The three of us swam after Delmare, the Siren leading us through the network of tunnels without stopping at any of the intersections.
I chanced a look back and realised we were not fast enough as there were a pair of those smugglers swimming after us, the two of them obviously having spotted us and were trying to chase us down.
Delmare looked back and seemed to have realised this too as she quickly swam back to grab my hand, prompting me to make a grab onto Odeta's hand as well who in turn grabbed Emilia's arm.
There was a moment where we stopped moving before Delmare suddenly shot forward like a torpedo, pulling all three of us along with her.
Despite having to pull three of us along, she still managed to propel herself through the water like it was nothing, pulling us away from our pursuers easily.
Soon enough, we managed to lose them in the tunnels as Delmare took a few more turns to confuse them before bringing us out into the open sea.
Journal Entry:
Well, two unexpected reunions in one day is also quite significant. And it's been so long Ardi!! Do you have more sweets for me?
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