So… I expected Mother to continue training me but aside from the usual, she's really gotten into the girl side of training a lot.
That means teaching me on how to dress up, how to do my hair and even how to 'flirt'.
She did ask me if I wanted to act like the 'noble lady' type,
That sounded interesting so I said that I wanted to try it.
I'm happy to say that I lasted for a week before I said hell no to that kind of training.
I had to be aware of how I walk, how I talk and even how I breathe. There were so many restrictions and so many subtle things I had to remember for a simple thing alone!
Even just talking to someone could have various different meanings depending on how I phrased it, where my eyes were looking, where my hands were placed, to what degree my chin was tilted, the angle of the fan I was carrying if I possessed one, how my hair was arranged and various other things.
Journal Entry:
I realised how cheat some of my boons are today. I already managed to learn the basic elements within a day of trying.
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