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100% Devil fruits as a Queen. / Chapter 19: Battle in Asgard

Capítulo 19: Battle in Asgard

Narrator POV*

Currently, Thea was looking around with curiosity. All around her were colours of all kinds but the most amazing thing was the speed. She could tell they were moving fast, So much faster then she ever fought possible. Even with her lightspeed, she was more or less a snail when compared to this.

(Though snails are actually incredibly fast given how nobody ever sees them coming.)

After around a 10 seconds of Thea trying to figure out how the Bifrost works, all 6 of them arrived in an ancient looking room with clocks and unique markings all round the room. In the centre was a sword implanted in a device that was glowing with lightning and beside this sword was a man unconscious.

The second Thor appeared in the room, he took one look at the injured man on the floor and gave his orders. "Get him to the healing room and leave my brother to me" He said as he ran towards the exit of the room The others began helping the man up but Thea decided to follow Thor.

Thor twirled his hammer several times before taking off in the direction of a huge yet beautiful golden palace. Thea pulled out her phoenix wings, much to the surprise of the others, and flapped them once before appearing at the side of the flying Thor.

Thor looked at her once and then her wings before focusing back on his goal. Thea meanwhile, looked at everything around her. She was impressed and excited to say the least. When she looked up, all she could see where stars and it was mesmorising, looking down she could see a breathtaking rainbow bridge surrounded by golden pillars. She could also see hundreds of beautiful towers all around.

Looking a head towards the palace, she activated her x-ray vission and and saw something was happening in one of the rooms. "Something is happening inside that palace" She said towards Thor and he looked worried. "You go ahead, please help my family" He said and Thea just nodded before disappearing.

A second later she appeared inside a room. The walls were round and gold in colour. In the centre of the room was a weird looking bed with an orange hologram covering a man inside. On the floor to the left was a woman who appeared to be in her early to mid thirties and standing above the bed was a blue giant with a knife in his hand muttering something about still seeing and hearing.

Thea appeared beside the man and activated a room, she covered her hand in lightning, before seperating the mans arm from his shoulder without spilling any blood. The giant took a second to recognise the fact that his arm was no longer attached and was just about to try and fight back against the girl before he felt the world spin.

He realised he was seeing the world from a lower point of view and when he moved his eyes to look right, he saw his body. He was missing his right arm and said right arm...

had replaced his head.

When he tried to move his arm, he found he still could. It just wiggled around on his neck.

He felt his vision shift once more and came face to face with a girl he had never seen before right in front of him, looking at him with a curious gaze.

"God, your an ugly thing arn't you. You look like a shriveled up blueberry." Thea said and the man was furious. "Unhand me you insol-" He tried to scream but the second he spoke, Thea flinched making the man think he intimidated her.

However he was bound to be wrong when he watched Thea visible retch and then hold his head at arms length. "Stop speaking muffin man, your breath stinks. Do you not use tooth brushes where you're from?" She questioned with a disgusted look and the man nearly turned red from anger.

He was just about to start shouting again when he felt Thea grab hold of his mouth and seperate it from his face. She then walked around to his body and stook it on his ass. "What are you doing?" He screamed and she just chuckled with a relieved expression.

"Well, since you are talking out of your ass so much, I figured I would make it a reality. At least now you can explain the smell now." She said. The man continued to scream and shout but Thea just ignored him.

She turned and saw the woman who was previously on the floor looking at her with wide eyes and caution. "You must be Thors mother" Thea said and the woman relaxed slightly but still remained on guard. "Yes Frigga, And who might yo-"


She was interupted when Loki barged into the room with a golden staff in his hand. Upon entering the room he looked around, visibly relaxing upon noticing his mother but then tensing and gaining a look of rage when he saw Thea.

"YOU!" he shouted and Thea just tilted her head with an innocent smile whilst pointing at herself. "Me?" She questioned and Loki's anger errupted.

"Insolent mortal die!" He screamed and pointed his staff at her. He was about to shoot her when he he felt the staff in his hand change. He glanced down at his hands and found a head instead of a staff. Looking towards Thea, he saw her holding his staff and examining it before she nodded and then looked back at him.

Loki was holding the head in front of him like a weapon of sort as he still had not comprehended the situation. Thea looked at the head for a few seconds and then looked towards Loki before nodding. "You really do look like brothers." She said and just then, Thor barged through the doors.

Upon noticing him, Frigga was overjoyed and ran to hug him. "Thor, I knew you would return." She said and Thor hugged her back but his attention was still on Loki. Loki looked quite shaken at Thor's return and was even more so when he realised he was without his weapon.

