As we had originally planned, I went to find Mother and Katsuki guided us back to the room that Mother had gone into without me.
I reached up my hand to knock on the door but it swung inwards before I could even reach it, revealing Mary standing behind it.
"Welcome back, Young Mistress. The Madam is waiting for you inside."
Geez, it's almost as if she already knew I was coming.
I stepped inside the room, realising that it was just a normal sitting room complete with a fireplace and several couches and tea tables.
The other maids had arranged themselves around the room, a few of them already moving to prepare tea for me.
Mother was seated in the largest couch sipping on some tea and she smiled when she saw me enter.
"Ara, ara~ Welcome back my little one~ Congratulations on winning the tournament~"
I went over to her and she scooted a little to the side to allow me to sit beside her.
"Thank you Mommy. Were you watching?"
Journal Entry:
Hmm... I'm not sure if it was just me but I think Mother wasn't really happy? I dunno, just a guess.
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