Time really flies but it's the end of the school year already.
Right now I'm in the carriage on my way to attend the end of year ceremony at school.
I looked at the piece of paper in front of me with a complicated face.
"Katsuki? What is this?"
"The speech Mistress requested for me to prepare for your end of year speech, Mistress."
"Err… Doesn't the tone of it still sound a little… Arrogant?"
Katsuki tilted her head slightly, "How so, Mistress?"
"Err… I mean this part that seems like me intentionally goading them that I am standing in front of them because I am the best…"
Mother giggled while hugging me closer from behind, "Ara, ara~ That is only arrogance if it isn't true, my little one~"
I don't think that's how it works, Mother…
"I'm pretty sure if I were to speak all this aloud in front of my peers, they're all going to think I'm some arrogant prick…" I groaned.
Journal Entry:
Am I really going to be alright with this speech? I believe in Katsuki but... Ugh... Alright, I'll just trust her on this. It's too late to change now anyway...
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