Frigga finally realised something was wrong when she looked at Thor so she glanced back and fourth between her two sons for a moment. Thor began to walk towards Loki and Loki began to back away.

Thea disolved her room and just watched with amusement as she walked over to Frigga's side and handed her the staff who took it with confusion.

"Why don't you tell her, how you sent the Destroyer to kill our friends, to kill me?" Thor said and Frigga looked shaken by this revelation. "what?" she asked with disbelief.

"It must have beem emforcing Father's last command." Loki said and Thor just chuckled. "You're a talented liar brother, you always have been."

"Well, it is good to have you back. Now if you will excuse me, I have to destroy Jounheim." Loki said before suddenly disappearing causing the head to drop to the floor. He appeared behind Thor, with his staff which had suddenly disapeared from his mothers hands, and blasted Thor through the wall of the building. He then turned to Thea and tried to do the same to her but she just lifted her hand and tanked it like a beast.

Loki then ran out of the room and Thea just looked towards Frigga who was visibly frozen with shock. She looked towards the blue giant who was walking around like a zombie trying to find his head and yawned before turning back to Frigga. "So... How's life?"

Meanwhile Thor had just arrived at the sight of the Bifrost to see it activated and pulsing throughout the entire room covered in ice.

"You can't stop it, the Bifrost will build until Jotunheim is torn apart." Loki said from the corner of the room, but Thor didn't bother responding. He ran forward with the intention of destroying the ice covering the Bifrost. Just as his hammer was about to reach, Loki hit him in the stomach with another blast sending him on his backside.

After Thor regained his bearings, he stood up and turned towards Loki once more. "Why are you doing this?"

"To prove to father that I am the worthy son. When he wakes, I will have saved his life. I will have destroyed the race of monsters and I will be the true air to the throne!"

"You cannot kill an entire race just to prove yourslef. This is maddness."

"Is it? Is it? What is it that changed you so much huh Thor? Was it earth? Or maybe... it was the girl?" Loki asked and Thors face changed upon his words which Loki took notce of. "So it's the girl.. well maybe, once I have finished here, I should pay her a visit myself."

As soon as the words left his mouth, Thor roared and jumped at Loki. Both of their weapons collided in midair and a shock wave occured. Thor landed on top of Loki with his weapon reeled back but Loki threw him off jim.

Afterwards, both of them began traded blows with their weapons. Thor would swing Mjolnir at Loki and Loki would reflect it before striking with his staff. Everytime their weapons clashed, sparks of electricity was generated.

Loki hit Thor with the shaft of the spear and Thor was sent flying a few meters back onto his stomach. Loki jumped in the air and tried to impale him with his spear but Thor moved out of the way causing the spear to impale the ground. Thor then swung with Mjolnir towards Loki's head but Loki ducked under it, swang around the impaled staff, and kicked Thor in the stomach, causing him to stumble backwards.

Both of them began trading blows once more, clash after clash until Loki grabbed Thor from behind. Thor elbowed him in the stomach causing Loki to grunt and then grabbed him by the shoulder and threw him across the room.

He began running towards Loki and Loki stood once more with his staff aimed at Loki. He tried to fire at Thor but Thor tackled him threw the wall and onto the rainbow bridge. Loki landed with a thud and slid over the edge but managed to hold on to the edge where he begged Thor to help him.

Thor walked over with the intnetion of helping when Loki disappeared and reappeared behind him and stabbed him in the shoulder causing him to grunt in pain and drop to his knees. Several illusionary Loki's appeared who all began laughing at Thor and surrounding him but Thor had had enough.

"Enough!" He shouted before summoning a bolt of lightning from above and bringing it down on the bridge. All of the illusionary Loki's disappeared and the real one fell on his back with a thud, dropping his staff in the process.

Thor stood up and walked towards Loki and looked down at him with a mix of rage, disapointment and annoyance. He placed Mjolnir on his chest, so he could not move, before making his way towards the Bifrost.

The bifrost was now pulsing with lightning and Thor could barely move towards it. Loki began struggling under Mjolnir and taunting Thor.

"You cannot stop it Thor. Look at you, all your strength, the all powerful God of Thunder, and yet even you are powerless to stop the inevitable."

Thor ignored his words and instead held out his arm to summon Mjolnir. Upon arriving in his grasp, he looked at the Bifrost with regret before he swung the hammer with frustration at the bridge below his feet.

Unknown to him but the second his hammer hit the ground, a shockwave travelled throughout the entirety of asgard and it was the same moment his fathers eyes opened.

