than Pewter gym and felt more like a miniature forest than a gym. Aoki could see a Butterfree and a Beedril observing him from a corner of the Gym.

The gym leader who was around the age of 20 introduced himself as Fonsi. He wore a full sleeve green shit and a black tracksuit and a headband to hold his black curly hair in place.

The matches were one on one with Aoki going first.

He released a Nidoran while the Gym Leader released a Scyther at the beginning of intermediate rank.

The battle was against the favor of Nidoran as Scyther was faster and stronger than him. This is when Aoki's talent in commanding the battle truly shined. His Nidoran knew moves like focus energy, leer which helped in setting up the tone of battle.

Scyther of the gym leader only knew physical attacks so Aoki planned a strategy that included the moves 'protect' and 'counter'.

The counter is a move that reflects the damage with twice power but it had to fulfill some conditions to work like getting hit first.

First Aoki annoyed Scyther and got his health down a bit then just as Scyther used a strong move, Nidoran used a weaker version of 'protect' which nullified most of the damage but still received some damage. Immediately Nidoran used counter to deal massive damage to Scyther.

Due to Scyther being faster Nidoran took some damage too as he could not keep up with Aoki's command moreover, due to the cooldown of the move protect, the strategy could only be used one more time before Nidoran faints.

The Gym leader changed the strategy after seeing the strategy used by Aoki but still made him fall for his tricks and executed another counter making Scyther faint before Nidoran making Aoki the winner.

The next match was with Misty. She released her Staryu while the gym leader released his Pinser which was having the same power level as Scyther.

Misty had an easier time with Pinsir as Staryu didn't let Pinsir and kept using ranged attacks to make the Pinsir faint.

The gym leader didn't have any bug-type T.M to give them so he handed them other T.Ms he had in stock.

Aoki and Misty were presented with the TMs of Mega Punch and Mega Kick. Aoki taught Mega kick to Charmander while Misty taught Mega Punch to Poliwhirl.

In the night all of Aoki's Pokemon went through intense training. With the addition of Clefairy, the training became more difficult as Aoki asked her to apply gravity on everyone while she practiced the breathing and calm mind exercise developed by Aoki.

Due to Clefairy's moves, Aoki was confident that Clefairy would learn the real Calm mind with this method.

The training went on the next day with everyone training under 10 x gravity field made my Clefairy. His new partner quickly got attached to his Pokemons and liked training too.

Finally Aoki and Misty embarked upon the journey towards Cerulean City.

"Hey Aoki have you ever thought of having a harem ? " asked Misty

"Hmm,I dreamed of it in childhood. Why are you asking all of a sudden." said Aoki.

In this world, Polygamy was very common. He knew that even his father was once a playboy but he changed after he married Aoki's mom.

Even professor Oak has five wives.

"Hmm, my father had two wives. I don't have a problem as long as you keep loving me "

"I appreciate that but what is the real reason? "

"I am having a very good time with you and I don't want it to get ruined. I have seen a lot of women who look better than me or maybe better than me flirt with you but you hold back because of me. With your looks and talent, I don't think you will be satisfied with one woman.

I had read a lot of harem stories and thought it would be cool if you had one but I will only allow it if you don't forget and stop loving me" said Misty.

'What's wrong with her? Did she watch too much porn or something '

"Sure Sure miss pervert, I will stop holding back," Aoki said pulling Misty to a deep kiss.


Tap Tap

In a well-lit room where the walls had "R" symbol written on them, a red-haired bursty woman could be seen tapping her fingers on the table with frustration.

"Why is she so late…."

She was Ariana, an executive of Team Rocket.

Next to her was a tall silver-haired man named Luther who too was an executive. Luther was looking at his phone completely ignoring Ariana making her more frustrated.

Finally, Ariana calmed down when a green-haired woman entered the room.

"Ugg what took you so long Emily !? " Ariana grumbled.

"I had to include some additional information that had come up at the last minutes" The green-haired woman named Emily responded.

"Let's start the meeting then" Luther put down his phone.






"We received information that some of our members took the mission to steal some fossils.

They disobeyed the basic guidelines of the mission.

Some of them died in the hands of the wild Zubats line while some of them were killed by Clefaries. We heard that they even provoked Crobats from deep inside the cave and got things complicated. " Emily said.

"Whose squad were they from?" Luther asked.

"They didn't join any squad yet, they were newly elected members that had left the island trial" Emily responded.

"Team Rocket members are getting dumber day by day. Who in their right mind would go to fight Clefaries in mount Moon without talking at least a master-level Pokemon with them !?

The mission was to steal fossils from archaeologists while not exposing their identity not digging them up.

These idiots don't value their life.

At this point, it is natural selection" Ariana complained with frustration in her eyes.

Liam kept silent and didn't respond to Ariana's outburst.

Emily listened to her complaints for a few seconds before speaking again.

"Boss has orders for you two"

Hearing this Ariana went quiet.

"Luther, you are tasked with mission of legendary birds. It's okay if we don't get the birds but their feather and blood is a must.

Sabrina would be working under you for this mission.

Ariana, you are being sent to the Jhoto branch.

There are some underworld forces making trouble you are ordered to eliminate them and take over their business. You are the best at this task

As for me, I was undertaking the strength boost experiment but that failed miserably so it would be on hold for some time.

The failed test subjects are released in the wild to see what effect they would have. "

"What were the experiments if I may ask? " Liam spoke up.

"I don't have the complete details yet but I remember one of the experiments.

We were working on changing the nature of a Pokemon but it changed the Pokemon's habits completely.

The herbivore Tauros became omnivore scavengers who wait to steal others' kills. These Pokemons would not survive for long.

They were released in the forest outside Mt.Moon and are no longer under observation as he has all the necessary data.

I will give you the details later if you are interested. "

"Hmm I heard that there was a shortage of researchers in our ranks so how was that solved? " this time Ariana asked.

"We made contact with an underground force in the Sinnoh region and borrowed some of their resources and people. There are not as big as Team Rocket but still, have some good influence. Is there anything else to ask?

"No...that would be enough "

"Fine then good luck with your missions" Emilia stopped for a few seconds and spoke up with a bit more expression " And don't die ".

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