One of the Mercenaries, whom I assumed was their leader by the clearly expensive and high quality armour she was wearing, came up to me and stuck out her hand.
"Thank you for your help, stranger. How may I address you?"
I touched her hand with mine, "It's Aster. No need for thanks, I'm also a Mercenary myself and I'll be frank, I didn't help for free."
She nodded, "I understand, although it would not be my place to decide the rewards. You will have to talk to the caravan leader since we're also hired Mercenaries ourselves. Nevertheless, thank you for intervening in that fight."
Well, isn't she polite?
She brought me over to a lady who was currently reorganising the caravan, being the only one who was dressed in noble clothes.
Hmmm? Why does she look familiar?
Journal Entry:
Damn, how long has it been? I'm surprised she even remembers me to be honest.
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