"Sister Aster?"
"Mnngg… Just a while more Katsuki…" I groaned.
"Sister Aster, wake up…"
"Mnnn… Just a few more minutes…"
"Sister Aster!"
My eyes snapped open and I was met with Odeta looking down at me with concern.
I yawned, "Oh… Good morning Odeta… Did we miss breakfast?"
"Did you forget what happened yesterday, sister Aster?"
I was about to ask what she was talking about when I heard some purring coming from my chest area.
Looking down, I realised Emilia had her face smushed in between my boobs looking really comfortable while she was purring contentedly.
Oh yeah… We fell off the ship last night and we camped out on an island.
"Nngg… Good morning Odeta, how's your wound?"
"Umm… I think I'm ok? I remembered I was bleeding from my side when the explosion happened… And I think Sariena betrayed us or something?"
Journal Entry:
Yeah! New island! New land! New sweets! I'm gonna find those sweets and be the first one to discover them and start up a pastry shop to become the sole seller of those sweets! This is perfect!
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