I stared ahead at the boss room where the Goblin General would be waiting inside for the challengers of this dungeon.
"Umm… Is Miss Aster sure about this? I'm a little worried now… Maybe we shouldn't do this after all…" Jerry asked.
I rolled my eyes at him, "First you ask if I would help you and now that I agreed, you're trying to dissuade me. Can you make up your mind?"
"Well… That is before I knew you were actually ten years old, Miss Aster…"
"I'm already questioning why your parents are willing to give you this challenge since it basically looks like suicide. Did they actually want to get rid of you?"
He shook his head, "My parents thought that I would… Well… Give up…"
I turned my gaze to the larger man walking beside him, "Sir Varry, how confident are you that our group can win this fight without me?"
"I would say we would definitely be slaughtered."
"And the chances if I was added in?"
Journal Entry:
I may have underestimated my strength and overestimated the boss's defense... Hey, you can't blame me! This never happened before! Although seeing the stunned faces of Jerry and the other guys was quite comical.
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