Ugh… Can't this line go any faster? I think we've been waiting here for at least ten to fifteen minutes already…
It seems like this is normal for popular dungeons, which is why we have those groups taking this time to rest and do maintenance on their gear while they are waiting for their turn.
If a team decided to take a break here and then decide to challenge the boss after their break is over, it's also apparently common courtesy to let them go ahead of you if they have arrived there before you.
The good thing was that we only had one more group ahead of us and it would be our turn next so it shouldn't take much longer than a few more minutes at most.
Katsuki seemed to be standing out a lot due to the maid clothes she was wearing and I heard some hushed whispers from a few of the Dungeoneers around us. Most of them had just concluded that I was probably a noble from another city here to explore the Dungeon.
Jounal Entry:
I don't want to assume anything, but is it really just because of jealousy that they are like this? Katsuki is jealous that Lisa is now participating in our Dungeon dives while Lisa wants to prove herself better than Katsuki despite it being her first time with me? Is that really the case?
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