"Why me? Umm…" I asked, feeling quite confused.
I'm pretty sure if they wanted a poster girl, there's plenty of other girls prettier than I am out there.
Sure, Lisa may have rejected the idea, but that doesn't mean they need to settle for me… Besides, you're looking for a model and I'm most definitely not one.
He stood up, "Oh forgive me, I had been so excited to see you that I forgot my manners. I am Aruule, the owner of this establishment."
"Ah, I'm Aster and this is Lisa. Nice to meet you."
"Ho ho! The pleasure is all mine! Now where were we? Ah, that's right! Please be our poster girl, Miss Aster!"
"Umm… Like I was asking… Why me?"
"You like sweets and you're absolutely beautiful, so the question isn't why you but why not you?"
Now he's just trying to flatter me to get me to agree to his request.
I managed to stop myself from rolling my eyes at his fake compliment and asked, "Ok… What's in it for me?"
Journal Entry:
Wheeee~ The cart is a little bumpy since the suspension of the wheels aren't that good but it's really cool to be pulled by a centaur~ I'm also pretty sure some people would get off from this since you'll be staring at a centaur's butt the entire time. Not me though.
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