All of us turned to face the entrance as the noise of something skittering along the walls started getting louder and louder.
The skittering suddenly stopped when it reached near the opening, as though it was waiting for something.
The three of us held our breaths as we also waited for whatever it was inside to appear.
Slowly, as though it was testing out the light that flooded the cavern, a single thing that looked like a giant spider's leg appeared from the darkness of the tunnel.
It curled to tap against the wall before another leg appeared to place itself on the other wall, making creepy clicking noises in the process.
Next to appear were a pair of long, thin arms that ended in claws reaching out from the darkness to grab against the walls, pulling some kind of creature out of the darkness and into the light.
It looked like what you might get if you crossed a bat, a spider and a Mahun, if the Mahun was some kind of monster that is.
Journal Entry:
We just watched that thing massacre those goblins like it was knocking down some toy houses... And now that very same monster is looking right at us...
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