Judging by the confused look on Delmare's face, it doesn't seem like she realises these guys have a crush on her.
I raised my hand in greeting, "Umm… Hello. Max and Samuel, was it? Nice to meet you. And yes, I'm dating Delmare."
The two boys blinked at me, then the one on the left raised his hand to point a finger at me slowly.
"Wait… No… Are you… The Special Class Student? That crazy girl who can use like a hundred different types of magic?!"
I scratched my cheek, "Err… I am Aster, the one who has the challenge of requiring my challengers to use eight different types of magic to defeat me in order to take my spot, yes."
What's with that hundred magic? I never claimed that I'm able to do that… Is that what people are saying about me?
"Kuhh… Why did it have to be you?!"
Delmare was looking at them with a stern gaze, obviously not happy with how they were speaking to me but she opted to not say anything for now.
Journal Entry:
She must have a fan club right? I wanna join it~ Then I can even tell everyone how I heard her sing and that her singing it the most beautiful in the World~ Actually, maybe I shouldn't... They would definitely get jealous of me...
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