We reached the castle without any other interference, either because there were no other ambushes prepared or they were consolidating their defences in the castle itself.
I was not naive enough to think that we actually managed to scare them off.
Thankfully, the cliff that the castle was built on had a proper trail leading up to its entrance that didn't put you in danger of falling into the lava below, so we ascended the steps normally.
When we had been further away from the castle, I thought that it was made to be macabre and dark on purpose. But now that we were closer to it, I realised the foreboding look it had was only due to the fact that it was literally crumbling and on the verge of collapse.
Looking closer at it, I realised this castle used to be grey but it was probably burned somehow and the surface became charred and caked in soot.
For some reason, the castle looks a little familiar to me too…
Journal Entry:
Aww... Too bad there isn't another version of me around... I think we might be best friends! Or... Mortal enemies if she's going to take all my sweets... Maybe not having one is better...
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