My Shadow Guards returned with all the loot they managed to gather from killing all those Monsters and Monster Girls.
"That's… A lot of Mana Crystals…" I muttered, looking at the large pile of them that reached up to my knees in height.
By my estimate, there should be at least a few thousand of those rocks in there.
Just how many Monsters and Monster Girls did they even kill?
I turned to Verdam who was also staring at the pile of loot in front of us, "Do you want any of this? Since you did say that you need to use a lot of Mana Crystals to create those Monster Girls."
He looked at me in surprise, "You're… Giving them to me?"
I puffed my cheeks, "Not all of it. Just a portion of it."
"That's already more than I can ask for! If you don't mind… I'll take whatever you're offering!"
Journal Entry:
Ok, I admit, that was a little fun... It made me consider getting a Dungeon for myself just for a moment.
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