Everytime his hammer impacted the ground, the bridge below him cracked further and further.

"What are you doing? If you destroy the bridge you will never see her again!" Loki screamed but upon hearing these words, Thor swung even harder. Loki quickly grabbed his spear and begun running towards Thor with the intention of stopping him however, the second his spear was about to pierce Thors back, Thor muttered "Forgive me, Jane" and swung one last time.

The second his hammer made contact with the bridge, a huge explosion occured that sent both Thor and Loki flying backwards. The entire bridge began to collapse and the Bifrost began falling down into the void. Both Thor and Loki were sent spiraling into the air and where just about to follow the bifrost into the void when someone grabbed hold of Thors cape.

Thor quickly grabbed hold of the staff Loki was holding and Loki looked up to see Odin standing on the bridge. "I could have done it Father!" he screamed with regret. "I could have done it! For you!.... For all of us." Tears began to fall from his eyes as he stared up at Odin's disappointed expression.

"No Loki" Was Odins reply and Loki just looked on with a crestfallen expression before his eyes narrowed with self-mockery. After a few seconds he suddenly smiled sadly and Thor realised what he was about to do. "Loki no!" He screamed but it was too late.

Loki let go of the staff he was holding and began falling towards the portal opened by the bifrost before disappearing into the void forever. "Nooo" Thor screamed with grief and Odin just stared at the void with both disbelief and heartbreak. "No" He muttered and tears gathered in his eye as he watched the bifrost disappear.

He then pulled Thor back onto the bridge but Thor just knelt on the ground with an expression of disbelief. Thea then appeared out of nowhere with Frigga. Odin looked towards Thea with an apprasing gaze and Thea just maintained his gaze.

Frigga however looked around with confusion. "Where is Loki?" She asked and Thor turned to her with tears in his eyes. Odin looked towards his wife before sighing with regret and pain and Frigga caught on immediately. She stumbled to Thors side before pulling him into a hug as both of them began crying.

Thea just watched awkwardly since she had no idea what to do and didn't really want to ruin the moment.

Back on earth however, Eric, Jane and Darcy all watched as the Bifrost dispeared with a mix of emotions that mostly contained sadness and regret.

3 days later -

A huge feast was occuring inside the palace were a dozen or so people where present. Thea was sat on a windowsill gazing over Asgard with a glass of wine in her hand. She couldn't contact anyone on earth with her phone which means she has no way of letting Nova know she is fine.

Thankfully she told Nova to wait in the apartment in case something like this happens. She also left a credit card for her so she knows Nova will be fine but it still doesn't mean the lovable idiot will worry any less.

As she looked towards the party, she noticed Thor heading towards the baclony where his father stood after having spoke to his mother. Siff then walked towards Frigga and they began conversing but Thea was not interested so she instead disappeared in a flash of lightning and reappeared next to Heimdall on the now broken rainbow bridge.

Unknowing to her, several people were paying attention to her and seeing her abilities interested them even more.

As she stood gazing at the void with her hands in her pockets she asked "Is it broken for good or temporarily?"

Heimdall was silent for a few moments before he replied. "Unknown. There is always a way, but what that way is or how long it takes, I do not know." He said and Thea didn't bother responding. Seeing this, Heimdall decided to ask a question of his own.

"What are you?" he asked. "In all my years of watching the nine realms, I have never seen something like you."

Thea just smiled slightly at the information before responding. "A demon... or so I have been told. In all honesty, I am not sure quite what I am myself."

At this information Heimdall did not respond and just silenly contemplated and minutes later Thor showed up beside the both of them.

"So earth is lost to us." He asked and Heimdall shook his head. "No. There is always hope."

"Can you see her?" Thor asked and Heimdall chuckled. "Yes." He said

"How is she?"

Heimdall went silent for a few moments before responding "She searches for you" Causing a smile to crawl across Thors face.

"What? Can't go more than an hour without Janes lips on yours" Thea teased and Thor just swung Mjolnir at Thea causing her to dodge.

"Hey watch it, you nearly knocked me off the bridge" She said with mock fear and Thor just chuckled. "You'll live"

"Tch. Your just jealous Millie likes me more than you" Thea said and Thor was about to respond when Mjolnir flew out of his grasp and flew towards Thea straight at her face.

"Hey Millie, Thats not how you hug people." Thea said as she began dodging and both Thor and Heimdall watched with amusement.


Do you think Thea should get a weapon from Nidavellir and if so what weapon.

Amateur_keyboard Amateur_keyboard

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