In the end, I got to watch Lisa pay off some messenger to pass a written message to Aaron, stating that something important had come up and she was unable to meet him.
That is… After making him wait there for two hours.
We watched from the shop as the messenger ran up to Aaron and delivered the note to him, causing Aaron to stand up in shock and demanding the messenger for more answers.
Obviously the messenger boy had no answer to give since even he was not told the full details either.
Aaron then quickly turned the note around and wrote another message on the note before handing it to the messenger boy.
"He's really desperate isn't he?" Lisa giggled like the entire situation was unrelated to her.
I turned to Lisa, "I've been wondering… Why did you pick him as your target? Actually, how do you even pick who to target?"
"Ehehehe~ Does Aster want to know the long or short version?"
"Umm… Short version?"
Journal Entry:
I guess now I know that Lisa does have some kind of reason to target these people. Or maybe this was just a coincidence and a one time thing, I dunno.
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