I pointed at the first object I saw which happened to be a whip, "What's that?"
"Fufufu~ Oh my, does Aster have someone you want to use it on? That's the Whip of Pleasure~ Does Aster want to take a guess on what it does?"
I groaned, "Don't tell me… Instead of causing pain, it gives pleasure to the one who is being whipped by it?"
"Ufufufu~ That's close but not quite. It gives the person whipping others pleasure proportionate to the pain they cause with the whip actually."
Ok, at least it wasn't the other one since this one feels less kinky… No wait, it's actually just as bad… And I can imagine one specific person who might want to use this or even have it used on her…
Let's just move on…
"What about that dagger over there?"
"Ufufufu, this one is interesting~ When you put your mana into it and slash it in the air, it leaves a cut at the place that you swung and it will cut the next thing that enters that space."
Journal Entry:
Yayyy! I got a new artefact~ I can look for anything I want now~ Like where the girls are so that I'll never lose them!
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