On our way through the city to get to the dungeon, I found out pretty quickly that Jerry was… Well… Free spirited.
I suspect that he might be a case of some noble heir that felt too restricted with all the noble etiquette and duties that he goes dungeon diving to relieve his stress. Because of his hobby, he got assigned these three guards as his escorts to keep him alive.
They must have also given him the condition that they needed at least five members before they would let him explore a dungeon, thus why Jerry seemed to really want me to join them.
The fact that his guards were looking at me warily must also mean that someone probably used this to their advantage to get close to their ward before, either for benefits or to assassinate him. Thus, they suspect that I might be someone who intends to harm Jerry.
Well, at least this kind of assures me that he didn't have ulterior motives aside from wanting me to bolster their numbers.
Journal Entry:
Got to fight big trees today, didn't think there would be a day I would actually say that. My Electromancy is levelling up steadily at least, maybe I can get it to tier 2 soon?
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