I watched Emilia waltz straight out into the open deck where it was intentionally emptied for her plan.
The guards were waiting for the signal as they hid around the deck, making sure that they could not be seen.
Lisa and I were amongst them as well, where we were positioned behind some crates that had a clear view of the deck.
Since Emilia felt that we would be her final trump card in case her guards were not enough to take the assassin down, we had to hide from her guards as well. That means I was once again wearing my mask while Lisa had her hood up to hide her face.
"I still think this is a bad idea…" I whispered while keeping my eye on the Nekomata captain strolling around without a care.
"Mmm… She will be fine… I think?" Lisa remarked casually.
"You think?"
Journal Entry:
Ugh, so they're doing the dirty work via proxy... This complicates matters... Good thing I still have that skill to block myself from being controlled... Ironically this was thanks to Delmare helping me gain this skill.
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