"So who are you going to invite?" Delmare asked as we headed to school, my Siren currently being carried on my back.
"Mmm… I dunno. Everyone I know I guess?"
We were, of course, talking about my birthday party that would be happening in a few days time.
"Eh? Are you sure that's a good idea, Aster?"
"Don't worry, I already asked the other servants and they told me that they were prepared for the possibility of me inviting the entire school over, which I don't even intend to do in the first place."
"Oh… Then I guess that would be fine."
"Do you have anyone you want to invite as well?"
"Mmm… I was only thinking about Aeta and I believe you would already be inviting her, right?"
I nodded, "I know you want her to come after all so of course."
"Then I have no one else."
I turned to the side, "What about you, Odeta?"
Journal Entry:
I'll have to thank the servants for helping me make these cards... And they're really well made too. All I did was tell them my plan and they gave me a whole stack of them the very next day.
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