After stuffing the Lich bones and its Mana Crystal into my Pack of Folding, we left the boss room to start our descent into the next floor.
"That was some nice support, Aster. I seriously can't believe that you're just a trainee maid," Kaelin commented.
Eita, however, scowled at Riklan, "What was that at the end? Why did you rush out like that?"
He shrugged in response, "I saw the chance so I took it. What's wrong?"
"Everything? You just abandoned your role as our vanguard and leapt in at the boss! What if you failed?!"
"Come on now, it was a calculated risk since we had Aster supporting us, the risk wasn't that big. Even if I failed, I could have retreated and Aster would have healed me."
Eita narrowed her eyes at him but did not refute his words.
Journal Entry:
I would say this was arguably the easiest fight we have so far... Oh well, who am I to complain though? I literally didn't do anything in this fight and I still get a share of the monster drops~
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