The steam from the Orc General seemed to increase when I came forward.
Ugh… I think the bulge in his pants got even bigger… I won't be surprised that his pants ripped from how it's straining against the fabric.
Ewww… His drool is literally flowing out of his mouth and splashing on the ground right now.
I don't even want to get close to him anymore…
I raised my palm and shot a [Static Bolt] at him, the electrical discharge shooting towards him at a moderate speed.
Under normal circumstances, the Orc should have been able to avoid the spell easily. But it looks like the Orc had all of his attention focused on me that the spell's existence did not even register in his mind.
The bolt exploded against his red skin, sending sparks of electricity coursing through his body and stopping the monster in his tracks.
I got ready to fire another spell at him when the electricity around the Orc suddenly dispersed, allowing him to move again.
Journal Entry:
I'm still surprised with how the others reacted though... Maybe it's a girl solidarity thing with Orcs? I mean if I were to see someone being raped by an Orc, I would probably try to help them at least...
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