Katsuki was doing my hair the next morning when Dehyia came into the room.
"Young Mistress, Emilia is here to see you."
Oh wow, that early? She must either be really looking forward to our outing or she's really eager to get off her ship.
I'm guessing it must be the latter. I doubt she would be able to sleep well knowing the people around her were against her.
"Umu… Show her in then~"
Dehyia bowed before leaving the room, which prompted Katsuki to speak up.
"Is Mistress sure that I do not need to accompany you today?"
I giggled, "I'm sure. It'll be fine, Katsuki. I'll just be walking around the city with Emilia. Of course, that's just an excuse for her to meet me to talk about her current situation and for me to help her. If it's just the two of us, her crew would not have a reason to accompany us either."
"... Understood, Mistress."
Journal Entry:
I kind of regret not staying a little to watch that woman get thrown out of the store. Although I'm surprised that there's people like her getting angry at something like this. Did she not realise what kind of city this is? Then again, I didn't until recently either.
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