After forcing… Ahem… Asking one of the sailors about Emilia's whereabouts, I managed to track her down to a rather secluded part of the ship.
There were several other Nekomata sailors around who looked like they wanted to stop me, but for some reason they quickly backed off the moment they saw my face.
That kind of made me curious why they were acting like that, but not enough to distract me from my current goal.
Eventually, I made it to an area where several armed Nekomatas were gathered, though their attention wasn't on me as they seemed to be preoccupied with what was happening at the centre of the room, forming a circle around it.
A Nekomata I did not recognise was forced to stand in the centre of the room with his hands tied to the ceiling and a pair of iron manacles wrapped around his feet. Standing in front of him was Emilia whom I would have stormed up to if she didn't punch the Nekomata across the face at that exact moment.
Journal Entry:
Emiliaaaaaa!! You told me there weren't any sweet shops!! Turns out you're just hoarding them for yourself!! Do you want me to smack you?! How dare you keep such delicious treats from me?!! I demand compensation!!
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